marshmallow and chocolate rice krispie cakes

Marshmallow and Chocolate Rice Krispie Cakes: A Perfect Party Treat

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Marshmallow and chocolate rice krispie cakes steal the show at parties. They have a soft, sticky inside and a crispy, delightful outside. These cakes combine the best of both worlds, making them a hit with everyone.

They’re not just for big celebrations, either. If you’re having a small gathering with friends or family, they fit right in. These treats ensure smiles all around at any event.

Making them is a breeze. Just mix melted marshmallows with rice cereal and chocolate. It’s that simple. This classic treat is always a popular choice for any get-together.

Imagine the joy on your guests’ faces when they taste these yummy cakes. The next time you throw a party, consider these as part of your menu. Get ready to impress with your baking skills. Let’s cook up some fun with marshmallow and chocolate rice krispie cakes!

How to Make Marshmallow and Chocolate Rice Krispie Cakes

Making marshmallow and chocolate rice krispie cakes is easy with just a few ingredients:

  • butter
  • miniature marshmallows
  • crispy rice cereal

Follow this easy guide:

  1. Melt butter in a big pot over low heat.
  2. Put in the mini marshmallows and mix until they melt and mix well.
  3. Keep stirring as it cooks for 2 more minutes to prevent sticking.
  4. Take it off the heat and add the cereal. Stir until it’s mixed well.
  5. Now, press this mix into a buttered 9×13-inch pan using a spatula or waxed paper.
  6. Wait for it to cool completely before cutting into 2-inch squares.

These cakes are perfect for any event. They’re great for parties, snacks, or sharing. They mix the chewiness of melted marshmallows with crispy cereal. This creates a delicious mix of textures and flavors.

You can also get creative with this recipe. Try adding peanut butter, caramel, or Nutella for unique tastes. Top them with sprinkles, cookies, or chocolate drizzles. There are so many ways to make them your own.

So, have fun making marshmallow and chocolate rice krispie cakes. They’re easy, versatile, and loved by everyone. Enjoy every bite of this sweet treat.

Variations and Tips for Marshmallow and Chocolate Rice Krispie Cakes

Marshmallow and chocolate rice krispie cakes can be tweaked in many ways. Try out new ideas and tips to make them even more delicious. This guide will help you make amazing treats.

1. Add Exciting Ingredients

Add extra ingredients to make your cakes more exciting. You can mix in chocolate chips, butterscotch chips, or even sprinkles. This not only makes them tastier but prettier too.

2. Experiment with Shapes and Sizes

Have fun with shapes and sizes for your cakes. Use cookie cutters for shapes like hearts and stars, or cut them into triangles. These unique shapes make the cakes look great and fun to eat.

3. Proper Storage for Freshness

Store your cakes in an airtight container at room temperature. This can keep them fresh for up to three days. Having them last longer means you can enjoy them more.

4. Gooey Marshmallow Fluff Alternative

Like them extra gooey? Try using marshmallow fluff instead of small marshmallows. The fluff adds a richer, gooier texture. It brings your cakes to another level of sweetness.

marshmallow and chocolate rice krispie cakes

Play around with your marshmallow and chocolate rice krispie cakes. Discover new twists and tips to impress everyone. A little creativity can make your treats unforgettable.


Marshmallow and chocolate rice krispie cakes are a beloved treat. They mix the softness of marshmallows with a crisp from the cereal. Once you try one, you’ll want more.

They fit any event, from big parties to small get-togethers. Or maybe just for yourself. You won’t find anyone who doesn’t love them.

Thinking about your next party? Why not make these amazing cakes? It’s easy. Melt the marshmallows, add the cereal, then let it cool. They’re a treat that your friends will love.

These cakes will put a smile on anyone’s face. Share them at your next gathering. They’ll be a hit, every time.


Can I use regular-sized marshmallows instead of miniature marshmallows?

Yes, regular marshmallows work too. Just cut them small for easier melting.

How long do marshmallow and chocolate rice krispie cakes stay fresh?

Keep them in an airtight container at room temp. They’ll stay good for up to 3 days.

Can I add extra ingredients to the marshmallow and chocolate rice krispie cakes?

For sure! Try mixing in things like chocolate chips or sprinkles. It makes them even tastier.

What other shapes can I make besides squares?

You can use fun cookie cutters for various shapes. Or, try cutting them as triangles or circles for something different.

Can I use marshmallow fluff instead of miniature marshmallows?

Yes, you can. It will make your treats extra gooey if that’s the texture you like.

Are marshmallow and chocolate rice krispie cakes suitable for any occasion?

They’re great for all sorts of events – from birthdays to holidays and more.

How long does it take to make marshmallow and chocolate rice krispie cakes?

They’re quick to whip up. Making them usually takes about 15-20 minutes.

Can I make marshmallow and chocolate rice krispie cakes ahead of time?

Certainly! You can prepare them early and store in a container until you need them.

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