heath bar trifle recipe

Crunchy Temptation: Heath Bar Trifle Recipe

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The Heath Bar trifle recipe is a yummy treat. It blends chocolate, toffee, and smooth textures. It’s easy to make for any event.

It uses moist Devil’s Food cake and coffee-flavour liqueur. Add whipped topping and Heath candy chunks for a heavenly dessert. The recipe includes simple things like Kahlúa and whipped topping.

You can prepare it beforehand and put it together right before serving. The mix of flavours and textures will make your guests want more.

How to Make the Cake and Prepare the Toffee

Start by baking a Devil’s Food cake. Follow the box’s directions, which usually ask for eggs, oil, and water. After baking, let the cake cool completely before you continue.

Cut the cooled cake into squares. This helps when you layer them in the trifle bowl. To add more taste, sprinkle the squares with Kahlúa. This coffee liqueur brings out the chocolate flavour beautifully.

Now, let’s make the toffee for the trifle. You’ll need Heath bars, which are toffee candy bars covered in chocolate. Crush the bars into bits. Make sure you have both big and small pieces for a great texture.

Note: Be careful not to crush the toffee too much. You’ll want to enjoy those tasty caramel bites in your trifle.

With your cake ready and toffee bits prepared, you’re set to assemble your trifle. These steps will create a dessert everyone will love.

Assembling the Trifle

Let’s make a stunning trifle. By following a few easy steps, you can impress everyone. This trifle combines yummy layers perfectly.


  • A trifle bowl
  • Brownie squares
  • Whipped topping
  • Chopped chocolate fudge instant pudding mix (optional)
  • Chopped Heath toffee bits

1. Begin with brownie squares at the trifle bowl’s base. They provide a strong start.

2. Layer a generous amount of whipped topping next. It adds a creamy texture.

3. Add some Heath toffee bits for a crunchy surprise. They make each bite exciting.

4. Build two more layers of brownies, whipped topping, and toffee bits. This ensures a mix of flavors in every bite.

5. Save some brownies and topping for the top. It creates a tempting presentation.

6. Finish with whipped topping. It gives a creamy final touch.

7. Decorate with more Heath toffee bits. It adds beauty and temptation.

trifle bowl

8. Chill the trifle until serving. Assemble it no more than 3-4 hours ahead. This keeps the ingredients fresh and toffee bits crisp.

Nutritional Information

Calories per serving Total Fat Saturated Fat Cholesterol Sodium Carbohydrates Fiber Sugar Protein
296 22g 5g 63mg 145mg 19g 0g 9g 5g

By following these steps, you’ll make an incredible trifle. The moist brownies, creamy topping, and crunchy Heath bits create a treat to remember. It’s sure to stand out at any event.


The Heath bar trifle recipe is more than just a dessert. It combines moist Devil’s Food cake, creamy topping, and crunchy Heath bar pieces. This mix creates a feast of flavours and textures. It’s perfect for any event, making it a versatile choice for celebrations or a personal treat.

Making this trifle is easy, letting you enjoy every bite of its luxury. You can prepare it before your event, giving you more time with guests. The mix of rich cake, smooth topping, and crunchy bars will impress everyone. They’ll talk about it long after it’s gone.

If you want a standout dessert or a divine treat, this trifle recipe is perfect. Its delicious layers will enchant your senses. You and your guests will be keen for another piece of this heavenly creation.


Can I make the Heath bar trifle recipe in advance?

Yes, you can prepare the Heath bar trifle ahead of time. Just assemble it right before serving. But, don’t put it together more than 3-4 hours early. This keeps the Heath bar’s texture just right.

What ingredients do I need for the Heath bar trifle recipe?

You’ll need simple things like Kahlúa, Devil’s Food cake mix, Heath bars, and whipped topping for the trifle.

How do I make the cake for the trifle?

Start by baking a Devil’s Food cake as the box directs. After it cools, cut the cake into squares. Then, pour some Kahlúa over them for flavour.

Should I use a trifle bowl for assembling the trifle?

Yes, using a trifle bowl when putting together the Heath bar trifle is best.

How do I prepare the toffee for the trifle?

For the toffee, first break the Heath bars into bits. You can do this with a food processor or by hand. If you’re doing it by hand, snap the bars in half first. Then cut them into smaller pieces before they go into the trifle.

How many layers should I create when assembling the trifle?

Aim for three layers in the Heath bar trifle. These should be layers of brownie squares, whipped topping, and chopped Heath bar. Keep alternating them.

Can I garnish the trifle with additional pieces of Heath bar?

Yes, topping the Heath bar trifle with more Heath bar pieces makes it look great.


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