Mary Berry Banana and Chocolate Cake

Mary Berry’s Perfect Blend: Banana and Chocolate Cake

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Welcome to Mary Berry’s delicious mix: Banana and Chocolate Cake. It combines ripe bananas with rich chocolate. It’s a great way to use up overripe bananas and makes a simple but tasty treat.

Just think about a cake that’s both moist and sweet. The bananas give it a natural sweetness that matches the rich chocolate. It’s a cake that feels like a dream with every bite.

This cake isn’t just about the flavor. It’s loaded with chocolate chips and topped with more chocolate. This extra touch makes every mouthful a luxury for your taste buds.

Don’t hold back. Try Mary Berry’s creation and enjoy the perfect mix of bananas and chocolate. It’s a taste you won’t forget!

Ingredients and Method

To make Mary Berry’s Banana and Chocolate Cake, gather these ingredients:

Ingredients Quantity
Ripe banana 1
Milk 2 tablespoons
Soft butter 100g
Plain flour 175g
Caster sugar 175g
Bicarbonate of soda 1/2 teaspoon
Baking powder 1/2 teaspoon
Free-range egg 1
Dark chocolate chips 75g
Dark chocolate for decoration

Mash the ripe banana in a bowl. Mix in the milk, butter, flour, sugar, soda, powder, and egg. Use a hand whisk to blend until smooth.

Add the chocolate chips to the batter. Mix well. Pour the batter into a greased loaf tin.

Put the tin in an oven at 180°C (350°F). Bake for 45-50 minutes. Check with a skewer – if it comes out clean, it’s ready.

Cool the cake in the tin, then move it to a rack. Melt some dark chocolate. Drizzle it on the cake for decoration.

Ready to bake Mary Berry’s Banana and Chocolate Cake? It’s sure to be a hit with your friends and family. Enjoy the delicious taste of bananas and rich dark chocolate in every bite. Happy baking!

Serving and Enjoying Mary Berry’s Banana and Chocolate Cake

Once Mary Berry’s Banana and Chocolate Cake is baked to perfection, slicing and serving make it even better. This cake is moist and full of chocolate chips. Every bite is a joy.

A chocolate drizzle on top makes the cake look and taste amazing. It’s a sweet treat for both eyes and mouth.

Mary Berry’s Banana and Chocolate Cake is great for any special day. Or you can enjoy it just because. Cut a piece and taste the heaven in every bite.

Every piece of Mary Berry’s Banana and Chocolate Cake is a mini celebration. Enjoy this special treat. Let the mix of flavors make you want more.


Is Mary Berry’s Banana and Chocolate Cake difficult to make?

Making this cake is easy. It’s great for beginners and pros alike. You’ll enjoy baking it.

Can I substitute the dark chocolate with milk chocolate?

Yes, you can use milk chocolate instead. This will make the cake sweeter, if you like.

How long does it take to bake the cake?

It bakes in 50 to 60 minutes. Remember to check with a skewer. If it comes out clean, your cake is done.

Can I freeze Mary Berry’s Banana and Chocolate Cake?

Freezing the cake is fine. After it cools, wrap it up well. You can keep it in the freezer for 3 months.

How should I store the cake after baking?

Store the cake in an airtight box at room temp for 3-4 days. If you put it in the fridge, let it warm up before eating.

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