Banana and Sultana Cake

Fruity Banana and Sultana Cake: Perfect for Snacking

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Welcome to our fruity cake world! This snack, our Banana and Sultana Cake, is a perfect mix of ripe bananas and juicy sultanas. known for its moist texture and rich fruity taste, it’s been loved for over 50 years. Anyone will love it for a quick mood booster.

The recipe is easy and tasty. All you need is self-raising flour, butter, sugar, eggs, bananas, and sultanas. You can make it the classic way or use a Thermomix for a simple twist. Either way, you’re making a cake full of fruity flavor.

This cake is not just for snacking. Enjoy it with tea or coffee, or as a sweet to end a meal. Adding honey or coconut sugar can enhance the sweetness. For a spicy kick, try sprinkling cinnamon and nutmeg.

Whether for yourself or to share, our Fruity Banana and Sultana Cake is always a good choice. It’s soft, moist, and naturally sweet from bananas and sultanas. This cake is perfect for any moment you want a snack!

Ingredients and Preparation

To make the Fruity Banana and Sultana Cake, gather simple ingredients. These are likely in your kitchen. This delicious cake is great for snacking. Here’s what you’ll use:

Ingredients Quantity
Ripe bananas 3
Sultanas or raisins 1 cup
Self-raising flour 2 cups
Butter 1/2 cup, softened
Sugar 1 cup
Eggs 2
Cinnamon 1 teaspoon
Mixed spice 1/2 teaspoon

Making this cake is easy. You don’t need to be an expert baker. Just follow these steps:

  1. First, preheat the oven to 350°F (175°C). Grease and line a cake tin.
  2. Next, mix the self-raising flour, cinnamon, and mixed spice in a bowl.
  3. In another bowl, cream the butter and sugar together until fluffy.
  4. Add eggs one at a time, beating well.
  5. Mash bananas until smooth and add to the mixture.
  6. Mix in the dry ingredients, making sure they’re just combined.
  7. Then, fold in the sultanas or raisins.
  8. If the batter is too thick, thin it out with a little milk.
  9. Pour the batter into the cake tin and smooth the top.
  10. Bake for 50-60 minutes, or until a toothpick comes out clean.
  11. Cover with foil if it starts to brown too much.
  12. While still hot, sprinkle brown sugar and cinnamon on top.
  13. Cool in the tin for 10 minutes, then finish cooling on a rack.

Your Banana and Sultana Cake is ready. It’s perfect for sharing with others or just enjoying on your own. This cake is moist and full of fruity flavor, fulfilling any sweet tooth.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Can I substitute the sultanas or raisins with other dried fruits?

A: Yes, feel free to use cranberries, apricots, or dates. Cut them into small pieces first.

Q: Can I make this cake gluten-free?

A: Certainly. Use a gluten-free flour blend and add baking powder. Ensure all ingredients are gluten-free.

Q: How should I store the Banana and Sultana Cake?

A: Keep it in an airtight container at room temperature for up to 3 days. To keep it longer, store in the fridge for a week.

“The Banana and Sultana Cake is a delightful treat. It combines the natural sweetness of bananas and juicy sultanas. This simple dessert is loved by everyone.” – Emily Brown, Baking Enthusiast

Serving and Enjoying

The Banana and Sultana Cake is versatile and perfect for any event. It’s an excellent choice for a quick snack or a special dessert.

Grab a big slice of this cake for a snack, along with a hot tea or coffee. Its moist texture and fruity essence make a great snack any time of day.

Want something richer? Consider it for dessert. Add a scoop of vanilla ice cream or some whipped cream. This mix of cold and warm treats your taste buds to heaven.

This cake only gets better with time, the flavors improving each day. Store it right, and enjoy richer tastes. Plus, mix it up by adding your favorite toppings like honey or maple syrup.

If it’s for friends or just for you, the Fruity Banana and Sultana Cake is a hit. It’s a delicious way to satisfy your sweet tooth and make any moment special.


Can I use other fruits instead of sultanas in the Banana and Sultana Cake?

Yes, you can change sultanas for other fruits. Try dried raisins or cranberries. Or use fresh apples or pears, chopped.

Can I make the Banana and Sultana Cake without eggs?

Yes, you can. Use egg substitutes like mashed bananas, applesauce, or yogurt.

Can I freeze the Banana and Sultana Cake?

Yes, freezing it is fine for up to 3 months. Remember to wrap it well in plastic or foil first. Then, thaw it in the fridge overnight before eating.

Can I add nuts to the Banana and Sultana Cake?

Sure thing! Just mix in some chopped walnuts, almonds, or pecans for a crisp, tasty addition.

Can I make the Banana and Sultana Cake gluten-free?

Yes, go for it. Simply swap out self-raising for gluten-free flour. And ensure the rest of your ingredients are also gluten-free.

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