Recipe for Banana Cake Using Oil

Moist Banana Cake Recipe Using Oil: A Healthier Choice

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Welcome to our article on a yummy and healthy banana cake! We’ll teach you to make it moist using oil, not butter. This change keeps the cake soft and fresh for longer.

Our recipe is great for those wanting a healthier cake that still tastes amazing. Using oil means less unhealthy fats but the cake is still moist.

This banana cake is also good for vegans. It swaps eggs, milk, and cream cheese for plant-based alternatives. So, it’s perfect for dairy-free or vegan diets.

Just 9 ingredients and a short baking time make this recipe simple. It’s perfect for a family treat or impressing at a gathering. Your moist banana cake will surely be loved.

Looking for a healthy, moist banana cake? Try our oil-based recipe. Enjoy a guilt-free slice of this tasty cake!

Reasons to Love this Easy Banana Cake Recipe

This easy banana cake has so much to offer. It’s made with simple pantry ingredients. You’ll likely have everything you need at home.

Using oil instead of butter makes this cake moist and tender. It’s also egg-free and dairy-free, perfect for vegans or those with allergies. You can make it quickly with just a few steps.

The cake doesn’t need the frosting to taste good. But, adding the cinnamon cream cheese frosting makes it even better. It’s a fantastic way to use those overripe bananas. Perfect for any small gathering or celebration.

Reasons to Love this Easy Banana Cake Recipe:

  1. Simple and commonly found pantry ingredients
  2. Moist and tender texture
  3. Egg-free and dairy-free, suitable for vegans
  4. Easy to make with just 9 ingredients
  5. Optional cinnamon cream cheese frosting
  6. Perfect for using up ripe bananas
  7. Great for small gatherings or celebrations


“This easy banana cake recipe has become a family favorite! The moist and tender texture is unmatched, and the simple ingredients make it a go-to dessert option. Plus, the cream cheese frosting with a hint of cinnamon takes the flavor to the next level. It’s perfect for any occasion, from a casual get-together to a special celebration.” – Emily

How to Make Moist Banana Cake with Oil

It’s easy to make a moist banana cake with oil. Just follow these steps. You’ll bake a cake that’s both flavorful and soft – everyone will want more.

Gather Your Ingredients

First, make sure you have these ingredients:

  • Ripe bananas
  • All-purpose flour
  • Baking powder
  • Baking soda
  • Salt
  • Granulated sugar
  • Vegetable oil
  • Vanilla extract
  • Buttermilk (or a substitute)

Prepare the Batter

Set your oven to 350F (175C) and grease a baking pan. In a large bowl, mix the flour, baking powder, baking soda, and salt together.

“Mixing the dry ingredients separately ensures that they are evenly distributed in the batter, resulting in a well-balanced cake.”

In another bowl, mash the bananas until they’re smooth. Add sugar, oil, vanilla, and buttermilk to the bananas. Mix until everything is combined.

Gradually add the dry mixture to the wet mixture. Mix until everything is just combined. Make sure not to overmix. The batter should be smooth and a little thick.

Moist Banana Cake with Oil

Baking the Cake

Pour the batter into the prepared pan, spreading it out evenly. Bake it for about 24-26 minutes. A clean toothpick means it’s ready.

“Baking the cake at the right temperature and for the recommended time is crucial for achieving the perfect texture and moisture.”

After baking, cool the cake in the pan for 10 minutes. Then, move it to a wire rack to cool completely before adding frosting.

Your homemade moist banana cake with oil is now ready. You can serve it plain or with cream cheese or buttercream frosting. Either way, it’s a hit.


This moist banana cake is a yummy and better-for-you dessert choice. It’s made with oil, not butter, so it’s moist and tender. That means you get a cake that’s not only tasty but also fresh for longer.

This recipe fits many diets, even vegan or dairy-free. It’s great for anyone. You can top it with a tasty cinnamon cream cheese frosting or eat it plain. Either way, it’s a delicious option.

Got some ripe bananas? Make this great cake! It’s perfect for any occasion, big or small. This recipe turns old bananas into a treat everyone will love.

Enjoy a slice of this cake for a sweet but healthier pick. Its great taste and healthy ingredients make it a top choice. So, treat yourself to a piece and enjoy every bite.


Can I use a different type of oil in this banana cake recipe?

Yes, you can use different types of oil in this recipe. Options include vegetable, canola, or coconut oil. Pick an oil with a mild flavor so it doesn’t take away from the banana taste.

Is it necessary to use cream cheese frosting for this banana cake?

No, you don’t have to use cream cheese frosting. The cake is tasty by itself. Yet, cinnamon cream cheese frosting adds extra flavor. You can also choose other frostings or eat the cake plain.

Can I make this banana cake recipe ahead of time?

Absolutely, you can make the cake in advance. Once it cools, store it in an airtight container. It will stay good at room temperature for up to 3 days. If you need to make it earlier, refrigerate it, making sure to let it reach room temperature before serving.

Can I freeze this banana cake?

Yes, you can freeze this banana cake. Ensure it cools down completely first. Wrap it well in plastic wrap, then into a freezer-safe container. It remains good in the freezer for 3 months. When ready to eat, let it thaw at room temperature.

Can I use this recipe to make cupcakes instead of a cake?

Yes, you can use this recipe for cupcakes. Divide the batter into cupcake liners in a muffin tin. Bake for 18-20 minutes, or until a toothpick comes out clean. Top with frosting if you like.

Can I add nuts or chocolate chips to this banana cake?

Yes, nuts or chocolate chips can be added. Mix in chopped walnuts or pecans, or chocolate chips, before baking. Remember to adjust the baking time as needed.

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