Sugar Cookie Ice Cream Recipe

Sweet Treat: Sugar Cookie Ice Cream Recipe

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This Sugar Cookie Ice Cream Recipe is a delicious mix of sugar cookies and ice cream. It uses a simple no-churn method, so there’s no need for an ice cream machine. With edible sugar cookie dough, sprinkles, heavy cream, condensed milk, and mascarpone cheese, it’s a treat. This creamy ice cream is ideal for warm summer days or as a special birthday dessert.

Craving homemade ice cream that tastes like sugar cookies? Try this amazing recipe. You don’t need special equipment. Just follow the easy steps to blend sugar cookies into creamy ice cream.

This ice cream stands out because of its edible sugar cookie dough. Each bite combines smooth ice cream with the crunch of sugar cookies. The sprinkles add a cheerful, festive look. It’s perfect for any celebration.

Seeking a cool dessert for a hot day or a unique birthday treat? This recipe is sure to impress. Its no-churn method is simple, so anyone can make this delicious ice cream at home.

Don’t skip making this creamy, dreamy sugar cookie ice cream. Follow the simple steps, be creative, and enjoy every bite of this tasty dessert.

Ingredients and Preparation.

To whip up this no-churn Sugar Cookie Ice Cream, gather some tasty ingredients. They combine the sweetness of sugar cookies with the creaminess of ice cream. Here’s what to collect:

Sugar Cookie Dough Ingredients:

  • European-style unsalted butter
  • Granulated sugar
  • Clear vanilla extract
  • Almond extract
  • Salt
  • Blanched almond flour
  • Milk
  • Rainbow sprinkles

No-Churn Mascarpone Ice Cream Ingredients:

  • Heavy whipping cream
  • Mascarpone cheese
  • Clear vanilla extract
  • Salt
  • Sweetened condensed milk
  • Rainbow sprinkles

Got your ingredients? Let’s start making the no-churn Sugar Cookie Ice Cream:

  1. First, make the sugar cookie dough. Cream the European-style unsalted butter and granulated sugar until light and fluffy.
  2. Mix in clear vanilla extract, almond extract, salt, blanched almond flour, and milk. Stir until everything’s well mixed.
  3. Then gently add the rainbow sprinkles for a burst of colour.
  4. Now, for the mascarpone ice cream base. Whip the heavy cream until it forms medium firm peaks.
  5. Mix in room temperature mascarpone cheese, clear vanilla extract, salt, and sweetened condensed milk. Fold it all together carefully.
  6. In an 8-cup freezer-safe dish, layer the sugar cookie dough and ice cream base. Add extra rainbow sprinkles on each layer for fun.
  7. Wrap the dish with plastic and freeze for around 6 hours, or until set.
  8. When fully frozen, serve your Sugar Cookie Ice Cream in a cone or bowl. Enjoy the mix of sugar cookie dough and creamy ice cream.

Enjoy this homemade no-churn Sugar Cookie Ice Cream. It’s a brilliant mix of sweet sugar cookie dough and creamy ice cream. Easy to make, you don’t need an ice cream machine. Check out @olivesnthyme on Instagram for more dessert ideas. Dive into the divine taste of this no-churn Sugar Cookie Ice Cream!

Tips and Serving Suggestions.

Make your homemade Sugar Cookie Ice Cream even tastier with these tips. Use top-notch ingredients like European butter and clear vanilla extract. Also, get the sugar cookie dough just right. This will make your dessert stand out.

Choose European Butter for Richness

For the best Sugar Cookie Ice Cream, use European-style unsalted butter. It’s richer because it has more fat and less water. This makes the dough and ice cream creamy and rich. European butter is soft, so it mixes well into the recipe.

Opt for Clear Vanilla Extract

Clear vanilla extract gives your ice cream a birthday cake flavor. It’s made to be light in taste and color. If you can’t find it, regular vanilla works too. It keeps the sweet flavor in your ice cream.

Substitute Almond Flour for Food Safety

It’s vital to think about food safety when making sugar cookie dough. Use almond flour instead of heat-treated flour. Almond flour makes the cookies tasty and safe from bacteria.

Allow Sufficient Freeze Time

Your Sugar Cookie Ice Cream needs to freeze for about 6 hours. This makes sure the flavors mix well and the texture is just right. Having patience is key to great ice cream.

Let the Ice Cream Soften before Serving

Let the ice cream soften for 10-15 minutes before serving. This makes it easier to scoop. It also lets the flavor fully develop. You’ll get a smoother, more delicious ice cream.

Storage and Shelf Life

If you have leftover ice cream, just cover it and freeze. It stays good for two weeks. This way, you can have a tasty treat ready anytime.

Serving Suggestions

There are fun ways to serve your Sugar Cookie Ice Cream. Try it in a sugar cone or a bowl. You could also add rainbow sprinkles or crushed cookies on top. Get creative with your tasty frozen treat!

Nutritional Information

Prep Time Cook Time Additional Time Servings Calories per Serving
52 minutes 8 minutes 2 hours 10 minutes 12 sandwiches 381 kcal

Serve your delicious Sugar Cookie Ice Cream with style


This homemade Sugar Cookie Ice Cream recipe is simple and fun to make. It blends sugar cookies and ice cream flavors beautifully. With no need for churning, it’s an easy homemade ice cream choice.

Perfect for hot summer days or as a unique birthday cake alternative. This creamy, sweet ice cream will make your day better. Enjoy the rich flavors of homemade ice cream, crafted with love and attention.


Can I use regular butter instead of European style unsalted butter?

You can use regular butter if you don’t have European style. It’s for its rich taste and softness, but regular butter works too.

Can I use regular vanilla extract instead of clear vanilla extract?

Yes, regular vanilla extract works fine as a substitute for clear vanilla extract in the recipe.

Why is almond flour used instead of heat treated flour for the sugar cookie dough?

Almond flour prevents bacteria in the dough. It adds a great taste and texture.

How long does the ice cream need to freeze?

Freeze the ice cream for 6 hours to get the best results.

How should I serve the sugar cookie ice cream?

Let the ice cream soften for 10-15 minutes at room temperature before scooping. Choose between a sugar cone or a bowl for a lovely treat.

How long can I store the leftover ice cream?

You can store the ice cream in the freezer, covered, for up to two weeks.

Can I add additional toppings or mix-ins to the ice cream?

Absolutely! Feel free to add your favorite toppings or mix-ins to make the ice cream just how you like it.

Is this recipe suitable for people with dietary restrictions?

The recipe has dairy and gluten from the cookies. It’s not good for those with lactose or gluten issues. Check the ingredients and adapt as needed.


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