The Only Chocolate Chip Cookie Recipe

Classic Favorite: The Only Chocolate Chip Cookie Recipe

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This is the top chocolate chip cookie recipe. It gives perfect results every time. No weird ingredients or chilling needed. These cookies are easy, simple, and taste amazing. They’re crisp on the edges and gooey in the middle. A classic favorite for anyone who loves cookies.

It’s great for both new and experienced bakers. To make the dough, mix 2 cups minus 2 tbsp. of cake flour with 1 2/3 cups of bread flour. Add 1 cup of salted butter, 1 cup of granulated sugar, 1 cup of light brown sugar, and 2 teaspoons of pure vanilla. Then, stir in 1¼ pounds (20 oz.) of bittersweet chocolate chips or chunks, about 60% cacao is best. You can bake the dough right away or fridge it for 24 to 36 hours for more flavour.

When ready to bake, heat your oven to 350°F. Bake the cookies for 15-20 minutes. According to the author, 15 minutes is usually enough. Don’t bake them too long to keep the perfect texture. Use a cookie scoop to make sure all your cookies are the same size. This helps them bake evenly.

After baking, let the cookies cool on the sheet for 5 minutes. Then, move them to a wire rack to cool completely. You’ll get about 36 cookies, but you can make them bigger or smaller as you like.

You can keep these tasty cookies in an airtight container at room temperature for up to 5 days. Or freeze them for 2 months. For fresh cookies anytime, freeze dough portions and bake them when you fancy.

These cookies have the perfect flavour and texture. They’re sure to be your new favourite recipe. So, get baking and enjoy the best chocolate chip cookies ever!

How to Make Gooey Chocolate Chip Cookies: Tips and Tricks

To make the perfect gooey chocolate chip cookies, remember some key tips. These tips will help you get the soft and chewy texture everyone loves.

Avoid Over-Baking

The secret is not to over-bake your cookies. They should be a bit undercooked when you take them out, with a doughy middle. This way, they stay soft and gooey. Stick to the baking time in your recipe for perfect cookies.

Pay Attention to Cookie Dough Consistency

The cookie dough’s texture is very important for gooey cookies. It should be easy to shape but not sticky or too dry. Getting the balance right means your cookies won’t lose their shape and will be gooey. If the dough is dry, add a bit of melted butter or milk. Too sticky? Just add a little flour until it’s just right.

Add Enough Chocolate Chips

For truly gooey cookies, don’t hold back on the chocolate chips. The melted chocolate makes the cookies gooey and tasty. Mix in plenty of chips so every bite is filled with chocolatey gooeyness.

With these tips, you can make delicious gooey chocolate chip cookies that everyone will love. Serve them warm for an extra gooey treat!

Troubleshooting Common Cookie Issues: Spreading and Flattening

Sometimes, cookies don’t turn out as we hope, showing issues like spreading and flattening. Getting to the root of these problems is key to improving your cookie baking. We’ll look at what causes these issues and how to fix them.

Expired Leavening Agents:

Expired baking soda or baking powder can cause cookies to spread. They help give cookies their lift and structure. If they’re old, they won’t work as well, making cookies spread. To check if they’re still good, mix 1/4 teaspoon of baking soda with 1 teaspoon of vinegar. If it bubbles, it’s okay to use.

Over-Mixing the Dough:

Too much mixing adds too much air to the dough, causing spreading and flattening. Only mix until the ingredients are just combined. Mixing too much can make the dough denser and more likely to spread. Be gentle with the dough to keep the texture right.

Incorrect Oven Temperature:

The right oven temperature is crucial for baking cookies. If the temperature is off, cookies will likely spread too much. Always check your oven’s temperature with a thermometer to make sure it’s right. This ensures cookies bake evenly and keep their shape.

Chilling the Dough:

Warm dough can spread too much in the oven. Chilling it before baking can prevent this. Put the dough in the fridge for at least 30 minutes. This hardens the fats, leading to less spreading and better shape.

Knowing these issues and how to tackle them can lead to perfect cookies. Trying different methods and tweaking ingredients can help find the perfect balance for your cookies.

For more advice on baking perfect cookies, keep reading the Ultimate Cookie Troubleshooting Guide.


Handle the Heat – Ultimate Cookie Troubleshooting Guide

Flour Type Protein Percentage
Cake flour 6-8%
Pastry flour 7-9.5%
All-purpose flour 9.5-12%
Bread flour 11.5-14%
Whole-wheat flour 13-14%

Conclusion: The Best Chocolate Chip Cookies You’ll Ever Bake

If you’re on the hunt for amazing chocolate chip cookies, your search ends here. This classic recipe is a top pick for those who adore cookies. It combines crispy edges with soft centers for a delicious treat.

We tested 12 different recipes for chocolate chip cookies from well-known sources. Smitten Kitchen’s recipe had a lot of chocolate, 33.5% to be exact. Mrs. Field’s recipe had the most flour, making up 32% of its ingredients.

We found out that cookies with less egg didn’t taste as good. Also, preferences for salty-sweet cookies varied among our tasters. Older participants with a keen interest in food had different favorites compared to college students.

A favourite recipe among our testers used both brown butter and softened butter, like Joy the Baker’s recipe. Martha Stewart’s version was also popular due to its similarity to Joy the Baker’s, with just some small changes.

No matter if you wait 36 hours like the Jacques Torres recipe suggests, or if you take a quicker route, these cookies will impress. And a sprinkle of sea salt makes them unforgettable. You can make 20 cookies in less than 30 minutes of prep and cook time.


How long do I bake the cookies for?

Follow the recipe’s recommended time to bake the cookies. This ensures they have the perfect texture without over-baking.

Can I freeze the cookie dough?

Yes, freezing the cookie dough for later is a great idea. Shape it into balls and store them in an airtight container or freezer bag. When ready to bake, place the frozen dough on a baking sheet and bake as usual.

How should I store the baked cookies?

Keep the cookies fresh by storing them in an airtight container. They’ll last up to 5 days at room temperature. For longer storage, freeze them and they’ll stay good for up to 2 months.

How can I achieve a gooey texture in my cookies?

For gooey cookies, avoid over-baking them. Take them out when they’re a bit undercooked and doughy. This keeps them soft and gooey after cooling.

Why do my cookies spread and become thin?

Cookies spread for several reasons. Using expired leavening agents is one. Too much mixing or warm ingredients also cause spreading. Incorrect oven temperature contributes too. Chill your dough before baking to help avoid this.


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