Strawberry Cookie Recipe with Cake Mix

Cake Mix Magic: Explore Strawberry Cookie Recipe with Cake Mix

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This 3-Ingredient Strawberry Cake Mix Cookies Recipe is very easy. It needs just 3 ingredients. You mix delicious white chocolate chips into each bite.

It’s great for strawberry fans, for events like Valentine’s Day or showers.

To make these cookies, all you need is a box of strawberry cake mix, two eggs, and some oil. Add white chocolate chips. Mix the dough and form into small balls. Bake for 8-10 minutes until golden.

You can change it up by using different cake mix flavours or more chocolate chips. Then, store in a container or freeze for later.

The Simplicity and Appeal of Strawberry Cake Mix Cookies

Strawberry cake mix cookies are loved for how simple they are. You only need a few ingredients and a box of strawberry cake mix to make them. They’re great for those new to baking or anyone baking with kids. The process is easy to follow, and the cookies always turn out well – soft, chewy, and full of flavour for any event.

Their popularity shows how favourably people view cake mixes for desserts today. Using cake mixes as a base is both easy and versatile. It means tasty treats can be made without complex recipes.

These cookies are an excellent choice for both experienced bakers and novices. The recipe is so easy, anyone can succeed. There are no hard steps or long wait times. Making and baking them is quick and simple.

This recipe is straightforward and needs only a few items to work. You’ll use a strawberry cake mix, some oil, and eggs. With these supplies, bake up cookies that taste wonderfully of strawberries. You avoid the tricky parts of measuring and combining various dry ingredients thanks to the cake mix.

Strawberry cake mix cookies are easy and taste excellent. Their strawberry cake mix and buttery combo is a hit. Each one bursts with the sweet taste of strawberries. They’re perfect for strawberry fans.

They’re ideal for all kinds of events, from birthdays to holidays or just as a little treat. Making a batch could be a fun activity or a sweet surprise for someone special. These cookies are memorable and always go down well.

To enhance the visual appeal of this section, here’s an image of scrumptious strawberry cake mix cookies:

If you enjoy baking or need a simple dessert, try strawberry cake mix cookies. They’re easy, tasty, and look great. Brighten up your day with these easy-to-love treats.

Step-by-Step Recipe for Strawberry Cake Mix Cookies

First, gather the ingredients for these delicious cookies:

  • 1 box of strawberry cake mix
  • 1/2 cup vegetable oil
  • 2 eggs

Now, let’s start baking:

  1. Preheat your oven to 350°F (180°C). Line a baking sheet with parchment paper.
  2. Whisk the cake mix in a bowl to remove lumps and ensure an even mix.
  3. Then, mix in the vegetable oil and eggs until a thick dough forms.
  4. You can chill the dough for 15 minutes to make it easier to shape into balls.
  5. Take the chilled dough and shape it into 1-inch balls using a scoop or tablespoon.
  6. To add sweetness and texture, roll the balls in granulated sugar if you like.
  7. Place the shaped dough onto the baking sheet, with space between each for spreading.
  8. Bake for 10-12 minutes. You want the edges to be set but the centers to be soft.
  9. Let them cool a bit on the sheet, then move to a wire rack to cool completely.

And there you have it! Tasty strawberry cake mix cookies, perfect for any gathering.

Tips for Customization

You can make these cookies your own with a few tweaks:

  • Stir in white chocolate chips or fresh strawberries for more flavour.
  • Try dipping them in melted white or dark chocolate for a special treat.
  • Sprinkle powdered sugar on top for a beautiful finish.

Get creative and have fun with this adaptable recipe!

Why Strawberry Cake Mix Cookies?

Making strawberry cake mix cookies is easy and fun. They’re great for everyone, from beginners to experts. With minimal ingredients and steps, you can enjoy a chewy, tasty cookie that looks as good as it tastes. The strawberry flavour and pink colour are perfect for any time you need a special sweet treat.


Strawberry cake mix cookies are loved by many for their ease and versatility. The recipe is simple and needs just a few ingredients. This makes it easy for everyone to bake these tasty treats.

The best part is, you can add your own touch. You might keep it classic or try new things like strawberry crinkle cookies. This makes baking exciting and limitless.

These cookies are not just tasty, they also look great with their pink colour. They’re perfect for parties or as a sweet surprise for anyone. Eat them warm when they’re fresh, or keep them in a storage box to enjoy all week long.

Whether you’re a pro or just starting, make these cookies. You can make them your own, which is what’s great about them.

So, get some strawberry cake mix and start baking. It’s a fun journey that will make everyone happy and satisfy those sugar cravings.


What are the main ingredients required to make the strawberry cake mix cookies?

A box of strawberry cake mix, vegetable oil, and eggs are the main ingredients.

How long can the strawberry cake mix cookies be stored?

You can store the cookies in an airtight container for a week. Or you can freeze them for 2 months.

Can I customize the recipe for the strawberry cake mix cookies?

Yes, indeed! You can change the cake mix flavour or add extra chocolate chips.

Are the strawberry cake mix cookies suitable for beginners or baking with kids?

They are absolutely great for beginners or baking with kids. Why? Because they are simple and easy to make.

How long should the strawberry cake mix cookies be baked for?

Bake the cookies for 8-10 minutes. Stop when they turn golden.

What are some variations of the strawberry cake mix cookies?

Try strawberry crinkle cookies or cookies with chocolate.

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