paul chocolate cake

Paul’s Chocolate Cake: A Review of the Bakery’s Signature Dessert

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Welcome to our Paul’s Chocolate Cake review. It’s the top pick at one of our go-to bakeries. If you love chocolate cake, you’re in for something special. We’ll look deep into why this cake is loved by so many.

Paul’s Chocolate Cake stands out for its rich taste and supreme quality. Each bite is pure joy, making you want more. The bakery nailed making it moist and packed with flavor, beating out others.

This cake shines in its unique making process. It starts with melting high-end chocolate and butter. This mix joins eggs, sour cream, oil, and vanilla. The outcome? A batter that smells and tastes heavenly as it bakes.

The cake is baked in two cake tins until a wooden skewer comes out clean. This means it’s perfectly baked, ready for you to enjoy.

After cooling, the cake gets covered in a thick, creamy ganache. This ganache, a mix of chocolate, butter, and cream, makes it even more special. The treat isn’t complete without fresh raspberries. They add a pop of flavor to the rich chocolate.

Trying Paul’s Chocolate Cake is a must. Next, we’ll share how to bake this delight. Get ready for a treat that’s perfect for any chocolate fan. It’s a journey worth taking.

How to Make Paul’s Chocolate Cake

Making Paul’s Chocolate Cake is a great way to share a special treat with loved ones. Just follow the simple steps below. This cake will wow anyone who tries it.


  • Plain flour
  • Baking powder
  • Bicarbonate of soda
  • Caster sugar
  • Salt
  • Cocoa powder
  • Whole milk
  • Vegetable oil
  • Warm water
  • Eggs
  • Dark chocolate
  • Unsalted butter
  • Double cream
  • Caster sugar
  • Fresh raspberries


  1. Preheat your oven to 180°C and grease and line two cake tins.
  2. In a heatproof bowl, melt the dark chocolate and unsalted butter together. You can use a microwave or a double boiler for this step.
  3. In a separate bowl, whisk together the eggs, caster sugar, whole milk, vegetable oil, and warm water until well combined.
  4. Pour the wet ingredients into the melted chocolate mixture and mix until smooth and evenly combined.
  5. Sift the plain flour, baking powder, bicarbonate of soda, cocoa powder, and salt into the chocolate batter and gently fold until the dry ingredients are fully incorporated.
  6. Divide the cake batter equally between the prepared cake tins.
  7. Bake in the preheated oven for approximately 25-30 minutes, or until a wooden skewer inserted into the center of the cakes comes out clean.
  8. Once baked, remove the cakes from the oven and allow them to cool in the tins for 10 minutes. Then, transfer them to a wire rack to cool completely.
  9. In the meantime, prepare the ganache by heating the double cream and caster sugar in a small saucepan until steaming. Pour the hot cream over the dark chocolate and stir until smooth and shiny.
  10. Once the cakes are completely cooled, spread a layer of ganache on top of one cake layer, then place the second cake layer on top. Note: You can also fill the cake with whipped cream or your favorite frosting, if desired.
  11. Generously pour the ganache over the assembled cake and spread it evenly over the sides using a spatula.
  12. Finally, arrange fresh raspberries on top of the cake as a stunning decoration.

Now, gaze at your masterpiece – the delectable Paul’s Chocolate Cake. Cut yourself a piece, enjoying its divine taste. Share it with those you love, and see the joy it brings to their faces.

The Bake Off Box: A Fun Way to Try Paul’s Chocolate Cake at Home

Want to try Paul’s Chocolate Cake at home? The Bake Off Box makes it easy and fun. It comes with a monthly subscription. You get a recipe card and pre-measured dry ingredients. This makes baking simple and enjoyable.

Bake Off Box

The Bake Off Box is loved by many baking fans. Each month, you get a new dessert recipe. All the dry ingredients you need come pre-measured. In February 2021, it featured Paul’s Chocolate Cake, a favorite from bakeries.

How Does It Work?

After signing up, a beautifully designed box arrives at your door. Inside is a recipe for Paul’s Chocolate Cake. It shows how much of each wet ingredient you’ll need. Things like salt, milk, and eggs are listed.

“The Bake Off Box has been a game-changer for me. I love baking, but sometimes I struggle with finding the right ingredients or following complex recipes. With this subscription, everything is already measured out for me, and the recipe card is easy to follow. Making Paul’s Chocolate Cake has never been simpler!” – Sarah, a happy subscriber

You also get the dry ingredients you need. No more hunting for odd items or worrying about getting the measurements right. The Bake Off Box team picks only high-quality ingredients. This guarantees your cake will turn out great.

Experience the Joy of Baking

Baking Paul’s Chocolate Cake with The Bake Off Box is fun and rewarding. You’ll enjoy sharing this baking experience with loved ones. Create a delicious treat together.

The Bake Off Box makes baking stress-free. With the recipe and ingredients ready, you only need to enjoy. Make a perfect dessert without the hassle.

Benefits of The Bake Off Box Why Choose The Bake Off Box?
Convenience: All ingredients are pre-measured, saving you time and effort. Quality Ingredients: The box includes high-quality ingredients for the best results.
Variety: Each month, a new recipe and dessert to explore. Expertly Curated: The team behind The Bake Off Box selects the best recipes and ingredients.
Community: Connect with other baking enthusiasts through online forums and tips. Fun and Engaging: Baking becomes an enjoyable activity for everyone.

It doesn’t matter if you’re new to baking or a pro. The Bake Off Box is a great way to try Paul’s Chocolate Cake at home. Start a baking journey and enjoy making tasty treats.


Paul’s Chocolate Cake should be on your dessert wish list. It’s famous for its deep taste, soft inside, and the luscious ganache. You can enjoy it in the bakery or try making it at home with The Bake Off Box’s recipe. This treat will surely please your sweet tooth.

Every bite brings a mix of sweet and rich flavors. This is why people love Paul’s Chocolate Cake. It combines chocolate, butter, sour cream, and raspberries in a tasty blend. You won’t be able to resist having more.

Don’t put off trying Paul’s Chocolate Cake. Taste its amazing flavors and let them win you over. It’s a great pick for any moment you want to make special or simply enjoy something yummy. Let Paul’s Chocolate Cake be the reason your taste buds celebrate today.


What makes Paul’s Chocolate Cake a signature dessert of the bakery?

Paul’s Chocolate Cake is a top pick for those who love sweets. Its rich taste makes it stand out.

What are the main ingredients needed to make Paul’s Chocolate Cake?

You’ll need plain flour, baking powder, and more. These ingredients help create the perfect Paul’s Chocolate Cake taste.

How is Paul’s Chocolate Cake made?

First, prepare the cake tins. Then, mix melted chocolate and butter. Next, blend the wet ingredients and add the chocolate mix.

Add dry ingredients slowly. Divide the batter and bake. After cooling, top with ganache and raspberries.

What is The Bake Off Box?

It’s a fun service sending dessert recipes and ingredients every month. This way, you can bake like you’re in a contest.

Did The Bake Off Box feature Paul’s Chocolate Cake?

Yes, in February 2021, it included the recipe for Paul’s Chocolate Cake. Subscribers got dry ingredients and a cake stand. They only had to add the wet ones.

Can I make Paul’s Chocolate Cake at home?

Sure thing! You can try Paul’s Chocolate Cake with or without The Bake Off Box. Just follow the ingredients and steps we mentioned.

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