Strawberry and Cream Cake Recipe

Simple Recipe for a Delightful Strawberry and Cream Cake

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Welcome to the yummy world of Strawberry and Cream Cake making! This cake is perfect for enjoying summer’s delicious flavors. Just imagine biting into soft vanilla cake, smooth vanilla buttercream, and fresh strawberries. It’s a heavenly treat for any occasion.

First off, we’ll make the soft vanilla cake layers. We mix flour, cornstarch, baking powder, and more to get the perfect texture. These layers are ready to hold the delicious ingredients we’ll add next.

Now, let’s talk about the rich vanilla buttercream. It’s made by blending butter, sugar, and vanilla. This mixture turns into a creamy topping. Then we add fresh strawberries and a dusting of sugar on top. This adds a sweet summer touch to our cake.

Imagine the joy this cake will bring to your celebrations. it’s perfect for any event or simply when you crave something sweet. With its refreshing taste, it’s a dessert that everyone will love. So, let’s start baking and enjoy this delightful treat!

Vanilla Cake Layers

Creating a great Strawberry and Cream Cake begins with the vanilla cake layers. They are both light and fluffy, setting up the perfect mix with fresh strawberries and buttercream.

You need dry and wet ingredients for the vanilla cake layers. The dry ones are all-purpose flour, corn starch, and more. They make the cake soft and moist.

The wet ingredients include whole milk, sour cream, and others. Mixing these in makes the cake layers rich and moist.

Now, blend the dry and wet parts together. Add these alternately to sugar and vanilla. This makes sure the batter is mixed well.

Next, pour the batter into cake pans. Make the tops smooth. Then, bake in a preheated oven until they’re done.

After baking and cooling, these layers are perfect for the Strawberry and Cream Cake. They add just the right flavor and texture.

Tips for Perfect Vanilla Cake Layers

  • Start with ingredients at room temperature. This makes them mix easier into the batter.
  • Use a kitchen scale to measure dry ingredients precisely. It leads to a nice, even cake.
  • When mixing, add dry and wet ingredients in turns. This keeps the cake soft.
  • Check for doneness carefully. A clean skewer means they’re ready, so don’t overbake.
  • Let the cakes cool before taking them out of the pans. This keeps them from breaking.

By following these tips and using a solid recipe, you can make top-notch vanilla cake layers. They are essential for your Strawberry and Cream Cake.

Vanilla Buttercream + Topping

The key to the Strawberry Cream Cake is its Vanilla Buttercream. It adds a rich, creamy flavor layer. The buttercream is made with top-quality ingredients and a hint of vanilla.

First, use room-temperature unsalted butter. Beat it until soft and creamy. Then, slowly mix in powdered sugar and salt until smooth. This step ensures a perfect sweetness.

Now, it’s the vanilla extract’s turn. This makes the buttercream’s flavor shine, especially against the strawberries. Mix the vanilla evenly into the buttercream.

Next, it’s time for the heavy cream. It makes the buttercream light and fluffy. Beat the mix until it’s creamy, and remember to scrape the bowl’s sides to mix it all well.

The Vanilla Buttercream is ready for the cake. Place a vanilla cake layer on a board. Spread buttercream evenly on top. Then, layer on sliced strawberries.

Place the second cake layer carefully on top. This step makes the cake taller and more appealing. Use a thin layer of buttercream all over the cake. This is called a crumb coat, and it smooths the cake.

Chill the cake to set the crumb coat. This makes the final buttercream layer stick well. Then, add more buttercream using a bag or spatula. Create lovely designs on the cake.

Now, top the cake with beautiful and tasty things like chamomile and strawberries. It makes the cake look special. A little powdered sugar adds a finishing touch.

Topping for Strawberry Cream Cake

Ingredients for Vanilla Buttercream:

  • 1 cup (2 sticks) unsalted butter, at room temperature
  • 4 cups powdered sugar
  • Pinch of salt
  • 2 teaspoons vanilla paste or extract
  • 1/4 cup heavy cream


The Strawberry Cream Cake is made perfect with Vanilla Buttercream. Its rich taste pairs well with fresh strawberries. Adding pretty toppings makes the cake great for any celebration. With the buttercream and toppings, every slice is a delightful treat.


This Strawberry and Cream Cake is perfect for summer. It combines vanilla cake with creamy buttercream and fresh strawberries. This mix makes a sweet, fresh cake ideal for any event or just a treat.

Keep it covered on the counter for 3 days, or in the fridge. You can also freeze it for later. Taste the summer with this Strawberry and Cream Cake!

Strawberry and Cream Cake Conclusion: This cake brings a taste of summer with its vanilla, cream, and berries. It fits perfectly for special events or when you need a tasty snack. You can keep it for a few days or freeze it. Try out this Strawberry and Cream Cake!

Final Thoughts on Strawberry and Cream Cake Recipe: The blend of fluffy cake, creamy buttercream, and strawberries is perfect. It’s great for any time and sure to please. Make sure not to miss this Strawberry and Cream Cake!


How long does it take to make this Strawberry and Cream Cake?

It takes about 1 hour to prepare the cake. Then, you need another 30-35 minutes to bake it. So, making the whole cake will be around 1 hour and 30 minutes.

Can I use frozen strawberries instead of fresh ones?

Fresh strawberries bring the best taste and texture. But, if you can’t find fresh ones, frozen strawberries will do. Just remember to thaw and drain them before using.

How should I store the Strawberry and Cream Cake?

Keep the cake covered at room temperature for up to 3 days. For longer storage, refrigerate it. Make sure it’s well covered to stay moist. You can freeze leftover layers as well.

Can I add any other fruits to the cake?

Definitely! You can add other fruits besides strawberries. Raspberries, blueberries, or sliced peaches go well with it.

Can I make this cake in advance for a special occasion?

Yes, preparing this cake a day early can actually improve its flavor. Store it properly to keep it fresh until the event.

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