father's day brownies

Father’s Day Brownies: A Homemade Gift That Dad Will Love

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Give dad a sweet surprise this Father’s Day. Make him some brownies from scratch. They use a recipe inspired by Katharine Hepburn and improved by David Lebovitz. These brownies are not only full of chocolate but also have a lovely balance of sweet. They’re topped with crunchy nuts. You can also add ice cream, whipped cream, and strawberries to make them even more special.

A Legendary Recipe by Katharine Hepburn

Did you know late film star Katharine Hepburn rocked the recipe world with her brownies? In “The Great Book of Chocolate,” David Lebovitz tweaks her recipe. He adds more chocolate and chocolate chips to suit modern tastes. They’re the dream of any chocolate fan, balancing cakey and fudge-like. They make a perfect Father’s Day treat, beloved for their taste.

Katharine Hepburn’s brownie recipe is a Hollywood treasure, showing off her amazing cooking skills and great taste. These brownies have been celebrated by baking fans and fans of Katharine herself. They’ve become a hit over the years.

David Lebovitz’s “The Great Book of Chocolate” is filled with amazing desserts, especially for chocolate lovers. By adapting Katharine Hepburn’s recipe, Lebovitz honors Hollywood’s golden age. He captures Hepburn’s timeless charm with each rich, chocolatey bite. The added chocolate chips take these brownies to another level, making everyone love them.

Katharine Hepburn’s brownie recipe keeps winning hearts, even after so many years. It’s loved by anyone who enjoys chocolate and the classics of Hollywood. Anyone, from beginners to chefs, can make this famous recipe in their kitchen.

The Perfect Balance of Flavor and Texture

What makes Katharine Hepburn’s brownies special is their unique texture. They form a thin crust on the outside. Inside, you’ll find a moist, dense center. The chocolate chips inside melt, making them extra gooey and delightful to eat.

The taste balance in these treats shows off Hepburn’s good taste. Dark chocolate and semisweet chocolate chips team up for a deep, satisfying flavor. Each bite is a mix of sweetness and richness that stays with you.

Ingredients Quantity
Unsalted butter 1 cup
Unsweetened chocolate 4 ounces
Granulated sugar 2 cups
Eggs 4
Vanilla extract 2 teaspoons
All-purpose flour 1/2 cup
Salt 1/2 teaspoon
Chopped walnuts or pecans 1 cup
Semisweet chocolate chips 1 cup

Lebovitz’s twist on the brownie recipe brings it up to date. The extra semisweet chocolate chips boost the fudgy factor and deliver more chocolate in every bite. These treats are so versatile. You can enjoy them alone or with ice cream or whipped cream.

For this Father’s Day, think about making Katharine Hepburn’s brownies for a special touch. Enjoy these legendary sweets with your dad. It’s a homemade gift that brings everyone together with a taste that’s been loved over the years.

Recipe and Preparation

To make Father’s Day brownies, gather unsalted butter, unsweetened chocolate, and more. Here is how to prepare these special brownies:

  1. Prep the baking dish: Begin by greasing and flouring the baking dish. This ensures the brownies won’t stick.
  2. Melt the butter and chocolate: Melt butter and chocolate in a saucepan over low heat. Stir constantly until smooth. This makes a rich base for the brownies.
  3. Mix in the sugar, eggs, and vanilla: Take the saucepan off the heat. Then, mix in sugar, eggs, and vanilla. Stir well to dissolve the sugar.
  4. Add the flour, salt, nuts, and chocolate chips: Add flour, salt, and nuts. Finally, mix in chocolate chips for extra flavor.
  5. Bake to perfection: Pour the batter into the dish and spread evenly. Bake at 325 degrees Fahrenheit for about 30 minutes. They are ready when a toothpick comes out with moist crumbs. Don’t overbake for fudgy brownies.
  6. Cool and serve: Let the brownies cool in the dish before slicing. They will set and be easier to cut. Enjoy them alone or with ice cream.


With these steps, you can make scrumptious homemade brownies for Father’s Day. They will fill the air with the warm scent of chocolate. Put your apron on and create these delectable treats for the father figure in your life!


Father’s Day is a special occasion to show appreciation for our dads. What better way than with a homemade gift? Father’s Day brownies are a sweet and thoughtful treat.

This recipe was inspired by Katharine Hepburn and adapted by David Lebovitz. It creates rich, chocolatey, and irresistible brownies. These are sure to make Dad happy.

So, this Father’s Day, get creative in the kitchen. Surprise Dad with a batch of these homemade brownies. Baking for Father’s Day is a meaningful gesture that creates lasting memories.

These sweet treats are the perfect way to show love and appreciation. Show your dad how much you care with a gift he will love.


What makes these brownies special for Father’s Day?

These brownies are a perfect, chocolatey gift for dads. They have the right amount of sweetness. Plus, the nuts give them a nice crunch.

Where did the recipe for these brownies come from?

This brownie recipe comes from Katharine Hepburn, a famous name from Hollywood. David Lebovitz helped update it in “The Great Book of Chocolate.” He added more chocolate for a modern taste.

Can you describe the taste and texture of these brownies?

These treats offer a mix of cake-like and fudge textures. They’re every chocolate fan’s delight. Notably, they make a great gift for Father’s Day.

What ingredients are needed to make these Father’s Day brownies?

You’ll need unsalted butter, unsweetened chocolate, and the usual baking items. Walnuts or pecans, and a lot of chocolate chips are vital too.

How do I prepare and bake these brownies?

First, grease and flour the baking dish. Melt the butter and chocolate in a pan.

Take it off the heat and add sugar, eggs, and vanilla. Mix in the dry ingredients, nuts, and chocolate chips.

Then, bake at 325 degrees for 30 minutes. Let them cool on a rack.

Once cool, either serve them or save in an airtight box.

What should I expect from these Father’s Day brownies?

These brownies are more than just a sweet treat. They’re a loving gesture for dads.

Adding a topping makes them even more delightful. They’re guaranteed to bring a smile to Dad’s face.

How can I make Father’s Day extra special with these brownies?

You can serve these tasty brownies alone. Or make them extra special with ice cream, whipped cream, or top them with fresh strawberries.

Can I store these brownies for later?

Yes, just keep them in an airtight container. This way, you can enjoy them anytime.

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