Trader Joe's Oatmeal Cookie Recipe

Grocery Gem: Trader Joe’s Oatmeal Cookie Recipe

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Craving homemade treats that are simple and yummy? Trader Joe’s oatmeal cookie recipe is your answer. It uses gluten-free rolled oats, fitting for various diets. Whip up a batch in your kitchen with ease.

This recipe focuses on quality ingredients for baking. It mixes butter, sugars, peanut butter, eggs, and vanilla for a rich taste. Flour, oats, baking powder, and soda make them chewy and crispy. Plus, M&M candies and chocolate chips add sweet surprises.

These cookies are tasty and nutritious too. They have 191kcal, 23g of carbs, 3g of protein, and 9g of fat. Enjoy them without feeling guilty. They also offer Vitamin A, calcium, and iron.

Home bakers and cookie lovers love this recipe. With a 4.92 rating from 1058 votes, these cookies are a hit. People enjoy their flavor and texture. You’ll make about 27 cookies, plenty to share or keep.

Making these cookies is easy, needing only 15 minutes of prep. Bake them for 20 minutes until golden brown. Your kitchen will smell amazing. Enjoy a warm, delicious cookie after a slight cool down.

These oatmeal cookies are great for any event. They suit a quiet evening or a big get-together. Don’t miss out on this delightful treat. Let Trader Joe’s recipe make your next baking venture memorable.

Trader Joe’s Gluten-Free Oatmeal Cookies

If you’re looking for a tasty gluten-free snack, Trader Joe’s gluten-free rolled oats are perfect. You can make amazing oatmeal cookies that everyone will love. They are specially processed to be gluten-free.

This recipe is packed with flavour. First, get your ingredients ready. You will need unsalted butter, sugars, eggs, baking soda, sea salt, and vanilla extract. Also, get nut butter, finely ground gluten-free oats, and gluten-free rolled oats. Don’t forget raisins, chocolate chips, sunflower seeds, or nuts for extra crunch.

The method is simple. Start by preheating your oven to 350 degrees. Cream the butter with the sugars until they’re light and fluffy. Then, mix in the eggs one by one. Add the baking soda, sea salt, and vanilla extract. Mix it until it’s all combined.

In a different bowl, mix the oats and your favorite additions. Gradually blend the dry mix into the wet one. Keep mixing until it’s all evenly spread out.

To bake, scoop the dough onto a lined baking sheet. Bake for 10-12 minutes, until golden around the edges.

Once done, let the cookies cool on a wire rack. This gives them their perfect texture. You’ll end up with delicious, gluten-free oatmeal cookies. They are crispy, tasty, and perfect for any time.

Statistics Value
Number of years the oldest continuously family-owned chocolate company in the U.S., Guittard, has been in business 152 years
Number of cookies the recipe makes approximately 4 dozen
Oven temperature for baking the cookies 350 degrees
Baking time for the cookies 10-12 minutes
Amount of sugar required for the cookie recipe 3/4 cup of sugar and 3/4 cup of brown sugar
Quantity of butter needed for the cookie recipe 1/4 cup
Ingredients used in the recipe butter, eggs, vanilla, baking soda, peanut butter, Trader Joe’s Gluten-Free Rolled Oats, semi-sweet chocolate chips, sunflower seeds, or chopped walnuts or pecans
The recipe yields 24 servings
Each serving provides 222 calories
Total fat content per serving 12g, with 4g of saturated fat
Each serving offers 5g of protein

Trader Joe’s gluten-free oatmeal cookies are a hit with everyone. They use certified gluten-free oats, making them safe for those with allergies. Bake a batch today and enjoy the superb mix of flavours and textures!

Homemade Oatmeal Cookies with a Twist

Looking for something new for your oatmeal cookies? This homemade recipe includes dried cherries and white chocolate chips. It uses brown sugar, old-fashioned oats, and coconut oil. These ingredients make it a healthier choice.

To start, turn gluten-free oats into a fine flour. Next, mix this oat flour with baking soda and salt for your dry mix.

Then, in another bowl, blend melted coconut oil with dark brown sugar, an egg, and vanilla extract until smooth. This mixture will help bind everything together for chewy cookies.

Mix wet and dry ingredients. Next, stir in dried cherries and white chocolate chips. They bring sweet and tangy tastes to your cookies.

Place spoonfuls of dough on a baking sheet. Sprinkle a bit of coarse sea salt on top for extra flavor. Bake at 350 degrees for a golden finish. Remember, these cookies won’t spread much, so flatten them a bit before baking.

Ingredients: Instructions:
  • Brown sugar
  • Old-fashioned oats
  • Coconut oil
  • Dried cherries
  • White chocolate chips
  1. Blend gluten-free oats into a fine flour consistency.
  2. Combine oat flour with baking soda and salt.
  3. Mix melted coconut oil, dark brown sugar, room temperature egg, and vanilla extract.
  4. Combine wet and dry ingredients.
  5. Fold in dried cherries and white chocolate chips.
  6. Drop spoonfuls of dough onto a baking sheet, flatten slightly, and sprinkle with coarse sea salt.
  7. Bake at 350 degrees until golden brown.

These cookies blend sweet, tart, and oaty tastes perfectly. They’re chewy and oaty, making them a delicious snack any time.

Why stick to normal oatmeal cookies? Try this exciting version. Impress everyone with this tasty mix of oatmeal, dried cherries, and white chocolate chips.

oatmeal cookies with dried cherries and white chocolate chips

Give these amazing homemade oatmeal cookies a try. Enjoy the rich blend of flavors in each bite. Your taste buds will love it!


Trader Joe’s oatmeal cookie recipe is perfect for homemade treat fans. It’s unique and gluten-free, ideal for satisfying your sweet cravings. Whether you love traditional recipes or seek new tastes, these cookies are a top pick.

Their special touch is how they balance nutrition. They cut out extra sugar and add tasty bits like chocolate chips and dried nectarines. The “Row the Oat” cookie is both indulgent and healthy, striking a perfect blend.

What makes the cookie unique? The melted chocolate chips add a gooey texture. Crunchy pistachios and chewy nectarines give it diverse flavors. Yet, adding more crunch and chocolate could make it even better, as suggested by feedback.

Trader Joe’s oatmeal cookies are a comforting delight for everyone. Get your ingredients ready and bake away. Let the smell of cookies fill your kitchen. Enjoy these hearty and delicious biscuits for a fulfilling treat.


Can I use regular rolled oats instead of gluten-free rolled oats in Trader Joe’s oatmeal cookie recipe?

Yes, regular rolled oats are fine if you’re not avoiding gluten. But for those with gluten sensitivity or celiac disease, gluten-free oats are best. This prevents any gluten contamination.

Can I substitute the nut butter in the recipe with a different type of nut butter?

Absolutely! The recipe may suggest sunflower seed butter, but feel free to try almond or cashew butter. Each type gives a unique flavor to your cookies.

Can I replace the raisins or chocolate chips with other mix-ins?

Definitely! The recipe might say raisins or chocolate chips, but you can choose other ingredients. Think dried cranberries, chopped nuts, or shredded coconut. It’s fun to make the recipe your own.


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