Cake Cream Strawberry

Sumptuous Cream and Strawberry Cake Recipe

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Enjoy our scrumptious Cream and Strawberry Cake Recipe. It blends a buttery pound cake with sweet strawberries and creamy icing. It’s a perfect mix of flavors with a stunning look, making it ideal for any event.

This cake is ideal for birthdays, bridal showers, or as a personal treat. It’s moist and filled with fresh strawberry taste. After your first bite, you’ll want more.

This cake stands out with its butter and vanilla homemade pound cake. The cream topping adds luxury and taste.

Our recipe is simple to follow. It guides all, even newcomers, to a successful result. You can make this delightful dessert at home.

Don’t miss out. Impress your loved ones with our Cream and Strawberry Cake Recipe. A delightful mix of cake, cream, and strawberries is waiting for you.

Ingredients and Preparation

To make the perfect homemade strawberry pound cake, gather these ingredients:

  • 1 cup of unsalted butter
  • 1 1/2 cups of granulated sugar
  • 4 large eggs
  • 2 teaspoons of vanilla extract
  • 2 cups of all-purpose flour
  • 1/2 teaspoon of baking powder
  • Fresh strawberries for garnish

Now, let’s start making the cake:

  1. First, cream the softened butter and sugar until fluffy.
  2. Then, beat in eggs one by one and add vanilla extract.
  3. In another bowl, sift flour, baking powder, and salt together.
  4. Mix in the dry ingredients and sour cream, but don’t overmix.
  5. Next, gently add diced strawberries to the batter.
  6. Pour this mixture into a loaf pan.
  7. Bake at 350°F (175°C) for 60-70 minutes, until a toothpick comes out clean.
  8. After it cools, ice the cake and decorate with strawberry slices.

The picture above captures this cake’s beauty. It shows how the fresh strawberries and creamy frosting enhance the already moist pound cake. This dessert’s image truly says a thousand words about its taste and looks.

Serving and Enjoying the Cake

Enjoy this Cake Cream Strawberry at celebrations or just to treat yourself. It goes well with tea or champagne, perfect for parties or birthdays.

The creamy icing and strawberries make every slice look sophisticated. Add some vanilla ice cream or whipped cream on top. You’ll love the mix of moist cake and fresh strawberries.

This Cream and Strawberry Cake is delicious and looks amazing. It will definitely impress your loved ones.


Can I use salted butter instead of unsalted butter?

Using unsalted butter lets you control the cake’s salt level better. Yet, if you’ve got only salted butter, it’s okay. Just lessen or skip adding any extra salt in the recipe.

Can I use frozen strawberries instead of fresh strawberries?

It’s best to go with fresh strawberries for their great taste and feel. But, if frozen is what you have, thaw and drain them well before adding them in.

How should I store the cake?

Store the cake at room temperature for up to 2 days. Ensure it’s covered well with plastic or in an airtight box. For longer storage, keep it in the fridge for another 5 days.

Can I freeze the cake?

Freezing the cake is a good option. Just wrap it tight in plastic, then put it in a sealable bag or box. It stays fresh in the freezer for up to 3 months. Thaw it in the fridge overnight before serving again.

Can I make this cake in advance?

Yes, getting this cake done early is a great idea. You can bake it and whip up the icing a day before. Keep the cake and icing apart until just before serving. This keeps everything as fresh and tasty as can be.

Can I use a different type of icing?

The called-for creamy icing does go well with the cake and strawberries. But, feel free to try a different kind if you like. Cream cheese frosting or vanilla buttercream are both tasty picks.

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