Birthday Cake Cherry

Celebratory Birthday Cake with a Cherry Twist

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Looking for a cake that’s both joyful and indulgent for any celebration? Our Birthday Cake Cherry Twist is your answer. It adds a delightful cherry twist to your special day. This cake has a mix of flavors that brings delight to everyone.

Its foundation is a light and fluffy vanilla sponge. This cake bursts with sweetness and joy with every bite. Yet, what really makes it stand out is the rich cherry cream filling.

The cherry cream is a mix of homemade cherry compote and Bonne Maman compote in vanilla whipped cream. It gives a fruity, creamy layer that pairs perfectly with the sponge. The cherries add a flavor burst to keep you coming back for more.

To finish, we cover the cake in a rich vanilla meringue buttercream. This creamy topping balances the flavors beautifully. It brings a richness and even more indulgence to every slice.

No matter the occasion, our cake makes your event unforgettable. The mix of vanilla and cherry is pure happiness. So, have a slice with your loved ones. It’s a treat you all deserve!

A Delicious Vanilla Sponge Cake

The vanilla sponge cake in this birthday cake with a cherry twist is the best base. It lets the flavors of the cherry cream filling and the vanilla meringue buttercream icing shine. Made from unsalted butter, caster sugar, eggs, self-raising flour, and vanilla bean paste.

Our cake is light, airy, and full of vanilla taste. It’s all about that fluffy and moist texture. The cake bakes up well at 180C/160C fan/350F for 35-40 minutes. Just check with a skewer to make sure it’s done. Once cool, wrap those cakes up and keep them chilled until you’re ready to frost.

A Dreamy Cherry Cream Filling

The cherry cream filling in this birthday cake is top-notch. It brings a mix of flavors from homemade cherry compote and Bonne Maman.

Start by taking fresh cherries and removing the pits. Then, cook them slowly with sugar and a bit of lemon juice. Soon, they will turn into a soft and sweet cherry compote. This step is crucial for a tasty cherry twist in the cake.

After your homemade compote is set, combine it with Bonne Maman’s version. Mixing them lifts the flavor even more. You’ll find this blend perfect for the cake, with a rich cherry taste.

Now, blend this mix gently with vanilla whipped cream. It makes the filling light, creamy, and not too sweet. Plus, the whipped cream gives the cake a smooth touch that’s irresistible.

The cherry cream part can be made early and chilled. This keeps the cake fresh before serving. Just picture cutting into a soft vanilla cake with creamy cherry filling oozing out!

A Heavenly Vanilla Meringue Buttercream Icing

The icing is the real star of this cake, thanks to the heavenly vanilla meringue buttercream. It uses the Swiss meringue technique, a careful but rewarding process. It starts by whisking egg whites and sugar over heat until they form stiff peaks.

After the meringue cools, creamy butter, vanilla, and a bit of salt are mixed in. This turns it into a rich, silky topping. The icing is then spread generously over the cake layers.

This icing’s light and fluffy texture blends dreamily with the cake’s sweetness. It’s especially perfect with the cherry cream filling. Chilling the icing briefly helps it keep its shape.

And to make the cake even more special, top it with fresh cherries. They not only add color but also a burst of freshness to every bite.


Can I use a different flavor for the cake instead of vanilla?

Yes, you can. Try chocolate or lemon flavors too. They work well with the cherry fillings.

Can I make the cherry cream filling without the homemade compote?

Yes, you can skip the homemade part if you’re in a hurry. However, the homemade version boosts the cherry taste.

Can I substitute the meringue buttercream icing with a different type of frosting?

Of course! You can swap it for cream cheese or ganache. Just pick a type that goes well with the cherry and cake flavors.

How long can the cake be stored in the fridge?

You can keep it in the fridge for 3 days. But it’s freshest within the first 2 days.

Can I freeze the cake?

Yes, freezing is possible. Wrap the layers well before freezing. Then, thaw them in the fridge overnight before using.

How can I decorate the cake?

Get creative with decorations. Think about chocolate, sprinkles, or flowers. Have fun and personalize your cake!

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