Recipe for Coconut and Cherry Cake

Festive Coconut and Cherry Cake Recipe for the Holidays

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Welcome to our tasty recipe for a festive coconut and cherry cake. This cake is perfect for holiday fun. It mixes coconut and cherries for a great taste and look. You can easily make this, whether you’re new to baking or already a pro. Our guide will help you make a cake that doesn’t just taste good but looks great too.

Take a bite, and you’ll love the buttery cake and juicy cherries. The coconut makes it all the more special. It’s truly a unique, festive treat to enjoy.

You can bake it in a bundt pan or a loaf pan. Whichever you choose, the cake will be soft and tasty. The coconut also gives the cake a nice crunch and a strong coconut flavor.

Use frozen or canned, pitted cherries for a sweet kick. Pick good coconut milk for that rich, creamy taste. It makes the cake much better.

After baking the cake to perfection, it’s time for your special twist. You might just love it plain. But, for a fancier look, try a coconut cream cheese frosting. It’s like a cherry on top but better.

To make your cake look even better, cover it in shredded coconut. It gives the cake a snowy look for the holidays. Add Maraschino cherries for color. Your cake will be the talk of the party.

This cake is perfect for any holiday event. With its amazing tastes and looks, everyone will love it.

Ingredients and Instructions for Coconut and Cherry Cake

Making a tasty coconut and cherry cake doesn’t have to be hard. It mixes the sunny taste of coconut with cherries’ sweet-sour flavor. This cake is moist and full of taste. It’s perfect for sharing with loved ones.


  • 1 cup softened butter
  • 1 cup coconut milk
  • 2 cups regular sugar
  • 4 eggs
  • 1 ½ cups desiccated or shredded sweetened coconut
  • 2 ½ cups plain or all-purpose flour
  • 2 teaspoons baking powder
  • 1/2 teaspoon salt
  • 2 cups frozen or canned cherries, pitted and roughly chopped


  1. Preheat the oven to 350°F (175°C) and grease a 9-inch round baking pan or a bundt pan.
  2. In a large mixing bowl, cream together the softened butter and sugar until light and fluffy.
  3. Add the eggs one at a time, mixing well after each addition. Stir in the coconut milk and vanilla extract.
  4. In a separate bowl, combine the flour, baking powder, and salt. Gradually add the dry ingredients to the wet ingredients, mixing until just combined.
  5. Gently fold in the chopped cherries and desiccated coconut, being careful not to overmix.
  6. Transfer the batter into the prepared pan and smooth the top with a spatula.
  7. Bake in the preheated oven for 55-60 minutes, or until a toothpick inserted into the center comes out clean.
  8. Allow the cake to cool in the pan for 10 minutes, then transfer it to a wire rack to cool completely.

With your ingredients and steps ready, baking this cake is easy (no pun intended!). It suits both experienced and new bakers. The coconut and cherry mix creates a cake that cheers up any party.

Next, let’s explore ways to decorate your cake. You can make it even more special with your own decorations!

Recommended Baking Time and Temperature:
Cake Size Baking Time Oven Temperature
9-inch round pan 55-60 minutes 350°F (175°C)
Bundt pan 60-65 minutes 350°F (175°C)

Decorating the Coconut and Cherry Cake

The coconut and cherry cake isn’t just about taste – looks matter too. Try a coconut cream cheese frosting for something tasty. It’s simple to make and goes well with the cake’s cherry sweetness.

After the cake cools, spread the frosting smoothly with a spatula. This way, every slice looks and tastes great. Top it all off with shredded coconut for a lovely texture.

Add maraschino cherries for a colorful finish. They make the cake look cheerful. Plus, they add a sweet touch that goes perfectly with coconut and cherry.

Want to save some cake for later? It’s easy. Wrap the cake well and freeze it. When you’re ready for a treat, it’ll be waiting for you.

This cake combines coconut and cherries in a perfect way. Make it look as good as it tastes with these tips. For more cherry cake ideas, check out this article. Enjoy your baking!


Can I use fresh cherries instead of frozen or canned cherries?

Yes, fresh cherries work great in this recipe. Be sure to pit and chop them before adding to the batter.

What type of cherries should I use for the coconut and cherry cake?

Any cherry type you like is good. Bing or Rainier cherries, which are sweet, are ideal for the cake.

Can I use coconut cream instead of coconut milk in the cake batter?

Indeed, coconut cream is a good swap for coconut milk. Yet, remember it’s thicker. This might change the cake’s texture some.

How long does the coconut and cherry cake need to bake?

The baking time depends on the pan’s size. A bundt pan typically bakes in 50-60 minutes. A loaf pan needs 60-70 minutes. To check if it’s done, insert a skewer. If it comes out clean or with a few crumbs, it’s ready.

Can I freeze the coconut and cherry cake?

Feel free to freeze this cake for later. Wrap it well in plastic, then in an airtight container. It lasts for up to one month in the freezer. For thawing, leave it at room temperature for a couple of hours.

Can I use a different frosting for the coconut and cherry cake?

Sure thing! While coconut cream cheese is recommended, many frostings go well. Cream cheese, buttercream, or a powdered sugar glaze are fine choices too.

How should I store the coconut and cherry cake?

After frosting, keep the cake in the fridge. Use plastic wrap or an airtight container. It stays yummy for 3-4 days when stored right.

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