Strawberry Sponge Cake Recipe UK

Best Strawberry Sponge Cake Recipe for UK Bakers

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Searching for a great strawberry sponge cake recipe in the UK? Look no more. This cake tastes amazing with fresh British summer strawberries. It’s full of flavor and very tempting.

This recipe is special because you cook the strawberries into a puree first. This step keeps the cake moist without making it soggy. Each piece of cake is light, moist, and packed with strawberry taste.

The icing on this cake is the cream and strawberry puree frosting. It’s made with fresh cream. This frosting is smooth and adds a rich taste that goes perfectly with the light cake.

This cake takes more time to make, but the final product is incredible. It’s a dessert that stands out, impressing everyone who tries it.

Keep the cake in the fridge to stay fresh. You can also top it with strawberry syrup for more flavor when you serve it.

How to Make the Perfect Strawberry Puree for the Cake

Creating the perfect strawberry puree is key to a standout strawberry sponge cake. It starts by simmering strawberries to get rid of extra liquid. This gives us a rich strawberry puree that doesn’t make the cake too moist. It keeps the cake airy but full of strawberry taste. Mixing this puree into your batter brings out the strawberries’ natural sweetness.

It’s best to make the puree early and chill it. This not only boosts the flavor but also makes it easy to mix into the batter. The chilled puree merges well with other ingredients, making the cake taste consistently great.

Steps to Make the Perfect Strawberry Puree:
1. Begin by selecting ripe and juicy strawberries.
2. Remove the stems from the strawberries and wash them thoroughly.
3. Slice the strawberries into smaller pieces.
4. In a pan, place the sliced strawberries and bring them to a simmer over medium heat.
5. Continue simmering the strawberries until the liquid reduces and thickens.
6. Stir occasionally to prevent sticking or burning.
7. Once the strawberries have reduced and turned into a concentrated puree, remove them from heat and allow them to cool.
8. Transfer the cooled strawberry puree to a container and refrigerate until ready to use in the cake recipe.
9. Remember to taste the strawberry puree before adding it to the cake batter to ensure it has reached the desired level of flavor intensity.

Next time you’re baking, make sure to prepare this strawberry puree. The simmering will really bring out the fruit’s flavor. Your cake will be bursting with delicious strawberry taste.

Tips for Baking and Assembling the Perfect Strawberry Sponge Cake

To make a top-notch strawberry sponge cake, you need a few key tips. Start by picking the best British summer strawberries. Their sweet taste is a must-have.

When cooking the strawberries down, choose a wide, shallow pan. It makes the process faster and tastier. Remember to wear gloves to prevent steam burns. Safety first!

Mix the cake batter perfectly by getting the eggs and sugar to the ribbon stage. They should be thick, pale, and fluffy. Folding in the dry stuff gently keeps the cake light and airy.

As for the final cake, layer it like this: cake, cream, strawberries, then top with another cake. Finish with a strawberry syrup drizzle. It enhances the flavor and looks lovely.


How long does it take to make this strawberry sponge cake?

It takes about X hours to get this strawberry sponge cake ready and baked.

Can I use frozen strawberries instead of fresh ones?

You can use frozen strawberries if fresh ones are not available. But, make sure to thaw and drain them before using. This ensures your cake tastes the best.

Can I make the strawberry puree in advance?

Making the strawberry puree ahead of time is a good idea. Let it chill completely for the best taste. It also makes sure it’s cool for adding to the batter.

How should I store the strawberry sponge cake?

Keep the cake in the fridge to maintain its moisture. Cover it well with plastic wrap or use an airtight container. This keeps it fresh.

Can I make the strawberry sponge cake in advance?

You can get parts of the cake ready beforehand. But, it’s best to put the cake together just before you eat it. This keeps it fresh and delicious.

Can I substitute the cream in the frosting with a non-dairy alternative?

For a dairy-free frosting, you can use coconut cream or almond cream. These work well as substitutes for fresh cream.

How can I make the sponge cake light and airy?

For a light and airy cake, whisk eggs and sugar until they are thick and fluffy. As you mix in the dry stuff, do it gently and quickly. This keeps the cake light.

What is the best way to assemble the strawberry sponge cake?

Start by layering the cake with cream and strawberries. Then, put the second layer on top. A drizzle of strawberry syrup just before serving adds an extra tasty touch.

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