Recipe for Onion Tarte Tatin

Savory Twist: Recipe for Onion Tarte Tatin

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Try a delicious savory twist on the classic French Tarte Tatin with our Recipe for Onion Tarte Tatin. It will excite your taste buds with its unique blend of flavors. Instead of using apples, this version uses beautifully caramelized onions, offering a delightful change.

Get ready to enjoy the rich taste of caramelized onions atop soft puff pastry. Every bite mixes sweet and buttery flavors. A special caramel made with wine, vinegar, and miso paste adds a rich umami taste. This elevates the traditional Tarte Tatin.

The tart features caramelized onions layered on puff pastry. It’s baked until the flavors and colors blend wonderfully. Turning it over reveals a stunning caramelized onion tart that’s unforgettable.

This recipe is great for vegans. For those who love extra flavor, add some blue cheese on top. It makes the tart richer and more delicious. This luxurious tart will surely enhance your meals and become a favorite in your cooking collection.

How to Make Onion Tarte Tatin

Making Onion Tarte Tatin is surprisingly simple. Start by caramelizing onions with sugar, water, wine, vinegar, and miso paste. They should become soft and golden. Next, get the puff pastry ready. Thaw it and cut it to fit your pan.

After cooking the onions, put the caramel in a pie or cake pan. Then, lay the onion slices on top. Cover them with puff pastry and tuck the edges in. Bake it until the pastry turns golden brown. Let it cool for a bit. Turn the tart onto a plate to serve, with the onions on top. You can add fresh herbs to make it prettier.

To nail the perfect Onion Tarte Tatin, caramelizing the onions is crucial. It teases out their sweetness. The mix of sugar, wine, vinegar, and miso paste adds a rich flavor. The puff pastry makes the base light and flaky. It balances the sweet onions.

This dish is a real eye-catcher that brings together caramelized onions and creamy puff pastry. It’s perfect for special dinners or to wow your guests. Just follow these steps to enjoy a savory French classic. Onion Tarte Tatin blends caramelized onions and puff pastry in a lovely way.


Onion Tarte Tatin is a special French dish that delights your taste buds and impresses guests. The mix of sweet onions and rich pastry is a taste sensation. It carefully uses 101 baby onions for that perfect taste in every mouthful.

This dish features the rare Vin Jaune wine, from France’s tiny Jura wine region. It’s hard to find, making it precious. Yet, Sherry works as a great alternative, as suggested by the chef.

The chef’s skill in cooking onions makes the dish stand out. They poach, caramelize, and make onion marmalade. The soubise sauce, with butter, maple syrup, and cider vinegar, adds wonderful depth.

However, the strong onion taste might not suit everyone. Adding goat’s cheese helps balance the flavours. This makes the dish more enjoyable for all.

Making your own puff pastry takes around three hours. But don’t let this put you off. The recipe is not complicated. For those short on time, shop-bought puff pastry is a fine substitute.

In summary, Onion Tarte Tatin is a stunning dish for your cooking collection. It combines carefully prepared onions with a mix of flavours. This dish truly celebrates French cooking. Try making Onion Tarte Tatin and enjoy the unique taste it offers.


Is Onion Tarte Tatin a sweet or savory dish?

Onion Tarte Tatin is a savory dish, not sweet. It mixes caramelized onions’ sweetness with buttery puff pastry.

What is the difference between a traditional Tarte Tatin and Onion Tarte Tatin?

Traditional Tarte Tatin uses apples. Onion Tarte Tatin instead uses caramelized onions. This gives it a special taste.

Is Onion Tarte Tatin suitable for vegans?

Yes, Onion Tarte Tatin is good for vegans. You can add blue cheese for more flavor if you like.

How easy is it to make Onion Tarte Tatin?

Making Onion Tarte Tatin is easy. First, caramelize the onions. Then, put them on puff pastry. Bake until golden. Finally, flip it to show the onions.

What can I serve with Onion Tarte Tatin?

Serve Onion Tarte Tatin as a main or side dish. It goes well with a green salad or roasted veggies.

Can I prepare Onion Tarte Tatin in advance?

Yes, prepare it before you need it. Just do all steps except baking. Refrigerate it. Bake it when you’re ready to eat.

Can I freeze Onion Tarte Tatin?

Freezing Onion Tarte Tatin is not recommended. The onions and pastry won’t be nice after thawing.


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