Crack Cookies Recipe

Irresistible Crack Cookies Recipe: A Must-Try Delight

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The crack cookies recipe is a delight for anyone who loves baking. It combines sweet and salty tastes in a perfect way. You’ll find a crispy cracker base, covered in creamy caramel, melted chocolate, and pieces of Snickers or Heath bars.

Every bite offers a mix of textures. There’s the crunch, then the chew, and finally, the smooth chocolate. These cookies are ideal for anyone with a sweet tooth. They’re also bound to wow guests at a party. Get set for the amazing world of crack cookies!

Recipe Ingredients and Instructions

The ingredients for crack cookies are easy to find. You’ll need saltine crackers, butter, brown sugar, chocolate chips, and Snickers bars. First, you line a baking sheet with foil. Then, you lay the crackers on it and pour over a mix of melted butter and brown sugar. After a quick bake, add chocolate chips. They’ll melt and can be spread with a spoon.

The cookies need to freeze to set. After that, you can break them into pieces. Keep them cold for a lasting fresh taste.

Tips and Variations

Here’s how to make your crack cookies even better. Be careful with the hot caramel and keep it simmering gently. Add a touch of peppermint if you like. For variety, insert a Rolo for a caramel centre or mix in some Nutella or peanut butter. Try nuts for an extra crunch, or top them with a Hershey’s Kiss. Accurate measuring and chilling the dough helps keep it from sticking. You can even freeze the cookies or the dough for later. These tips make your crack cookies uniquely yours. They let you play with many tastes and textures.

Recipe Ingredients and Instructions

Do you want to make something that’s both sweet and salty? Try crack cookies. They mix crunchy crackers, gooey caramel, and rich chocolate. Here’s how to make these tasty treats.


  • Saltine crackers – 1 sleeve
  • Butter – 1 cup
  • Brown sugar – 1 cup
  • Semi-sweet chocolate chips – 2 cups
  • Fun-sized Snickers bars (or crushed Heath bars) – 4 bars

First, get all your ingredients together.


  1. Preheat your oven to 350°F (175°C) and line a cookie sheet with foil.
  2. Put the saltine crackers in a single layer on the cookie sheet.
  3. In a saucepan, melt the butter on medium heat.
  4. Add brown sugar to the melted butter, stirring well.
  5. Wait for it to gently boil, then let it simmer for 5 minutes, stirring sometimes.
  6. Spread the caramel mix over the crackers evenly.
  7. Bake for 5 minutes in the oven.
  8. Sprinkle the chocolate chips on top of the caramel.
  9. Press down gently with a spoon as the chocolate melts to make it smooth.
  10. While the chocolate is soft, add your choice of topping – Snickers or Heath bars.
  11. Let the cookies cool a bit, then move them to the freezer.
  12. Freeze for at least 2 hours or until firm.
  13. Once they’re frozen, you can break or cut them into pieces.

And they’re done! Your crack cookies are ready to eat. Keep them in the fridge for the best taste. They’re great for you to enjoy or as a nice gift. Dive into the mix of sweet and salty in these cookies for a happy treat. Enjoy every bite.

Tips and Variations

Make sure your crack cookies come out great with these tips and changes. Be careful when dealing with the hot caramel. Keep it at a gentle boil. This stops the mix from getting too hard. For a different taste, use 1/2 tsp of peppermint extract. It makes your cookies taste minty fresh.

Change up the flavours by trying various fillings. Use Rolo chocolates for a gooey caramel centre. Or, add Nutella or peanut butter for a nutty kick. For more crunch, put in some chopped pecans or walnuts. An extra lovely touch is to put a Hershey’s Kiss on top of the cookies.

It’s vital to measure ingredients accurately and chill the dough well. Chilling the dough stops it sticking. If you can’t eat all the cookies at once, freeze them. You can freeze both the baked cookies and the dough. This means you’ll always have some ready to enjoy.

Use these ideas to make crack cookies your way. Whether you like classic tastes or new twists, this recipe is for you. It lets you create a treat that’s both yummy and enjoyable.


Can I use a different type of cracker for the base of the crack cookies?

Yes, you can try different crackers to see what you like best. Many people like saltines for their saltiness and crunch. This crunch contrasts well with the sweet caramel and chocolate.

Can I substitute the Snickers bars with other candy bars?

Of course! The recipe is flexible. It suggests Snickers or Heath but feel free to use your favourite candy bars. Experiment to add the flavours you love to your crack cookies.

How long can I store the crack cookies?

You can keep them in an airtight container for a week in the fridge. For longer, freeze them for up to three months. Remember to thaw in the fridge before eating.

Can I omit the nuts in the crack cookies?

Absolutely! If nuts aren’t your thing or someone has an allergy, just leave them out. The cookies will still be tasty without pecans or walnuts.

Can I double the recipe to make more crack cookies?

Yes, you can make a bigger batch, even triple it, if you like. Remember, you’ll need a bigger baking sheet and to bake longer. Testing a small batch first is wise.

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