Strawberry Jam Cake

Sweet Strawberry Jam Cake for Jam Lovers

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Welcome to our world of strawberry jam cake. This treat is made for those who adore jam. It features a moist, fluffy vanilla cake. Inside, it’s filled with the sweet goodness of strawberry jam. On top, enjoy a rich strawberry cream cheese frosting. This dessert is a perfect blend of strawberries and cake. It makes any occasion special. Or it’s great when you want to spoil yourself with something unique.

Our strawberry jam cake is a work of art. It brings together the yummy taste of strawberry jam and a light cake. Each mouthful bursts with fruity sweetness and subtle vanilla notes. But wait, there’s more. A dreamy strawberry cream cheese frosting enhances the flavors. Get ready to fall in love with our strawberry jam cake. It’s pure joy in every slice.

How to Make Strawberry Jam Cake

Making a strawberry jam cake is simpler than it sounds. First, get the cake batter ready. Mix flour, baking soda, powder, salt, eggs, sugar, butter, oil, jam, and extracts in a bowl.

Stir everything until smooth. Pour the batter into a pan and bake at 350°F for 25-30 minutes. Check it’s done by inserting a toothpick. If it comes out clean, the cake is ready.

After the cake cools, add a jam glaze for more fruitiness. Then, top with a strawberry cream cheese frosting. You can make patterns with a spatula. Finally, decorate with strawberries or powdered sugar.

This cake is great for those craving the taste of strawberry. Whether you bake a lot or a little, you’ll enjoy making and sharing this treat. So, don’t wait. Gather your ingredients and start baking this amazing cake for your loved ones.

Tips for the Best Strawberry Jam Cake

Want to make an even better strawberry jam cake? Check out these tips:

  1. Whip the eggs and sugar until they’re pale and thick. This makes the cake lighter and fluffier.
  2. Try a strawberry powder frosting. Ground freeze-dried strawberries into a fine powder. Then, mix with sugar for a tasty, pink frosting.
  3. Use full-fat cream cheese for the frosting. Letting it get to room temperature first ensures a silky texture.

Adding these tips will help you bake a moist and tasty strawberry jam cake. Everyone who tries it will love it.

Tips for the Best Strawberry Jam Cake

Creating a top-notch strawberry jam cake takes careful steps and some smart advice. Use these suggestions to bake a soft and tasty dessert for everyone to enjoy.

1. Beat the Eggs and Sugar for Extra Lightness and Volume

For a bouncy cake, mix your eggs and sugar well until they’re light and volume has increased. This step adds air, making your cake soft and delicious.

2. Use Freeze-Dried Strawberries for a Flavorful Frosting

To make your frosting pop, try freeze-dried strawberries. Crush them into a powder and mix with powdered sugar. You’ll get a pink frosting that tastes like real strawberries.

3. Opt for Full-Fat Cream Cheese and Let it Come to Room Temperature

Choose full-fat cream cheese for a rich frosting. Let it sit out to soften before mixing, making a creamy delight.

4. Decorate with Fresh Strawberries

Add beauty and taste to your cake with fresh strawberries on top. This makes your cake look and taste even better.

These simple tips will ensure your strawberry jam cake stands out. It will be the perfect blend of sweet and fruity, pleasing every palate.

Ingredients Quantity
All-purpose flour 2 cups
Baking soda 1 teaspoon
Baking powder 1 teaspoon
Salt 1/2 teaspoon
Eggs 3
Sugar 1 1/2 cups
Melted butter 1/2 cup
Oil 1/4 cup
Strawberry jam 1/2 cup
Strawberry extract 1 teaspoon
Vanilla extract 1 teaspoon
Pink food coloring (optional) A few drops
Powdered sugar 2 cups

Strawberry Jam Cake

Follow these steps and use these ingredients to make a cake everyone will love. You’ll enjoy the flavors of this sweet masterpiece!


Strawberry jam cake is a dessert masterpiece. It satisfies anyone who loves jam or desserts. This recipe combines sweet strawberry jam, light cake, and smooth frosting perfectly.

This cake is moist and heavenly. It’s great for birthdays or a simple night in. The strawberry jam and vanilla mix perfectly to surprise your taste buds.

Don’t wait to try making this cake. Follow the easy steps and start baking. The amazing smell and the first taste will show you its true value. Enjoy it alone or with others. This cake will be unforgettable.


Is the strawberry jam cake difficult to make?

Making a strawberry jam cake is easier than it seems. The recipe is clear and uses simple baking items.

Can I use fresh strawberries instead of strawberry jam?

Using fresh strawberries can make the cake taste better. But, for the best results, it’s good to use strawberry jam. This gives the cake a strong strawberry taste and keeps it moist.

Can I use a different type of jam instead of strawberry jam?

You can try any jam to give the cake a personal touch. Just remember, using a different jam will change how the cake tastes and feels.

Can I make the strawberry cream cheese frosting without freeze-dried strawberries?

If you like, you can leave out the freeze-dried strawberries. But, they do make the frosting look pink and taste rich in strawberry.

How long can I store the strawberry jam cake?

The cake lasts for up to 3 days in a sealed container at room temperature. You can also keep it in the fridge for 5 days.

Can I freeze the strawberry jam cake?

You can freeze the cake for up to 2 months. Make sure to wrap it well before freezing. To serve, let it thaw in the fridge overnight.

Can I use a different type of frosting instead of cream cheese frosting?

If you wish, you can try a different frosting like buttercream. Yet, cream cheese frosting goes very well with the strawberry jam cake’s taste.

Can I add additional decorations to the strawberry jam cake?

Sure, go ahead and add your own decorations. Fresh strawberries, sprinkles, or even edible flowers can make it look beautiful.

Can I make cupcakes instead of a whole cake?

Of course, you can make cupcakes with the same recipe. Just adjust the baking time and you’ll have strawberry jam cake in individual servings.

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