Scones High Altitude

Mountainous Baking: Scones High Altitude Recipe

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Baking in high altitude areas poses a unique challenge, especially for scone lovers. The higher elevation impacts how baking works. This causes issues like cookies spreading too much and cakes falling flat. But, don’t worry! Our high-altitude scone recipe is here to save the day. It’s designed to make your baking adventures successful, ensuring your scones are tender, flakey, and utterly delicious.

– 2 cups all-purpose flour
– 6 tablespoons granulated sugar
– 1/2 cup cold butter
– 1 egg – 1 teaspoon vanilla extract
– 1/2 cup + 1 tablespoon heavy whipping cream
– 2 tablespoons coarse sugar

Start by preheating your oven to 375°F. Now, let’s bake some scones!

Our tips and this scone recipe will help you overcome high-altitude baking challenges. In the next section, we’ll go into the specifics of making the perfect scones up high. We’ll cover the adjustments you need to make for the best results.

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to find the complete recipe and extra tips for high-altitude baking. Get ready to take your baking skills to new heights and impress everyone with your scones.

In our upcoming section, we’ll dive into the best scone recipe for high places. Plus, we’ll share essential tips to ensure your scones are perfect every time.

To master baking at high altitudes, it’s all about understanding the science and tweaking things as needed. Don’t let the mountains stop your baking passion. With our recipe, you’ll conquer the challenges and create baking masterpieces.

Happy baking!

The Ultimate Scone Recipe for High Altitude Baking

Baking scones at high altitude can be tough. You need to adjust your recipe to beat the high elevation. These tips will ensure your scones are yummy every time.

  1. Adjust the leavening agents: Scones rise fast and might fall at high altitudes. Reduce baking powder or soda, but not too much, or they won’t rise well.
  2. Use less sugar: Too much sugar makes scones spread out and lose texture. Cut down the sugar in your recipe.
  3. Increase the oven temperature: High altitude means higher oven temperature. Raise it by 15-25°F (8-14°C) and adjust the baking time as needed.
  4. Modify the liquid content: Dry air at high altitudes can dry out the dough. Add a bit more liquid so the dough stays moist.
  5. Choose the right fats: Use fats like butter or shortening that have a high melting point. This helps scones keep their shape while baking.

Making these changes to your scone recipe will give you light and tender scones, even in the mountains. Now, for the perfect ingredients for sublime scones:

Ingredients Quantity
Flour 2 cups
Baking powder 1 tablespoon
Salt 1/2 teaspoon
Sugar 1/4 cup
Butter (cold and cubed) 1/2 cup
Eggs 2
Milk 1/2 cup
Vanilla extract 1 teaspoon
Add-ins (optional: e.g., dried fruit, chocolate chips) As desired

Start by mixing the dry ingredients. Then work in the cold butter until it looks like coarse crumbs. Mix the eggs, milk, and vanilla in another bowl. Combine both mixtures gently. Add any extras like fruit or chocolate chips. On a floured surface, form a disc and cut it into wedges. Bake these on a paper-lined baking sheet at the higher temperature for 12-15 minutes. They should be golden when done.

With this recipe and tips, high altitude scone baking is a breeze. Get your baking tools ready and enjoy creating delicious scones in the mountains. Happy baking!


Baking scones at high altitude can seem tough, but don’t worry! Follow our Scones High Altitude recipe and tips for great results. These guidelines will help you make tender, flaky scones full of flavour, no matter how high up you are.

Placing scones close together on the baking sheet is a popular tip. It’s been shared on many baking sites, including “5 Tips for Baking Perfect Scones” on Oven Haven. But, Alice Medrich in her book advises placing them 2 inches apart.

We were curious about this mixed advice, so we did a test. We made a double batch of Midge’s Naughty Rhubarb Scones. We baked some close together and some spaced out, as Medrich suggests. The result? There was no big difference in how tall or fluffy the scones were.

So, it seems putting scones close together might not always be crucial for success at high altitudes. What’s most important is to find what works for you. With some patience, practice, and creativity, you can master baking scones at any altitude. Happy baking!


Will this recipe work for baking other types of pastries at high altitude?

Yes, this recipe is a good starting point for other pastries at high altitudes. But, you might need to tweak it for different recipes.

Can I use regular scone recipes at high altitude?

Regular scone recipes might not work well at high altitudes. It’s better to use a high altitude recipe, like our specialized one. This ensures great texture and taste.

What adjustments should I make for baking scones at high altitude?

For high altitude scones, increase the flour and reduce the rising agents. Adjust liquids, lower the oven temperature, and bake longer. Follow our specific recipe for the best outcomes.

Can I use self-rising flour instead of all-purpose flour for high altitude scones?

For high altitude baking, stick to all-purpose flour. Self-rising flour’s leavening agents might affect scones’ texture and rise. Our recipe calls for all-purpose flour for the best result.

How can I tell if my scones are fully baked at high altitude?

Look for golden brown colour and firm texture to see if scones are done. A toothpick test (should come out clean or with crumbs) is also reliable.


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