Corn and Cinnamon Butter Cookies Recipe

Spice of Life: Relish Corn and Cinnamon Butter Cookies Recipe

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These corn and cinnamon butter cookies are not your ordinary snack. Instead, they blend the sweet taste of corn with aromatic spices. This includes paprika, cumin, and cinnamon. They give you a flavor journey that feels like a tale from Arabian nights.

Adding butter makes these cookies rich and deep in flavour. They are perfect for the festive season, joining your holiday cookie list. So, get set for an amazing taste experience.

The corn and cinnamon butter cookies represent life’s variety. They mix sweet and savoury in a special way, making them truly enjoyable. If you love trying unique cookies or want to add a twist to your baking, this is the recipe for you.

Don’t wait any longer. Start a flavour adventure with these amazing cookies. Prepare to impress everyone with the delicious outcome.

A Unique Blend of Flavors

This recipe for corn and cinnamon butter cookies is truly special. It uses a mix of wonderful spices. Just picture the sweet smell of spices like paprika, black pepper, and cinnamon. These cookies get a unique flavour that’s hard to forget.

The mix of sweet and savoury flavours in these cookies is amazing. The buttery cookies get even better with spices. As you eat, the different flavours all come together beautifully.

Everyone will love these cookies at any event. Enjoy them with tea or as a dessert. They always stand out with their special taste and smell.

Experience a World of Flavor

These cookies take you on a journey with their spices. You feel like you’re in faraway places, tasting unique dishes.

Let your taste buds explore with these special cookies. They show how food can bring the world together.

Why pick something simple when you can have amazing cookies? Share these cookies and start a flavour adventure with those you love.

Fragrant Spices Used in Corn and Cinnamon Butter Cookies

Spice Quantity
Paprika 1/2 tsp
Black Pepper 1/4 tsp
Cumin 1/4 tsp
Coriander 1/4 tsp
Cinnamon 1/2 tsp
Cardamom 1/4 tsp
Cloves 1/4 tsp
Nutmeg 1/4 tsp

How to Make Corn and Cinnamon Butter Cookies

To make these tasty cookies, first, grab some sweet corn. You want it to be nice and tender. Cooking the corn just right is key. You don’t want it too hard or too soft.

Now, find the other ingredients to make these cookies pop. Apart from corn, you’ll need red pepper, onion, and poblano pepper. They bring exciting flavors to these treats.

Making the dough is easy. Mix butter, sugar, and vanilla first. Then, add flour, baking soda, cream of tartar, and spices. This makes a delicious base for the cookies.

Now, it’s time for the chocolate. Add in the milk chocolate chips. Then bake them at 350 degrees Fahrenheit for 10-12 minutes. You’ll see the edges go golden brown, telling you they’re ready. These cookies are soft in the middle but a bit crisp on the outside. They go perfectly with milk or make a great gift at Christmas.


Can I use frozen corn instead of fresh corn for the corn and cinnamon butter cookies recipe?

Yes, you can use frozen corn instead of fresh corn. Just be sure to thaw and drain the corn before using it in the recipe.

Can I omit any of the spices if I don’t have them on hand?

You can leave out some spices if needed. This might change the final taste of the cookies though. Feel free to adjust the spices to your liking.

Can I substitute milk chocolate chips with dark or white chocolate?

You can switch up the chocolate chips. Use dark, white, or mix them up. It all depends on your taste. Enjoy experimenting!

How long do the corn and cinnamon butter cookies stay fresh?

Keep them in an airtight container to last up to a week. Yet, they are tastiest within the first few days. This way, they keep their great taste and texture.

Can I freeze the corn and cinnamon butter cookie dough?

Absolutely, you can freeze the dough. Shape it into balls and freeze on a sheet. Then, move them to a bag or box. To bake, thaw in the fridge and follow the recipe.

Are these corn and cinnamon butter cookies suitable for people with dietary restrictions?

These cookies have dairy and gluten, from butter and flour. Those avoiding lactose or gluten might not enjoy them. For a dairy-free option, use non-dairy butter and gluten-free flour.

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