Coconut Jam Cake

Sweet and Sticky Coconut Jam Cake for Afternoon Tea

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Looking for a delicious treat for your afternoon tea? Try the Sweet and Sticky Coconut Jam Cake. It’s a classic British delight. This cake has a soft sponge, strawberry jam, and sweet coconut on top. It will surely satisfy your sweet tooth.

Hosting afternoon tea or need a sweet snack? This Coconut Jam Cake is ideal. You can make it as a loaf or traybake. Its versatility makes it great for any occasion.

The recipe is simple: butter, sugar, flour, eggs, coconut, and jam. Together, they make a moist and tasty cake. It’s perfect with a cup of tea.

This cake is easy for anyone to bake. Cream butter and sugar, add eggs, then mix in flour and coconut. Bake until golden, cool, spread jam, and top with coconut for a sweet finish.

Indulge in a slice of Coconut Jam Cake today. Enjoy its great taste and feel the comfort of a tea time tradition. This cake is perfect to enjoy alone or with friends. Sweeten up your tea time with this delightful treat!

Traditional Jam and Coconut Sponge Recipe

Looking to make a classic British tea-time favorite? Try the jam and coconut sponge cake. It’s soft, fluffy, and packed with sweet jam and coconut. Both kids and adults will love it.


  • Butter
  • Caster sugar
  • Self-raising flour
  • Eggs
  • Desiccated coconut
  • Strawberry jam


  1. Cream the butter and sugar together in a mixing bowl until light and fluffy.
  2. Add the eggs one at a time, mixing well after each addition.
  3. Sift the self-raising flour into the bowl and fold it into the mixture gently.
  4. Mix in the desiccated coconut for a nutty flavor.
  5. Put the batter in a greased or lined loaf tin, spreading it out evenly.
  6. Bake it in a preheated oven at 180°C (350°F) until golden brown.
  7. Cool the cake, then spread a thick layer of strawberry jam on top.
  8. Top with more coconut for extra taste and texture.
  9. Serve up the cake and enjoy every single bite!

Enjoy this tasty cake at your next tea party. It’s perfect for any time you’re craving a yummy treat.

Be-Ro’s Rich Jam and Coconut Cake Recipe

Looking for a yummy twist on a classic sponge cake? Try Be-Ro’s Rich Jam and Coconut Cake recipe. It’s perfect for tea time, combining mouth-watering jam and sweet coconut flavors. Your guests will be impressed, and you’ll love it too.

Here’s what you need to make this tasty cake:

Ingredients Quantity
Be-Ro self-raising flour 250g
Salt Pinch
Sugar 125g
Margarine 125g
Egg 1, beaten
Raspberry or strawberry jam 150g
Desiccated coconut 50g

First, mix flour, salt, and sugar in a bowl. Then, add the margarine and make a firm paste. After that, mix in the egg very well.

Split the dough into two parts. Roll each part out thinly. Put one piece on a greased baking sheet. Then, spread jam over it and put the other piece on top.

Bake the cake until it’s golden. Let it cool, then spread more jam on top. Add coconut for taste and texture.

Rich Jam and Coconut Cake

Serve Be-Ro’s Rich Jam and Coconut Cake with tea. This perfect mix of jam, soft sponge, and coconut is delicious. It’s great for tea parties or personal treats. Everyone will love it.


The Coconut Jam Cake is a special treat perfect for afternoon tea or a snack. It has a soft sponge with fruity jam and coconut topping. These mix well and make your taste buds happy.

If you try the Be-Ro’s Rich Jam and Coconut Cake, you won’t regret it. The cake is full of joy in every bite. It has a great mix of textures and tastes, sure to make you smile.

So, have a slice of this Coconut Jam Cake and enjoy its rich flavor. It’s great for afternoon tea or anytime you want a treat. Let this cake add joy to your day.


What is a coconut jam cake?

A coconut jam cake is a tasty dessert. It has a soft sponge base. Plus, it’s topped with fruity jam and coconut. It’s great for tea time or a snack.

How do you make a traditional jam and coconut sponge cake?

To make this cake, gather butter, sugar, flour, eggs, coconut, and jam. First, cream the butter and sugar. Then, add eggs one by one. Mix in flour and coconut. Bake until it’s a golden delicious.

After cooling, spread jam and sprinkle coconut on top.

What is Be-Ro’s Rich Jam and Coconut Cake recipe?

Be-Ro’s recipe is a twist on the classic. It uses self-raising flour, salt, sugar, margarine, egg, jam, and coconut. Mix for a stiff paste. Bake till it’s golden. Then, add more jam and coconut on top.

Can the coconut jam cake be stored?

Yes, you can keep a coconut jam cake for 3-4 days.

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