Coconut Cakes Recipes UK

A Collection of Coconut Cake Recipes from the UK

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Coconut cakes are a delightful treat. They make you feel like you’re in a sunny, tropical place. If you love coconuts or want to try something exotic, check out these UK coconut cake recipes. They’re packed with coconut, from the layers to the creamy icing. This adds a rich coconut flavor and keeps the cake soft. The creaming method used makes them light and fluffy.

One cool thing: the cakes are finished with shredded coconut outside. This adds crunch and looks good. They are simple to make and your loved ones will be amazed.

Get ready for some amazing recipes and how-to guides for the best coconut cake. Perfect for celebrations or when you just need a sweet treat. These recipes will make you a dessert superstar. Put on your apron and let’s start baking!

How to Make Coconut Cake

Making a coconut cake isn’t as hard as you think. A few steps and tasty ingredients are all you need. You’ll get a moist, flavorful cake that everyone will love. Here’s how to do it:

  1. First, preheat your oven and grease your pans to stop the cake from sticking. This helps you take the cake out easily after baking.
  2. Sift together dry ingredients in a bowl: flour, cornstarch, baking powder, and salt. Sifting makes the texture of your cake lighter.
  3. In another bowl, cream the butter, oil, and sugar together until they’re fluffy. This step makes your cake lighter and softer.
  4. Now add the eggs one at a time, mixing well each time. This makes sure the eggs blend in smoothly.
  5. Add the wet ingredients—vanilla extract, coconut extract, and coconut milk. They give your cake that tasty coconut flavor.
  6. Slowly mix in the dry ingredients with the wet ones. Mix gently until everything is just mixed. Don’t overdo it, or your cake might get dense.
  7. Mix in the shredded coconut so it spreads throughout the batter. It will add more flavor and texture.
  8. Spread the batter between the pans equally. This helps the cakes bake evenly and at the same height.
  9. Bake your cakes until a toothpick poked in the center comes out clean. This usually takes 25-30 minutes, but ovens may vary.
  10. Cool the cakes in their pans for a bit. Then, move them to a wire rack to cool completely. This helps the cakes set for easier handling.

Pro tip: To make your cakes even more appealing and coconutty, frost them with coconut cream cheese frosting. This tangy frosting is perfect for coconut cake. You can also top the cake with toasted coconut or more shredded coconut for extra flavor.

Now you’re ready to make your own coconut cake. It’s perfect for special occasions or just a sweet treat. Your homemade cake will surely be a big hit!

Tips for Coconut Cake Success

To bake a perfect coconut cake, follow a few crucial tips. Start by picking unsweetened coconut. This choice balances the cake’s flavors well. Sweetened coconut can make the cake too sweet. You can also go for desiccated coconut or coconut flakes. Just remember they won’t offer the same texture or crunch as shredded coconut.

When adding coconut flakes to your cake, use your fingers. Press the coconut onto the cake’s sides. This method gives your cake a beautiful and precise look. It’s an easy way to make your cake look more elegant.

Storing your coconut cake right keeps it fresh. With cream cheese frosting, it should be in the fridge, tightly sealed. This avoids drying it out. If your cake has no cream cheese frosting, room temperature is fine for a few days. Following these steps lets you enjoy your cake for longer.


Are these coconut cake recipes from the UK?

Yes, these coconut cake recipes are indeed from the UK.

What makes these coconut cake recipes unique?

They stand out because they include coconut milk and flavoring. This gives the cakes a special taste and soft texture.

What method is used to make these coconut cakes?

These cakes are crafted using the creaming method. It ensures they turn out light and airy.

How do I make a coconut cake?

Start by preheating the oven. Then, mix dry ingredients. After that, blend butter, oil, and sugar. Mix in eggs and the wet ingredients. Gradually add dry ingredients, and finish by folding in shredded coconut.

Finally, pour batter into cake pans and bake. Test with a toothpick. If it comes out clean, your cake is ready.

Do I have to use unsweetened coconut?

For the best taste balance, it’s best to choose unsweetened coconut. Sweetened coconut can make the cake too sugary.

Can I use desiccated coconut or coconut flakes instead of shredded coconut?

Yes, you can. But remember, desiccated coconut is finer. This might affect the cake’s texture slightly.

How should I press coconut onto the cake?

Gently press shredded coconut onto the cake’s sides with your hands. This is the best method for an attractive look.

How should I store coconut cake?

Store coconut cake with cream cheese frosting in the fridge. It keeps the cake moist. Without cream cheese, room temperature is fine for a few days.

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