Mary Berry Coconut and Lime Cake

Zesty Mary Berry Coconut and Lime Cake Recipe

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Welcome to our delightful dessert experience. Here, we share the recipe for the Zesty Mary Berry Coconut and Lime Cake. It’s a tropical cake that will make your taste buds dance. If you like fresh, citrusy sweets, this recipe is perfect for you.

This cake mixes tropical coconut with zingy lime. Every bite is like a trip to paradise. It’s great for any event or as a special treat for yourself.

Now, it’s time to start making this amazing dessert. Before we do, take a look at the tantalizing image below:

After seeing that, are you ready to learn the recipe? In the next section, we’ll look at the ingredients and how to make this delicious cake.

Ingredients and Preparation

To make Mary Berry’s Coconut and Lime Cake, you’ll need these ingredients:

  • Coconut
  • Lime zest and juice
  • Caster sugar
  • Self-raising flour
  • Desiccated coconut
  • Eggs
  • Icing sugar

Start by gathering all your ingredients. This cake is about to come together beautifully.

  1. First, mix coconut, lime zest and juice, caster sugar, self-raising flour, desiccated coconut, and eggs in a big bowl. Combine everything well.
  2. Next, prepare a loaf tin by greasing and lining it. Then, pour your cake mixture into it.
  3. Bake your creation in a preheated oven for about an hour. Check with a skewer to ensure it’s done.
  4. After the bake cools, make a drizzle from icing sugar, lime zest, and juice. Brush it onto the cake’s surface.

This effort creates a rich, tropical-tasting cake. Your guests will be more than pleased!

Tips and Variations

When baking Mary Berry Coconut and Lime Cake, remember a few tricks. These will make your cake tastier and look better.


  • Choose margarine or butter for your cake. You can pick based on what you like or have.
  • If you’re watching your saturated fat, use Flora Cuisine instead of butter. It has 85% less saturated fat.
  • Make sure all ingredients are at room temperature before you start. Cold ingredients change the cake’s texture.
  • For the best flavor, use fresh lime juice and zest. Don’t use bottled lime juice; it’s not as fresh.


To make the Mary Berry Coconut and Lime Cake your own, play with toppings and flavors. Here are some ideas:

  1. Try a dusting of icing sugar on the cake for a simple and pretty look.
  2. Top the cake with toasted coconut for extra crunch and a nutty taste.
  3. Or, spread Mackays Lemon and Lime Marmalade on it. This adds a zing that goes well with coconut and lime.

Be creative and find more ways to personalize your cake. The recipe lets you make your favorite adjustments.

Mary Berry Coconut and Lime Cake


The Mary Berry Coconut and Lime Cake brings together the tastes of coconut and lime in a perfect mix. It’s a cake that is loved by all who try it. Perfect for any event, it’s a must if you enjoy coconut and lime.

This cake delights with a tropical taste and a bit of sour. It’s a harmony of these two flavors. Imagine your mouth takes a trip to a sunny, tropical place with each bite.

As you taste it, you’ll experience a burst of flavors. It’s moist and tender, thanks to the coconut and lime. This cake is a one-of-a-kind treat.

Whether for a dinner or a celebration, this cake is an excellent pick. It leaves everyone wanting more. Don’t miss the chance to enjoy this wonderful dessert with those you care about.


Where can I find the recipe for the Zesty Mary Berry Coconut and Lime Cake?

You can find the Zesty Mary Berry Coconut and Lime Cake recipe online. Sites like Pinterest and British Chefs Table have it.

What are the ingredients required to make the Mary Berry Coconut and Lime Cake?

For the Mary Berry Coconut and Lime Cake, you’ll need coconut and lime, sugar, flour, and eggs. Also, don’t forget the coconut flakes and icing sugar.

How do I prepare the Mary Berry Coconut and Lime Cake?

First, you mix all the cake ingredients in a bowl. Then, pour the batter into a prepared tin. Finally, bake for an hour. Once it cools, you can add a yummy drizzle on top. This drizzle is made of icing sugar, lime, and zest.

Can I use margarine instead of butter in the Mary Berry Coconut and Lime Cake?

Yes, you can pick margarine or butter for the cake. If you’re watching your saturated fat, Flora Cuisine is a great choice. It has 85% less saturated fat than butter.

Are there any variations I can try for the Mary Berry Coconut and Lime Cake?

Yes, you have many options. You can top it with icing sugar and toasted coconut. Or use lemon and lime marmalade for a new flavor.

Why should I try making the Zesty Mary Berry Coconut and Lime Cake?

The Zesty Mary Berry Coconut and Lime Cake is a flavorful treat. It blends tropical and zesty flavors perfectly. It’s great for any time you crave a sweet, refreshing dessert. Give it a go if you like coconut, lime, and great cakes.

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