apple and chocolate cake

Unexpected Pairing: Apple and Chocolate Cake Recipe

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Get ready for a surprising and delightful treat with our apple chocolate cake recipe. It combines the sweet taste of apples with the rich flavor of chocolate. This mix makes a moist cake that’s perfect for every craving.

Our recipe guarantees a burst of flavor in every bite. With rich chocolate, sweet apple, and walnuts, it’s a sweet symphony in your mouth. You’ll feel like you’re in dessert heaven with every slice.

Making this cake is easy with everyday ingredients. Combine flour, sugar, baking soda, and cocoa. Add spices like cinnamon for extra flavor. Apples keep the cake moist and add a fruity kick.

Beat eggs, oil, and apple together. Sift dry ingredients and mix them gently. Add diced apples and walnuts for a crunchy surprise. Then, bake for a homemade marvel.

After baking, it becomes your go-to comfort dessert. Its rich flavor and soft texture are loved by all. It’s perfect for nights spent at home with a warm drink.

Take this journey with us. We’ll guide you through making a cake that wows. It’s perfect for sharing with family and friends. Next, we’ll share baking tips for flawless results.

How to Make a Moist and Decadent Apple Chocolate Cake

Making a moist and decadent apple chocolate cake is simple. Just follow these easy baking tips and tricks. You’ll make a dessert everyone will love.


  • 2 cups all-purpose flour
  • 1 ½ cups granulated sugar
  • 1 teaspoon baking soda
  • ½ cup cocoa powder
  • ½ teaspoon salt
  • 1 teaspoon cinnamon
  • ½ teaspoon nutmeg
  • ¼ teaspoon allspice
  • 3 large eggs
  • 1 cup vegetable oil
  • 2 cups diced apples, divided
  • 1 cup buttermilk
  • 1 cup chopped nuts (such as walnuts or pecans)

First, preheat your oven to 350˚F (175˚C). Then, grease a 9x13x2 inch (23x33x5 cm) baking pan.

Next, sift your dry ingredients in a large bowl. That’s the flour, sugar, baking soda, cocoa, salt, cinnamon, nutmeg, and allspice. Sifting ensures a smooth batter.

In another bowl, beat eggs, oil, and a cup of apples for 3 minutes. Beating makes the mix light and fluffy.

Slowly add dry ingredients to the egg mix, alternating with buttermilk. Buttermilk keeps the cake moist and creates a tender crumb.

Now, mix in more apples and nuts. Apples make it sweet and moist, while nuts add a nice crunch.

Pour the batter into the pan and smooth the top. Bake for 40-50 minutes, until a toothpick comes out clean. Watch it towards the end to avoid overcook.

After baking, let the cake sit for 10 minutes. Then cool it on a wire rack. This helps it come out of the pan easily.

When it’s fully cool, slice and enjoy your treat. Every bite combines the flavors of rich chocolate with sweet apples. It’s a winner every time.

These steps will help you make a cake that delights your loved ones. Whether you’re celebrating or just want a sweet dish, this cake is perfect. Enjoy!

Serving Suggestions and Storage Tips for Apple Chocolate Cake

There are several ways to enjoy and serve apple chocolate cake. Pair a slice with a cup of coffee for breakfast. The chocolate flavor goes well with the bitterness of the coffee, making it a great morning choice.

For dessert, add a scoop of vanilla ice cream. The cold ice cream with the warm, spiced cake is a tasty combination.

This cake is perfect for afternoon tea. Its sweetness goes well with black tea or a herbal one.

For the holidays, serve the cake with mulled wine. The spices in the wine match the cake’s cinnamon and nutmeg flavors. This creates a festive taste.

To keep the cake fresh, store it in the fridge in an airtight container. It will last up to 5 days. When you want to eat it again, just microwave a slice for 20 seconds. Don’t freeze the cake, as it can change the texture and make the apples soft. Use these tips to savor your apple chocolate cake.


Can I use a different type of flour in this recipe?

Yes, you can opt for whole wheat flour or a gluten-free one. Be aware, it might change the cake’s texture and taste.

Can I substitute the apples with a different fruit?

Though apples are the focus here, you’re free to try other fruits like pears or berries. You’ll need to adjust the amounts and cooking time, though.

Can I omit the nuts in the recipe?

Absolutely, if you’re allergic or just not a fan, skip the nuts. Your cake will still be tasty and full of flavor.

Can I use a different type of oil instead of the recommended oil?

Sure, choose from mild oils like canola or vegetable. Just steer away from strong-flavored ones such as olive oil. They might change your cake’s taste.

How long can I store the cake?

The cake lasts for up to 5 days in the fridge, stored in an airtight container.

Can I freeze the cake?

Avoid freezing this cake. It can mess up the texture and turn apple pieces mushy when you thaw it.

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