Lavender Earl Grey Scones

Tea Infused: Lavender Earl Grey Scones Recipe

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Scones serve well for breakfast, brunch, tea parties, or dessert. This recipe offers Lavender Earl Grey Scones that are chewy inside and crisp outside. The secret lies in using a special recipe with infused butter and loose tea.

The infused butter is created by melting unsalted butter. It is then steeped with Earl Grey lavender tea leaves. This process adds a subtle tea flavor complemented by lavender’s floral notes. To make the dough, you mix flour, baking powder, salt, sugar, tea-infused butter, loose tea, heavy cream, and an egg.

To shape the scones, roll out the dough and cut it into triangles. Brush them with heavy cream for a golden look. They bake at 425°F for about 15-17 minutes until they turn golden brown. After cooling, drip them with a glaze of powdered sugar, vanilla, and lavender tea.

This recipe takes 1 hour 15 minutes from start to finish, producing 6 scones. Each scone has 355 kcal. With 5 stars from 2 votes, these scones are a hit.

For top-notch taste, Twinnings Loose Leaf Tea is preferred for the Earl Grey brand. Enjoy these scones any time of the day. Match them with clotted cream or lemon curd for an improved tea-time.

How to Make Lavender Earl Grey Scones

If you’re in the mood for a special tea-infused snack, try making Lavender Earl Grey Scones. They blend the gentle flavours of lavender and earl grey tea beautifully. This easy recipe will guide you in making these delightful scones.

Firstly, create the infused butter. Melt unsalted butter slowly. Add a lot of earl grey lavender tea leaves into the melted butter. Let it sit for 5 minutes. Then, strain the butter to remove the leaves and cool it until it’s solid once more.

In a big bowl, combine flour, baking powder, salt, and sugar. Take the solidified infused butter and cut it into small pieces. Add these to the flour mix. Blend it until the mixture looks like wet sand.

Next, sprinkle loose earl grey tea into your mix. In another bowl, mix non-dairy milk, vanilla, and vinegar. Add an egg and beat. Slowly add this to your flour mix, stirring well.

Place the dough on a lightly floured area. Shape it into a thick circle, 1-inch high. Then, cut the dough into triangles with a pizza cutter. Put them on a tray lined with baking paper. Brush the top of each with some cream for a lovely golden colour.

Heat your oven to 425°F (220°C) and bake the scones for 15-17 minutes. They should be slightly golden when done. While they bake, mix powdered sugar, vanilla, and lavender tea to make a glaze. Drizzle this over the cooled scones for extra sweetness and flavour.

Your Lavender Earl Grey Scones are now ready to enjoy. They’re perfect fresh, but you can keep them at room temperature in a sealed container for two days. For longer storage, freeze them for up to a month.

Experience the wonderful mix of lavender and earl grey with these scones. They’re a great choice for breakfast, afternoon tea, or a dessert. Everyone who tries these Lavender Earl Grey Scones will love them.

Total Time 1 hour and 15 minutes
Prep Time 15 minutes
Cook Time 15 minutes
Cooling Time 1 hour
Servings 6 Scones
Calories per Serving 355 kcal


These Lavender Earl Grey Scones offer a special twist on the classic scone. They blend earl grey tea and lavender, bringing a fragrant touch to your taste buds. This makes for an exciting taste adventure, perfect for tea lovers and those who enjoy baking.

Their unique texture is both buttery and flaky, with just the right amount of sweetness. You can enjoy these scones by themselves or with clotted cream and lemon curd. They make any moment special.

For an extra special touch, add a lavender glaze. This not only boosts the flavour but makes the scones look irresistible. You have the freedom to tweak the recipe, like trying different teas or adding your choice of mix-ins.

Delve into the delightful world of Lavender Earl Grey Scones. They flawlessly marry classic scone qualities with an exciting twist. Each bite is a memorable adventure in flavour.


Are these scones suitable for breakfast?

Absolutely, you can enjoy Lavender Earl Grey Scones during breakfast, brunch, or at tea parties.

What is the key to achieving the perfect texture of these scones?

The secret to perfect texture lies in a special recipe. It uses infused butter and loose tea.

How do I make the infused butter for these scones?

To create infused butter, melt unsalted butter gently. Add earl grey lavender tea leaves and steep on low heat for 5 minutes. Then strain the butter to remove tea leaves using a fine strainer or sieve.

What are the ingredients used to make the scone dough?

For the scone dough, you’ll need flour, baking powder, salt, sugar, tea-infused butter, loose tea, heavy cream, and an egg.

How do I shape and bake the scones?

Roll the dough and cut into triangles or other shapes. Brush with heavy cream for a lovely golden finish. Bake at 425°F for about 20 minutes or until slightly golden.

Can I customize the recipe?

Definitely, this recipe is flexible and allows for customization. Feel free to try different tea flavors or add your favorite mix-ins.


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