Cake with Cream and Strawberries

How to Assemble a Cake with Cream and Strawberries

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Welcome to our guide on making a yummy cake at home. It’s made with vanilla cake, whipped cream, and strawberries. This dessert is perfect for warm summer days.

We’ll show you each step to make this delicious treat. First, bake the vanilla cake and let it cool. Next, make the whipped cream and strawberry filling. Then, we’ll layer and decorate the cake, adding fresh strawberries on top.

This cake looks amazing and tastes even better. With its vanilla cake, creamy filling, and strawberries, it’s a taste feast. Your family and friends will love it at parties or special times.

Ready to make this stunning cake? Let’s start and make a cake that everyone will love.

Ingredients and Preparation for Vanilla Cake Layers

To make a great vanilla cake, you need the right ingredients and steps. This way, your cake will be moist and taste nice. Paying attention now will lead to a perfect dessert later.


  • All-purpose flour
  • Corn starch
  • Baking powder
  • Baking soda
  • Salt
  • Whole milk
  • Sour cream
  • Egg whites
  • Vegetable oil
  • Unsalted butter
  • White granulated sugar
  • Vanilla paste or extract

These items mix into a cake that’s soft, airy, and full of vanilla taste.


  1. Mix all-purpose flour, corn starch, baking powder, baking soda, and salt in a bowl. This gives the cake its form.
  2. In another bowl, whisk milk, sour cream, egg whites, oil, butter, sugar, and vanilla. These wet ingredients make the cake moist and tasty.
  3. Combine the wet and dry mix slowly, beating with a mixer. The batter should be smooth.
  4. Pour the batter into two round cake pans and bake for 25-30 minutes at 350°F. Check with a skewer, it’s ready when it comes out clean.
  5. Cool the cakes for 10 minutes in their pans, then onto a rack until cool.
  6. After they’ve cooled, slice each cake into two layers. You now have four layers ready for your cake.

With the vanilla cakes done, it’s time to see how to put them together with cream and strawberries.

Assembling and Decorating the Cake

The vanilla cake layers are ready for the next step after they cooled and got sliced. It’s time to make something amazing. Get ready for a taste adventure as we put together and decorate this lovely cake.

Start by putting a thin layer of buttercream frosting all over the cake layers. This step makes sure there are no crumbs on the outside and gives the cake a smooth start. Take your time to make the frosting even. This step is like getting the canvas ready for painting.

Now, it’s all about the flavors. Put a mix of whipped cream and strawberries on each layer. This part adds the creamy and sweet flavors that will mix in a great way. It will really make your mouth happy.

After that, gently stack the layers together and start seeing your cake come together. At the top layer, cover the whole cake with plain whipped cream. Each swirl and stroke makes the cake look amazing.

And then, the final special step. Add more sliced strawberries on the top. It makes the cake look fresh and beautiful. You can also add gentle flowers or raspberries for an extra touch.

Finally, be patient and let the cake chill in the fridge for a while. This makes everything come together. When you eat it, enjoy how the creamy frosting and fresh strawberries mix. This is a cake made with care that you’ll love.


Can I use a different type of cake for this recipe?

This recipe likes a moist vanilla cake, but feel free to mix it up with other flavors. Just be sure the cake you pick is strong enough for the creamy and fruity filling.

How far in advance can I make this cake?

You can bake the layers ahead, storing them well for a day or two. But put it all together and frost it fresh on the day of serving for the tastiest treat.

Can I substitute the strawberries with a different fruit?

Sure thing! Try this recipe with raspberries, blueberries, or even peaches. Let your creativity flow by choosing your favorite fruit or mixing a few together.

Can I use store-bought whipped cream for this recipe?

While the quick option of store-bought whipped cream is there, homemade is the way to go. It holds up better and gives that coveted light and fluffy feel.

How long does the cake need to refrigerate before serving?

Chilling the cake for at least 4 hours before serving is a good idea. Overnight is even better, letting it firm up for easier slicing and maximum flavor.

Can I freeze the leftover cake?

Wrapping your extra cake tightly is key before freezing it. Thaw in the fridge the day before you’ll want another slice, and it’ll be just as good.

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