Nigel Slater Black Banana Cake

Nigel Slater’s Black Banana Cake: Rich and Dark

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Looking for a fancy dessert that’s also a bit indulgent? Nigel Slater’s Black Banana Cake is perfect. It’s both rich and moist, a tasty treat that will keep you coming back for more.

The magic of this cake comes from using very ripe, blackened bananas. Over time, bananas become sweeter and softer as their sugars break down. Nigel Slater uses these bananas to make his cake oh so flavorful.

This cake is loaded with bananas, making it super moist and flavorful. It’s a great way to use those bananas you’re about to throw out. You can even keep them in the freezer until you’re ready to bake.

Cocoa powder is mixed in to give the cake a hint of chocolate. It’s not just tasty; it also means less fat and sugar. That makes it a healthier choice for a sweet treat.

Nigel Slater’s cake is dense and moist compared to regular sponge cake. It’s an amazing choice for dessert or to pack in your lunches. It’s a special, indulgent treat for any time.

Nigel Slater Black Banana Cake Recipe

Ready to make Nigel Slater’s Black Banana Cake? You’ll need these ingredients:

  • 300g plain flour (for the chocolate version, replace 3-4 heaped tablespoons with cocoa powder)
  • 1 teaspoon bicarbonate of soda
  • 1/4 teaspoon salt
  • 113g unsalted butter
  • 150g dark muscovado sugar
  • 2 large eggs
  • 4-5 mashed blackening/black bananas (about 500ml by volume)

Here’s how to make it:

  1. Start by preheating your oven to 180°C (350°F). Line a loaf tin with parchment paper.
  2. Mix the plain flour, bicarbonate of soda, and salt in a bowl.
  3. In another bowl, cream the unsalted butter and dark muscovado sugar until it’s light and fluffy.
  4. Add the eggs, one at a time, to the butter and sugar mix. Make sure they’re fully mixed before adding the next.
  5. Mash the black bananas and mix them into the wet ingredients.
  6. Then, gently fold in the dry ingredients. Don’t overmix.
  7. Put the batter into the loaf tin and smooth the top.
  8. Bake for 60-70 minutes in the preheated oven. A skewer should come out clean from the center.
  9. Let the cake cool in the tin for 10 minutes. Then, move it to a wire rack to cool fully.
  10. Now, you’re ready to enjoy this treat by Nigel Slater. Slice it up and serve.

This cake recipe guarantees a moist and tasty dessert. Ripe bananas add natural sweetness. Cocoa powder brings a bit of chocolate flavor. It’s perfect for dessert or as a snack. This recipe is a real crowd-pleaser.

Don’t be afraid to try your own variations on this recipe. It’s great for gatherings with friends or family. They’ll love the flavors of ripe banana and rich sugar. Enjoy this yummy cake that’s easy to make and hard to resist.


Nigel Slater’s Black Banana Cake is a delightful treat. It’s made with ripe bananas, which are naturally sweet. The cake turns out rich and moist, thanks to the bananas.

Adding cocoa powder to the mix gives this cake a chocolatey twist. This makes it even more decadent and enjoyable.

This recipe is perfect for using up those overripe bananas in your fruit bowl. Don’t throw them out. Turn them into a dessert that everyone will love.

What makes this cake special is that it’s healthier than other cakes. It has less fat and sugar because of the bananas. So, you can enjoy it without feeling guilty.

Have a slice after dinner or put it in your lunchbox. Nigel Slater’s recipe is a hit for any occasion. It’s sure to please your sweet tooth.

Why not try making Nigel Slater’s Black Banana Cake? Enjoy its rich taste, moist texture, and amazing smell. Use those ripe blackening bananas to bake something magical.

This cake proves that simple ingredients can make a wonderful dessert. So, get baking. Treat yourself to this delicious and indulgent cake. Your taste buds will thank you.


Can I use regular bananas instead of blackening bananas for Nigel Slater’s Black Banana Cake?

Yes, you can use regular ripe bananas instead of blackening ones. This change may make the cake less intense in flavor. It could also affect how moist the cake is.

How can I store Nigel Slater’s Black Banana Cake?

To keep Nigel Slater’s Black Banana Cake, wait for it to cool. Then, wrap it tight in plastic wrap or use an airtight container. You can leave it at room temperature for a few days. Or, refrigerate for a longer lifespan.

Can I freeze Nigel Slater’s Black Banana Cake?

Yes, you can freeze Nigel Slater’s Black Banana Cake to save for later. After it cools, tightly wrap it with plastic. Place it in a freezer-safe bag. Keep it in the freezer for up to three months.

To thaw, move the cake to the fridge the night before.

Can I substitute cocoa powder with melted chocolate in Nigel Slater’s Black Banana Cake?

You can switch cocoa powder with melted chocolate for a change. But, remember to use the same weight as the powder in the recipe. The cake’s texture and moisture might vary a bit this way.

Can I add nuts or chocolate chips to Nigel Slater’s Black Banana Cake?

Sure thing! You can add your favorite nuts or chocolate chips to Nigel Slater’s Black Banana Cake. Just mix them in the batter. This will give the cake more flavor and crunch.

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