green goddess salad panera recipe

Panera’s Green Goddess Salad Recipe

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Want to make Panera’s Green Goddess Salad at home? You’re in luck! This recipe is full of protein and fiber-rich veggies. It features a tangy pickled onion. The green herb dressing brings a vibrant flavour. Plus, it’s made with wholesome ingredients. It’s good for gluten-free, paleo, Whole30, and keto diets.

The Inspiration Behind the Recipe

The idea came from Panera’s Green Goddess Cobb Salad with Chicken. This dish is full of vibrant flavors. The author wanted to make their own version at home. They aimed to keep the dish’s spirit but add their personal touch.

Yet, the author found Panera’s salad had some ingredients they didn’t like. They aimed for a healthier version that still tasted great. This started a journey to find better ingredients to use in their recipe.

“I wanted to capture the essence of Panera’s Green Goddess Salad but with my own touch, using ingredients that I have in my pantry. The end result was a sensational salad that surpassed my expectations,” the author recalled, reflecting on their journey.

The author chose fresh ingredients like crisp greens and vibrant herbs. They aimed for a tasty dressing too. They used organic and sustainable items. This made their Green Goddess Salad not just tasty but also adhering to a healthy lifestyle.

The Power of Real Food Ingredients

This recipe stands out because it uses real food. These ingredients are both nourishing and delicious. The author made sure to use high-quality, natural items.

The mix of fresh herbs, avocado, cucumbers, and lemon dressing is divine. It offers a unique taste. This creation proves that using wholesome ingredients can make meals exciting and different.

Panera’s delicious salad inspired the author to make their own version. They focused on using real, healthy ingredients. The final Green Goddess Salad is a celebration of great taste and the power of natural foods.

Ingredients and Preparation

To make this delicious Green Goddess Salad, gather fresh, flavorful components. Here’s your list:

  • Romaine lettuce
  • Bacon
  • Avocado
  • Chicken
  • Tomatoes (cherry or grape)
  • Hard boiled eggs
  • Pickled red onions

Begin with the romaine lettuce for the salad’s base. Wash and dry the leaves well. Next, chop or tear them into smaller pieces. Put them in a big bowl.

Then, fry the bacon until it’s crispy. Crumble it once it’s done and set it aside.

Now, get the other ingredients ready. Slice the avocado and cut the chicken into small pieces. Cut the tomatoes in half. Peel and cut the eggs into four. Drain the pickled onions.

With everything prepared, start building the salad. Add avocado, chicken, tomatoes, eggs, and onions on the lettuce.

Add the bacon bits on top to finish. Add salt and pepper as you like.

For a final touch, offer Green Goddess Dressing at the side. Or, pour it over the salad for extra taste and creaminess.

Green Goddess Salad Ingredients

Ingredients Quantity
Romaine lettuce 1 head
Bacon 6 slices, cooked and crumbled
Avocado 1, sliced
Chicken 2 cups, cooked and diced
Tomatoes (cherry or grape) 1 cup, halved
Hard boiled eggs 4, peeled and quartered
Pickled red onions 1/4 cup

Keep reading to find out how to make this Green Goddess Salad ahead of time, its nutritional info, and how to enjoy it at Panera.

Make-Ahead Instructions

If you’re planning to make the Green Goddess Salad ahead of time, you can mix all ingredients except the avocado. Keep them in a sealed container and chill for up to four days. This is a great way to save time for busy days or when prepping meals. Simply follow the steps below:

  1. Combine the spring salad mix, cherry tomatoes, bacon, chopped eggs, feta, and shallot.
  2. Put the mix in a sealed container in the fridge.
  3. Before eating, season the chilled salad with salt and pepper.
  4. Add fresh avocado to give the salad a creamy texture and rich flavor.
  5. Blend in the green goddess dressing to coat everything well.
  6. Eat the salad straight away or keep it in the fridge until needed.

These easy steps let you enjoy a tasty and fresh Green Goddess Salad anytime. It removes the need to make it from the start each time.

For more salad ideas, look at recipes from Confessions of a Fit Foodie, CopyKat Recipes, and The Slow Roasted Italian. They offer guides and tips for making Panera Bread’s Green Goddess Salad at home.

Nutritional Information

Choosing what to eat is important. The Green Goddess Salad is packed with vital nutrients. It is both tasty and fulfilling.

Here’s what’s in the Green Goddess Salad:

  • Calories: Approximately 697 calories
  • Carbohydrates: 15g
  • Protein: 43g
  • Fat: 53g

Though it has more calories than some salads, it’s balanced in nutrition. It has plenty of protein and healthy fats.

This mix keeps you full longer. It’s perfect for satisfying hunger with something delicious.

The salad also has lots of vitamins and minerals. It’s good for your health.

  • Vitamin A: Great for your eyes and immune system.
  • Vitamin C: Boosts the immune system and helps make collagen.
  • Calcium: Keeps bones and teeth strong.
  • Iron: Important for moving oxygen around your body.

These are key for your body to work well. Eating the Green Goddess Salad helps you get these nutrients. It’s a good choice for staying healthy.

