Banana and Chocolate Chip Cake Mary Berry

Mary Berry’s Banana and Chocolate Chip Cake: Perfect for Tea Time

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Enjoy the sweet blend of banana and chocolate in Mary Berry’s amazing cake. Perfect for tea time, it offers a moment of pure joy. Its moist and rich flavor will surely delight your taste buds.

Mary Berry’s secret is starting with simple, familiar items from your pantry. Items like butter, eggs, sugar, flour, and a few extra. These come together to form a cake full of flavor.

Start by heating your oven and getting your ingredients ready. Mix them well and pour into baking cups. Bake until the cakes rise and turn golden brown.

After the cakes cool, add one final touch. A drizzle of melted dark chocolate in a fun pattern. Now, the cakes are ready to make anyone happy, with their perfect mix of flavors.

Even better, these cakes can be made and saved for later. Freeze them and have a delightful treat anytime you want. Enjoy the flavors whenever the mood hits you.

Don’t delay, try Mary Berry’s cake today. Choose between cupcakes or a loaf, both are full of flavor. It promises a memorable tea time that will have you coming back for more.

Mary Berry’s Banana Bread Loaf Recipe

Do you love Mary Berry’s cake with bananas and chocolate chips? Then you’re in for a treat. Her banana bread loaf is just as tasty. It’s filled with ripe banana and chocolate chips. This makes the loaf moist and full of flavor. It’s perfect for any time you want a snack.

Here’s what you need for this yummy loaf:

1 ripe banana, 100g/4oz when peeled

1 tbsp of milk

50g/2oz of soft butter

75g/3oz of plain flour

75g/3oz of caster sugar

1/2 tsp of bicarbonate of soda

1/2 tsp of baking powder

1 free-range egg

50g/2oz of dark chocolate chips

50g/2oz of dark chocolate

First, preheat your oven. Set it to 160C/140C Fan/Gas 3. Grease and line a 450g/1lb loaf tin with baking paper.

Mix the banana until smooth in a bowl. Then add butter, flour, sugar, and other ingredients. Beat them until everything is combined well.

Add the chocolate chips and mix them in. Pour the batter into the tin and smooth the top.

Bake for 40-45 minutes. It should be risen and golden-brown.

Cool the loaf in the tin for 10 minutes. Then, take it out to fully cool on a rack.

Want to make your loaf extra special? Top it with melted chocolate. Melt dark chocolate and drizzle it over the loaf. Let the chocolate harden before slicing.

And there you have it – Mary Berry’s amazing banana bread loaf! It’s great with coffee in the morning or tea in the afternoon. It’s perfect whenever you want something sweet.

Why Choose Mary Berry’s Recipe?

Mary Berry’s recipes are top-tier, and her banana bread is a winner. It’s easy to follow and will always turn out great.

By using ripe bananas, the loaf becomes sweet and moist. Dark chocolate chips make it extra special. It turns a simple bake into something outstanding.

This loaf is ideal for any occasion. Serve it for brunch, during tea time, or as dessert. Its flavor and texture are bound to impress.

So, why not make this recipe? Get the ingredients and let Mary Berry’s guide lead you. You’ll enjoy baking this bread many times over.


Mary Berry’s Banana and Chocolate Chip Cake is great for tea time. You can make it as cupcakes or loaf. It’s moist and full of flavor because of the ripe bananas and chocolate chips.

Her recipes are simple to follow and give great results. Anyone, even if you’re not a pro, can make a cake that your family and friends will love.

You can bake both types and freeze them. This is perfect for those busy days when you want a homemade treat without much work.

Whether you like cupcakes or a loaf, this cake is a winner. For a tasty tea time, try Mary Berry’s recipe. It’s a fun and yummy choice.


What are the ingredients needed for Mary Berry’s Banana and Chocolate Chip Cake?

You’ll need 100g of softened butter, 2 eggs, 175g of caster sugar, and 225g of self-raising flour. Also, grab 1 teaspoon of baking powder, 3 tablespoons of milk, and 2 very ripe bananas (mashed). Finally, add 50g of chocolate chips to the mix.

How do I bake Mary Berry’s Banana and Chocolate Chip Cake?

First, preheat the oven to 180C/160C fan/gas 4. Line a 12-hole muffin tin with paper cases. In a big bowl, mix the butter, eggs, sugar, flour, powder, milk, bananas, and chips. Beat until smooth. Spoon the mix into the cases and bake for 25 minutes.

When they’re golden and rise, take them out. Let the cakes cool.

How can I decorate Mary Berry’s Banana and Chocolate Chip Cake?

For decoration, melt 50g of dark chocolate. Drizzle it over the cakes in a zigzag with a pastry bag or a spoon.

Can I make Mary Berry’s Banana and Chocolate Chip Cake ahead of time?

Yes, you can make them in advance. Then, freeze the cakes for up to 3 months.

What are the ingredients needed for Mary Berry’s Banana Bread Loaf?

You’ll need 1 ripe banana (peeled weight 100g/4oz), 1 tbsp of milk, and 50g/2oz of soft butter. Also, 75g/3oz of plain flour, 75g/3oz of caster sugar, 1/2 tsp of bicarbonate of soda, and 1/2 tsp of baking powder. And don’t forget 1 free-range egg, 50g/2oz of dark chocolate chips, and 50g/2oz of dark chocolate.

How do I bake Mary Berry’s Banana Bread Loaf?

First, preheat the oven to 160C/140C Fan/Gas 3. Grease and line a 450g/1lb loaf tin with baking paper. Mash the banana in a mixing bowl. Add other ingredients (except chips), beat with a whisk until smooth.

Stir in the chocolate chips. Spoon the mix into the tin. Bake it for 40-45 minutes until it’s golden. Let it cool before serving.

Can I decorate Mary Berry’s Banana Bread Loaf?

Yes, decorate the loaf with melted chocolate. Just melt 50g of dark chocolate, put it in a piping bag, and make zig-zags on the loaf. Let the chocolate set before cutting and serving.

Can I freeze Mary Berry’s Banana Bread Loaf?

Yes, you can freeze the loaf after baking. It’s a great make-ahead option.

What is the key to Mary Berry’s recipes?

Following Mary Berry’s recipes will give you great dishes easily.

Can I choose between cupcakes and the loaf?

Yes, pick between cupcakes or a loaf for a tasty banana and chocolate treat.

Is Mary Berry’s Banana and Chocolate Chip Cake a good choice for tea time?

Absolutely, it’s wonderful for tea and comes in both cupcake and loaf styles.

Is Mary Berry’s Banana and Chocolate Chip Cake a moist and flavorful cake?

It sure is. The bananas and chocolate chips make it moist and tasty.

Can the cakes or loaf be made ahead of time?

Yes, both the cupcakes and loaf can be frozen for later, which is convenient.

Is Mary Berry’s Banana and Chocolate Chip Cake a classic flavor combination?

Yes, bananas and chocolate chips are a classic and well-loved mix.

Are there any other options for enjoying the flavors of bananas and chocolate chips?

Yes, try Mary Berry’s banana bread loaf recipe for another yummy option.

How can I describe Mary Berry’s Banana and Chocolate Chip Cake?

It’s a delicious treat, perfect for enjoying with tea at any time.

What can I expect from Mary Berry’s recipes?

Her recipes are simple but lead to amazing dishes every time.

Is Mary Berry’s Banana and Chocolate Chip Cake a popular choice?

Yes, it’s a top pick for anyone wanting a tasty tea time snack.

What should I try for a delicious tea time treat?

For something delicious at tea time, go for Mary Berry’s Banana and Chocolate Chip Cake.

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