black forest cake trifle recipe

Forest Indulgence: Black Forest Cake Trifle Recipe

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This black forest cake trifle recipe is a delightful twist on a classic treat. It’s made with layers of cake, custard, and cream. They’re blended with cherry and chocolate flavours. This version uses reduced-fat ingredients to keep calories low but taste high. It’s ideal for special events or a luxury chocolate craving. The trifle suits a vegetarian diet and can be gluten-free with the right flour. Also, you only need basic kitchen tools like a baking tray and glass dishes.

Experience the joy of cake, custard, and cream in this black forest cake trifle. Each bite is a mix of flavours. The sourness of cherries mixes with the sweet chocolate and smooth custard. Because it’s made with reduced-fat items, you can enjoy it without calorie worries. Perfect for celebrations or a personal treat, this trifle is bound to please your taste buds.

Ingredients and Instructions

To make this delicious black forest cake trifle, here’s what you’ll need:

Ingredients Quantity
Eggs 3
Sweetener 1 cup
Flour 1 cup
Cocoa Powder 1/4 cup
Milk 1/2 cup
Cornflour 2 tablespoons
Cherry Jam 1/4 cup
Mascarpone 8 ounces
Cherries 1 cup
Aerosol Cream 1 can
Flake Chocolate 1 bar

Here are the steps:

  1. Start by heating your oven to 180°C (356°F).
  2. Mix eggs, sweetener, flour, cocoa powder, and milk in a bowl until it’s smooth.
  3. Put the mix into a greased dish. Bake for 30-40 mins. Check with a toothpick.
  4. While it bakes, mix cornflour with some milk to make a paste.
  5. In a pan, warm the rest of the milk and cherry jam. Then, add the cornflour mix. Stir until thick. Let it cool down afterwards.
  6. After the cake cools, cut it into cubes.
  7. Get a trifle bowl. Put half the cake cubes in, add cherry filling on top.
  8. Next, spread half the mascarpone over the cherries.
  9. Do another layer of cake, cherries, and mascarpone.
  10. Chill the trifle for 1-4 hours in the fridge. Overnight is best.
  11. Top with cream, cherries, shaved chocolate, and sprinkles before serving.

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For pictures or to print this recipe, click here.

Ready to enjoy the yummy layers of chocolate, cherries, and cream? Dig in!

Serving and Storage

Enjoy this black forest cake trifle after dinner. It blends cherries, chocolate, cake, custard, and cream beautifully. It suits a variety of savory meals. Whether for a party or a treat for yourself, this dessert will be a hit.

The trifle begins with a soft, rich cake. It’s baked for 8-10 minutes until just right. Next, assemble the trifle. Layer cake, cherry jam, custard, and fresh cherries in a dish. Keep layering to make it look fantastic.

Once built, chill it in the fridge for 30 minutes. This makes the flavors blend and sets the layers. Chilling also improves the texture, making each bite blissful.

To serve, top the trifle with plenty of aerosol cream. Add some grated flake chocolate for extra luxury. Each serving has 304 calories, perfect for special moments or a deserved indulgence.

Store any leftovers in the fridge for up to two days. Only add aerosol cream just before serving to keep it fresh. Remember, freezing this trifle isn’t a good idea. It’s best enjoyed fresh, with its creamy, flavorful layers.

black forest cake trifle recipe

Keyword Information
Serving Size 1 portion (approx. 304g)
Calories 304
Freezing Not recommended
Refrigerating 1-2 days


This black forest cake trifle recipe is a dream for anyone with a sweet tooth. It layers cherries, chocolate, cake, custard, and cream for an amazing taste. It’s just right for celebrations or when you want to treat yourself.

This recipe stands out because it’s indulgent yet mindful of health. It uses reduced-fat ingredients to lower calories. You can make it vegetarian or gluten-free, so it fits your diet.

If you follow the easy steps, you’ll make a dessert that looks and tastes fantastic. Its layers will delight anyone who tries it. This is your go-to dessert for making any occasion special.


Can I make this black forest cake trifle gluten-free?

Yes, you can make this trifle gluten-free. Just use a fitting alternative flour.

How long should I bake the cake for?

Bake the cake for 8-10 minutes.

How long should I chill the assembled trifle before serving?

Chill the trifle in the fridge for at least 30 minutes before serving.

Can I freeze the black forest cake trifle?

No, freezing this recipe is not a good idea. It’s best enjoyed fresh.

Can I store leftover trifle in the fridge?

Yes, keep leftover trifle in the fridge for 1-2 days. Put aerosol cream on just before serving.


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