Nutritional Information for Green Goddess Salad

Green Goddess Salad as a Meal Prep Option

This Green Goddess Salad is perfect for meal prepping. Prepare all ingredients ahead and store them separately. This way, you get a week’s worth of easy lunches. It’s great for anyone busy.

Keep the ingredients in different containers to keep them fresh. When hungry, mix them and add the Green Goddess dressing. This method saves time and ensures a tasty lunch daily.

Meal prepping suits busy folks who aim to eat healthily. This approach lets you manage your diet better. With Green Goddess Salad, enjoy greens, proteins, and tasty toppings for a balanced meal.

Meal prepping beats unhealthy fast food or costly takeouts. Enjoy homemade meals anywhere. Plus, cooking in bulk saves money and cuts down on food waste.

Focus on getting the right portions and nutrition when meal prepping. Portion salad greens, proteins like chicken or tofu, and add-ons in containers. This makes a fulfilling salad to power you through the day.

Ingredients Preparation
Salad greens (e.g., spinach, romaine lettuce) Wash and dry thoroughly. Store in an airtight container or bag.
Protein source (e.g., grilled chicken, chickpeas) Cook or prepare according to recipe instructions. Allow to cool, then separate into individual containers.
Toppings (e.g., cherry tomatoes, cucumber, avocado) Wash and chop as needed. Store in separate containers or bags.
Green Goddess dressing Prepare dressing according to recipe instructions. Store in a small container or bottle.

To eat, just assemble your salad. Layer greens, then protein, toppings, and dressing. Mix well to blend the flavors and enjoy!

Meal prepping with the Green Goddess Salad is easy. It’s a flexible meal that can be customized. Try meal prepping for convenient and healthy lunches all week.

Green Goddess Salad at Panara

Panera Bread offers a menu full of fresh and tasty choices. Their Green Goddess Salad has become a favourite. It’s a colourful mix that’s both healthy and filling.

The salad features chicken raised without antibiotics. This shows their commitment to high quality. Mixed with arugula, romaine, baby kale, and red leaf, it forms a delicious green base.

Grape tomatoes, pickled red onions, and avocado add colour and taste. Smoked applewood bacon brings a smoky flavour. Together, they make each mouthful exciting.

The Green Goddess dressing is freshly made. It blends herbs, lemon, and garlic. This tangy dressing pairs well with the salad.

A cage-free hard-boiled egg tops off the salad. It adds protein, making the meal more satisfying.

Green Goddess Salad at Panama – Ingredients:

  • Chicken raised without antibiotics
  • Arugula
  • Romaine lettuce
  • Baby kale
  • Red leaf blend
  • Grape tomatoes
  • Pickled red onions
  • Fresh avocado
  • Applewood smoked bacon
  • Cage-free hard-boiled egg
  • Green Goddess dressing

Panera’s Green Goddess Salad is ideal for a nutritious and enjoyable meal. It blends a variety of ingredients for a refreshing taste.


Panera’s Green Goddess Salad is a tasty option for home cooking, thanks to this homemade recipe. Panera recently revamped its menu, making the biggest change in the company’s history. This update introduces new salads, sandwiches, and Bacon Mac & Cheese. Panera has also improved familiar favourites, focusing on soups, salads, sandwiches, and mac & cheese.

The new menu offers items under $10, so it’s budget-friendly. You can now enjoy the Tomato Basil BLT, Ranch Cobb Salad, and Mediterranean Greens with Grains. Additionally, the Green Goddess Salad is a standout. This menu overhaul helps make Panera’s operations smoother in its over 2,000 US locations.

Now, you have the choice to either visit Panera for various breakfast choices or make the Green Goddess Salad at home. Trying this recipe allows you to enjoy Panera’s tasty meals with wholesome ingredients right where you are.

For more on Panera’s menu changes and their dedication to tasty, healthy food options, visit this link, this link, and this link.


Can I make substitutions for the ingredients in this recipe?

Certainly! Feel free to change the Green Goddess Salad as you like. Add or remove vegetables, proteins, or other toppings to make it your own.

How long does the Green Goddess Salad stay fresh?

Kept in a sealed container in the fridge, the salad stays fresh for up to four days. To keep it fresh, add avocado and dressing just before you eat.

Can I make the Green Goddess Dressing ahead of time?

Sure, the dressing can be made ahead and kept in the fridge. It remains fresh for a week. Remember to stir it well before putting it on your salad.

Are there any variations of the Green Goddess Salad?

Yes! Be imaginative with the Green Goddess Salad. Try adding things like crunchy croutons, grilled veggies, or roasted nuts for more taste and texture.

Can I make the Green Goddess Salad vegetarian or vegan?

Definitely, to make it vegetarian or vegan, just skip the bacon and chicken. Instead, use tofu, tempeh, or chickpeas. Opt for a vegan dressing or a dairy-free option instead of the usual dressing.

How many servings does this recipe make?

The recipe serves about four. You can adjust the amounts to make more or fewer servings as needed.


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