spiral pasta recipe

Fun and Tasty Spiral Pasta Recipes

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Spiral pasta, also called cavatappi, is a fun and versatile pasta shape. It’s great for many tasty dishes. Whether it’s a quick dinner or a special meal for friends, these recipes will make your mouth water.

With spiral pasta, your meals can get more exciting. Its unique shape cooks evenly and pairs well with all kinds of sauces. Each spiral clings to the sauce and ingredients, giving you flavorful bites.

We’ll show a variety of spiral pasta recipes that are not just yummy but simple to make. No matter if you’re new to cooking or a kitchen pro, these recipes will spark your creativity. They’ll make your spiral pasta dishes stand out.

Ready to try new spiral pasta dishes and wow everyone? Get your spiral pasta, tie on your apron, and let’s jump into delicious spiral pasta recipes!

Easy Spiral Pasta Salad Recipes

Are you looking for a refreshing and light meal? Try these easy spiral pasta salad recipes. They are loaded with tasty ingredients like broccoli, tomatoes, and olives. Plus, the homemade dressings add a healthful touch. You can choose from classic to unique recipes, perfect for picnics or potlucks.

Here are some exciting options to start with:

1. Classic Italian Pasta Salad

Dive into the flavors of Italy with this inviting pasta salad. It mixes spiral pasta with cherry tomatoes, black olives, fresh basil, and mozzarella cheese. When you add the tangy vinaigrette, you’re in for a treat. It’s a favorite among many for good reason.

2. Greek Orzo Pasta Salad

This pasta salad will make you feel like you’re on a Greek island. It’s made with orzo pasta, cucumbers, red onions, feta cheese, and a lively lemon-herb dressing. Chill it and have a light yet fulfilling meal on a warm day.

3. Southwest Spiral Pasta Salad

This Tex-Mex inspired salad adds some zing to your meal. It combines spiral pasta with black beans, corn, bell peppers, and cherry tomatoes. The cilantro-lime dressing gives it a big flavor boost. Don’t forget the crunchy tortilla strips on top!

These suggestions are just the start of what you can create. Feel free to mix in different items or dressings to match your taste. You can also add grilled chicken or shrimp to make it a fuller meal.

When you crave something light and refreshing, these easy spiral pasta salads are the way to go. They’re tasty, nutritious, and simple to make. Enjoy exploring these options and show off your cooking ability to friends and family.

Creamy Spiral Pasta Casserole Recipes

Craving comfort food? These creamy spiral pasta casserole recipes are what you need. They’re perfect for feeding a bunch of people or for an easy meal during the week. Everyone will love these cheesy, pasta delights.

These recipes let you get creative. Add your favorite goodies to make the dish special. You can mix in 6-8 cups of anything you like, following the pasta bake rule.

For no-fuss add-ins, try cooked chicken or ham, maybe some corn, or canned fish. Even cured meats, spinach, and veggies like peas or carrots work great. Boost the taste with things like sun-dried tomatoes or olives.

If you don’t mind a little prep, try raw meat or seafood. Veggies like zucchini and bell peppers add loads of flavor. Just cook them first to make your casserole even tastier.

Keep the pasta perfect by cooking it 2 minutes less than the package says. This way, it stays firm in the oven.

Ready for some gooey pasta bake ideas? Let’s check them out.

Chicken, Bacon, and Spinach Casserole

A favorite is the chicken, bacon, and spinach casserole. It mixes tender chicken, crispy bacon, and healthy spinach. All baked in a rich sauce. Find the yummy recipe here.

Tuscan Chicken with Mushrooms and Spinach

Try the Tuscan chicken casserole for flavors of Italy. It has juicy chicken, mushrooms, and spinach in a creamy sauce. The full recipe is here.

Sicilian Tuna Casserole

Seafood fans will love the Sicilian tuna casserole. It’s full of tasty tuna and Mediterranean bits like olives and sun-dried tomatoes. Get the recipe here.

With these creamy spiral pasta casserole recipes, the options are endless. Be creative and mix in your favorites to make a unique dish. Your own masterpiece awaits.

Creamy pasta bakes are great for leftovers since they stay moist. So, make a bit extra for later. You’ll be glad you did.

Nutritional Information per Serving
Total Calories 384kcal
Calories from Carbohydrates 47g
Sugar Content 9g
Fat Content 10g
Saturated Fat 5g
Protein 26g
Fiber Content 7g

Weight Watchers SmartPoints:

  • Green: 10 SmartPoints
  • Blue: 10 SmartPoints
  • Purple: 6 SmartPoints

Weight Watchers Points Plus: 9 per serving.

Prep Time: 15 minutes

Cook Time: 30 minutes

Total Time: 50 minutes

Creamy Spiral Pasta Casserole

Enjoy these creamy pasta casseroles for a meal that everyone will love. You’ll likely keep coming back to these recipes, so be prepared!


Spiral pasta is both versatile and tasty. It works well in many recipes. You can make a cool salad or a warm casserole with it.

These spiral pasta dishes are perfect for anyone. Try the Creamy Garlic Pasta that’s ready in 20 minutes. Or go for the healthy Triple Garlic Pasta.

The Creamy Pasta Penne is super quick, done in 10 minutes. Don’t miss out on great recipes at togetherasfamily.com, italianfoodforever.com, and micadeli.com.

So, get some spiral pasta and start making amazing meals. With this pasta, you’ll always have new and exciting dishes to try!

Q: Is spiral pasta suitable for casseroles?

What is spiral pasta?

Spiral pasta, also known as cavatappi, has a fun, spiral shape. It’s very versatile in cooking.

How do I cook spiral pasta?

To cook it, first boil a large pot of salted water. Next, add the pasta. Cook it according to package instructions until it’s al dente. Finally, drain and rinse with cold water to stop the cooking.

What are some popular recipes using spiral pasta?

Spiral pasta is used in many tasty recipes. Some favorites are creamy pasta salads and savory pasta bakes. There are also cold pasta salads. Its versatility makes it perfect for different types of meals.

Can spiral pasta be used in cold salads?

Yes, it’s great for cold salads. Its shape catches dressings and flavors well. Adding it to cold salad recipes gives them a fun twist.

Absolutely! It keeps its shape and soaks up flavors in casseroles. It’s great in creamy chicken casseroles or vegetarian bakes. Spiral pasta is an excellent choice for delicious casseroles.


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