Maraschino Cherry Shortbread Cookie Recipe

Cherry Delight: Maraschino Cherry Shortbread Cookie Recipe

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Maraschino Cherry Shortbread Cookies are a delightful holiday treat. They have a delicate texture and lovely aroma and taste. The mix of maraschino cherries and chocolate chips makes them irresistible. Maraschino Cherry Shortbread Cookie Recipe

This recipe needs unsalted butter, powdered sugar, maraschino cherries, chocolate chips, vanilla extract, all-purpose flour, and salt. To make them gluten-free, just switch to gluten-free flour blends. The high butter content gives these cookies a fantastic melt-in-your-mouth feel.

Enjoy the sweet luxury of Maraschino Cherry Shortbread Cookies. They add joy to any celebration. Each serving has 177 calories, 7.4g sugar, 59.7mg sodium, 11.5g fat, 17.5g carbs, 1.9g protein, and 24.4mg cholesterol.

Ingredients and Steps for Maraschino Cherry Shortbread Cookies

Enjoy making Maraschino Cherry Shortbread Cookies with this easy, delightful recipe. These cookies are a well-loved classic rooted in Scotland and England since the 12th century. They only take 25 minutes to prepare, making them perfect for any event.


  • 1 cup of unsalted butter, softened
  • 1/2 cup of confectioners’ sugar
  • 1/2 tablespoon of pure vanilla extract
  • 2 cups of all-purpose flour
  • 1/2 teaspoon of fine salt
  • 3/4 cup of well-drained maraschino cherries, chopped
  • 2/3 cup of premium quality chocolate chips


  1. Cream the softened butter and confectioners’ sugar until it’s light and fluffy.
  2. Add in the vanilla extract.
  3. In another bowl, mix the flour and salt well.
  4. Combine the dry ingredients with the butter mixture and stir well.
  5. Add the cherries and chocolate chips.
  6. Form the dough into a roll and wrap in cling film.
  7. Chill the dough in the fridge for 1 to 2 hours.
  8. Heat the oven to 325°F (163°C).
  9. Cut the chilled dough into slices. Place them on a baking tray.
  10. Bake for 10-15 minutes or until golden at the edges.
  11. Let the cookies cool on the tray, then move to a rack.

Treat yourself to these tasty Maraschino Cherry Shortbread Cookies. They’re great by themselves or with a festive cookie selection. Try dusting them with powdered sugar for a classy touch. You’ll make about 40 servings, great for sharing.


For an inventive take, consider these options:

  • Use almond extract instead of vanilla for a nutty taste.
  • Adding cornstarch makes the cookies even softer.
  • Try different toppings for variety, like sprinkles or crushed nuts.

Avoid overcooking to keep the cookies soft. They stay fresh in an airtight container for a week or three in the fridge. You can freeze the dough for 3 months, or the baked cookies. Dust them with powdered sugar before serving for extra sweetness.

Nutritional Information per Serving:

Calories Carbohydrates Protein Fat Saturated Fat Cholesterol Sodium
123kcal 14g 1g 7g 4g 18mg 61mg

Tips and Variations for Maraschino Cherry Shortbread Cookies

Making Maraschino Cherry Shortbread Cookies is fun and rewarding. With some tips and tweaks, you can make this classic treat even better. Here are ideas to make your cookies the star of the show:

Tips for Perfect Maraschino Cherry Shortbread Cookies

  • Use high-quality butter: The secret to great cookies is using the best butter. It gives the dough a rich, buttery taste.
  • Accurate measurement: It’s vital to measure your ingredients correctly. Make sure the butter is at room temperature for the right consistency.
  • Avoid overbaking: Don’t bake the cookies for too long. They should only be light golden around the edges to avoid dryness.
  • Try rice flour: Adding a bit of rice flour can change the cookie’s texture. It makes them melt in your mouth.

Variations to Delight Your Taste Buds

Classic Maraschino Cherry Shortbread Cookies are great. But trying new variations can add fun. Here are some ideas to spice up the recipe:

  1. Almond extract instead of vanilla: Use almond extract to get a unique almond taste in your cookies.
  2. Sprinkle toppings: Before baking, sprinkle your cookie shapes with colourful sprinkles. It adds a festive touch.
  3. Cornstarch substitute: Swapping some flour with cornstarch makes the cookies lighter and more delicate.
  4. Added crunch and flavor: Mixing in crushed almonds, chocolate chips, or chopped cherries gives extra taste and texture.
  5. Incorporate cherry juice: Cherry juice can enhance other recipes and drinks, adding flavour that matches the cookies.

Storage Tips

To keep your Maraschino Cherry Shortbread Cookies fresh, store them in an airtight container at room temperature. These cookies might soften over time. So, they’re best eaten a few days after baking for the best flavour and texture.

These tips and variations open up a world of possibilities. Get creative with your Maraschino Cherry Shortbread Cookies and impress your friends and family with delightful treats.

Maraschino Cherry Shortbread Cookies


Maraschino Cherry Shortbread Cookies are the ultimate holiday treat. They mix delightful flavours and textures to satisfy any sweet tooth. You can make them soft or crunchy to match your preference.

Follow the tips and try variations to make these cookies uniquely yours. Add crushed pecans, walnuts, or almonds for a crunchy twist. Or mix in different chocolates for extra yumminess. You can make so many tasty versions!

Embrace the joy of Maraschino Cherry Shortbread Cookies this festive season. They combine buttery softness with the sweet taste of cherries. These cookies are sure to please your friends, family, and any cookie lover. Enjoy these sweet treats and make your holidays extra special!


Can I make Maraschino Cherry Shortbread Cookies gluten-free?

Absolutely, simply use gluten-free flour blends for this recipe.

How can I adjust the texture of these cookies?

To adjust the texture, simply alter the baking time. Less time for soft cookies and more for crunchiness.

Can I add nuts to the recipe?

Definitely, add crushed pecans, walnuts, pistachios, or almonds. They bring a yummy crunch.

Are there any variations I can try?

Try different chocolate flavors, like dark or white. It adds a twist to the cookies.

How should I store the cookies?

Store them at room temperature. Just remember, they might get softer and crumblier as days pass.


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