nigella carrot cake gluten free

Nigella’s Gluten-Free Carrot Cake: Rich and Moist Every Time

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Try Nigella Lawson’s gluten-free carrot cake for a tasty, moist treat. It’s perfect for gluten-free eaters and dessert fans. Using ground almonds instead of flour, it’s rich and good. Plus, it gets extra flavor from rum-soaked sultanas.

This cake is healthy, with olive oil and lots of carrots. It’s topped with toasted pine nuts for a special touch. Serve it with mascarpone cream for even more flavor.

This recipe is easy to make and convenient. You can make it ahead and store it. It also freezes well, making it a great dessert anytime.

Whether you’re gluten-free or just love carrot cake, Nigella’s recipe is a winner. It’s moist, full of flavor, and uses healthy ingredients. A dessert everyone will love.

Ingredients and Method

To make Nigella’s gluten-free carrot cake, gather the following ingredients:

  • Toasted pine nuts
  • Carrots
  • Golden sultanas
  • Rum
  • Caster sugar
  • Olive oil
  • Vanilla extract
  • Eggs
  • Ground almonds
  • Nutmeg
  • Lemon zest and juice

Start by grating the carrots. Wrap them in a paper towel to get rid of extra moisture. Simmer the golden sultanas in the rum to get them nice and boozy.

In a large bowl, whip the caster sugar and olive oil. It should become light and creamy. Now, add the eggs, ground almonds, vanilla extract, nutmeg, lemon zest, and juice. Mix well. Finally, gently stir in the carrots and the rum-soaked sultanas.

Pour this well-mixed batter into a prepared cake tin. Bake until a cake tester comes out clean. It should be golden on top. This takes about 45-50 minutes at 180°C (350°F). But, keep an eye on it, as times may vary.

Next, let the baked cake cool down completely. You can serve it plain or add a yummy mascarpone cream topping. Cut a slice and enjoy this treat with friends and family.

Tips and Serving Suggestions

Making Nigella’s gluten-free carrot cake is easy with a few key tips and serving ideas. These will make your dessert stand out. So let’s get started!

Tips for Making Carrot Cake

  • Toasting the pine nuts: Toast the pine nuts to boost their flavor and texture before adding them on top of the cake.
  • Grating the carrots: Grate the carrots using a processor or a coarse grater for the cake batter. It makes it simpler and ensures the carrots are spread evenly in the cake.

Serving Suggestions for Nigella Carrot Cake

After baking the gluten-free carrot cake perfectly, here’s how you can serve it:

  1. Serve as is: The cake is perfect by itself. It blends the rich taste of grated carrots, rum-soaked sultanas, and ground almonds for an indulgent treat without needing anything extra.
  2. Pair with mascarpone cream: Add a lavish touch by serving the cake with a spoonful of mascarpone cream. Just mix mascarpone cheese, icing sugar, and a bit of rum until creamy. This rich cream contrasts beautifully with the moist cake.

Now, armed with these tips and ideas, you can make Nigella’s gluten-free carrot cake for any event. You can prepare the cake in advance and keep it fresh in an airtight container for about six days. Or, freeze it for up to three months. Enjoy this delightful dessert!


Nigella’s gluten-free carrot cake is a delicious treat for those avoiding gluten. This recipe uses ground almonds instead of flour, which makes the cake taste unique. Rum-soaked sultanas make it even more luxurious.

The cake’s secret is mixing olive oil with grated carrots. This makes the cake moist and wholesome. You can eat it plain or with mascarpone cream. It’s sure to be a hit.

Try making this gluten-free dessert. It shows that eating gluten-free can still be very tasty. Nigella proves there are many great food options even with dietary restrictions.


Can I substitute the ground almonds with another type of flour?

A: No, the recipe needs ground almonds. They make the cake rich and moist. Using a different flour will change the taste and texture.

Can I use a different type of nut for the topping?

A: Sure! While pine nuts are common, try walnuts or pecans for something new. They add flavor and a nice crunch instead.

How long can I store the carrot cake?

A: You can keep the cake in an airtight container for up to 6 days. It also freezes well for 3 months, being a handy choice for anytime.

Can I make the carrot cake ahead of time?

A: Absolutely. Making it in advance is perfect for gatherings. It lets you be ready for any special event with ease.

Can I omit the rum-soaked sultanas?

A: Yes, you can leave out the rum-soaked sultanas if you avoid alcohol. The cake will still be tasty. So, feel free to adapt the recipe to your needs.

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