Sand Dollar Cookie Recipe

Coastal Charm: Sand Dollar Cookie Recipe

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Indulge in the beauty of the shore with our Sand Dollar Cookie Recipe. These adorable cookies look just like the seaside. Their unique design and delicious taste will bring the beach to your home.

A Beach-Inspired Creation

Beach traditions often involve collecting treasures, with sand dollars being very special. We made a recipe inspired by sand dollars. It combines seaside flavors with a delicious cookie texture.

We first made a sand dollar wreath, careful to keep the shells whole. Then, we baked sand dollar cookies that tea lovers would enjoy.

We used a tahini cookie dough from this recipe. It created the perfect mix of flavors. The texture reminded us of sandy beaches. Tahini gave the cookies a unique taste, making them stand out.

To mimic sand dollars, we placed sliced almonds in a flower pattern. We also made small cuts to look like real sand dollars. The almonds added crunch and flavor to every bite.

“The tahini dough and almond decoration made the cookies irresistibly beachy.” – Tea Gal magazine

We finished the cookies with citrus sugar. It made them look and taste like they came straight from the shore. The citrus balanced the sweetness, adding a fresh twist.

These cookies bring coastal Christmas vibes anywhere. Perfect for beach-themed parties or to add seaside charm to your desserts. They’re sure to impress your guests.

Sand Dollar Cookie Recipe:

Ingredient Percentage Breakdown
Butter 44.2%
Granulated Sugar 24.2%
Light Brown Sugar 9.7%
Other Ingredients (egg, vanilla extract, flour, salt, cream of tartar, baking soda, ground cinnamon) 27.9%

Each cookie has about 81 calories.

Nutritional Content per serving:

  • Carbohydrates: 10g
  • Protein: 1g
  • Fat: 4g (Saturated: 2g, Polyunsaturated: 1g, Monounsaturated: 1g)
  • Cholesterol: 13mg
  • Sodium: 43mg
  • Potassium: 23mg
  • Fiber: 1g
  • Sugar: 5g
  • Calcium: 7mg
  • Iron: 1mg
  • Vitamin A: 118IU
  • Vitamin C: 1mg

You can store these cookies in a sealed container at room temperature. They’ll stay fresh for up to 10 days. This makes them perfect for holiday snacking.

Simple and Delightful Sand Dollar Cookies

Add some fun to your dinner with sand dollar cookies. They’re made of butter, sugar, egg, flour, and cinnamon. These cinnamon sugar-coated sugar cookies capture the sand dollar’s charm perfectly. You roll and flatten the dough, no need for cutters, making this recipe simple.

To get the sand dollar shape, press slivered almonds in a star pattern at the center after flattening the cookies. This method makes sure everyone can make these eye-catching cookies easily.

When it comes to simple ingredients, measuring flour correctly is crucial to prevent the cookies from becoming too dense. Also, adjust the cinnamon as you like. For the almonds, place them evenly and press gently so they stay on while baking. Keep cookies about ½ inch thick for even baking and use an oven thermometer for the right temperature.

The cinnamon gives these cookies a warm, aromatic flavor that pairs well with the sugar. The almond decorations not only look like real sand dollars but they add a nice crunch too.

These sand dollar cookies are great for any event that needs a bit of seaside charm. Their unique design and delicious taste are sure to win over anyone. They make any occasion feel a bit more special.

Serving Calories per serving Carbohydrates Protein Fat Saturated Fat Cholesterol Sodium Fiber Sugar Vitamin A Vitamin C Calcium Iron
1 cookie 81 kcal 10g 1g 4g 2g 13mg 43mg 1g 5g 118IU 1mg 7mg 1mg

You can keep these cookies fresh for up to 10 days in an airtight container at room temperature. They’re perfect for a beach-themed party or just to add a bit of joy to your day. These cookies are sure to delight anyone who tries them.


Our sand dollar cookies bring a touch of the beach into your kitchen. They taste amazing and look like the seaside. Whether you miss the shore or just love unique cookies, these are for you.

Making them is easy, with simple ingredients. They are perfect for everyone, for any event. Enjoy their delightful mix of tastes and textures with each bite.

A cookie has only 162kcal and 14g of sugar, making it a light treat. Craving the beach? Bake these cookies. Let their taste take you to the coast. Experience seaside joy with every cookie.


Can I use a different type of nut instead of almonds for the sand dollar design?

Yes, feel free to try pecans or walnuts for a unique touch.

Can I substitute the tahini in the cookie dough recipe?

If you’re out of tahini, almond butter or cashew butter works well as a swap.

Can I add other flavors to the cookie dough?

Absolutely! You can enhance the cookies with vanilla, lemon zest, or coconut extract. It’s all about making them your own.

How long can I store the sand dollar cookies?

Keep them in an airtight container at room temperature. They’ll stay fresh for several days.

Can I freeze the sand dollar cookies?

Yes, freezing them in an airtight container is fine for up to a month. Just thaw at room temperature before enjoying.


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