Apple Pop Tart Recipe

Classic Childhood: Apple Pop Tart Recipe

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The apple pop tart recipe takes you back to happy childhood mornings or snack times. It’s a twist on familiar flavours that many of us love. Making it at home brings those special moments back.

These pop tarts are healthier than the ones you buy. They’re made with real ingredients. The homemade pastry is buttery and flaky, going perfectly with the sweet apple inside. Each mouthful takes you on a trip down memory lane.

You can pick from three yummy flavours – Apple Cinnamon, S’mores, and Funfetti. S’mores has a Nutella filling with toasted marshmallows on top, like a campfire snack. Funfetti has cream cheese and colourful sprinkles, for a party in your mouth.

Making these pop tarts at home is easy and fun. You need cold butter, icing sugar, egg yolks, water, and salt for the pastry. It takes about 40 minutes to make them, including prep and cook time.

Brave Bakers around the world have loved making and sharing this recipe. The photos they’ve sent in show how popular and tasty it is. Join this passionate baking community.

Discover the full recipe here

and start baking your own classic treats today. Enjoy the delicious blast from the past. Create wonderful new memories as you enjoy these homemade pop tarts.

Homemade Apple Cinnamon Pop-Tarts

Enjoy the flavors of autumn with these homemade apple cinnamon pop-tarts. These tasty treats are made with top-notch ingredients. They’re ideal for autumn, with their buttery and flaky pastry. These pop-tarts will warm your heart and taste buds.

The filling is what makes these pop-tarts stand out. It’s made with fresh apples, melted butter, brown sugar, and lots of cinnamon. This mix of sweet, tangy apples and comforting cinnamon packs the taste of apple pie into a handy pop-tart.

After assembling, bake the pop-tarts until they’re golden brown. This makes the pastry crispy and flaky, wrapping up the apple cinnamon filling nicely. For added sweetness, you can sprinkle cinnamon and sugar on top.

Enjoy these homemade pop-tarts for breakfast, a snack, or dessert. They embody autumn with their seasonal flavors and quality ingredients. They’re sure to win over family and friends.

Recipe Ingredients

  • 2 cups all-purpose flour
  • 1/2 teaspoon salt
  • 1 cup unsalted butter, cold and cut into cubes
  • 1/2 cup ice water
  • 2 medium apples, peeled, cored, and diced
  • 2 tablespoons melted butter
  • 1/4 cup brown sugar
  • 1 teaspoon ground cinnamon
  • Cinnamon and sugar mixture for sprinkling (optional)


  1. In a large mixing bowl, combine the all-purpose flour and salt. Add the cold butter cubes and use a pastry cutter or your fingers to cut the butter into the flour until the mixture resembles coarse crumbs.
  2. Gradually add the ice water, a tablespoon at a time, and mix until the dough comes together. Divide the dough into two equal parts, shape each into a disc, and wrap in plastic wrap. Refrigerate for at least 30 minutes.
  3. In a separate bowl, combine the diced apples, melted butter, brown sugar, and ground cinnamon. Mix well.
  4. Preheat the oven to 375°F (190°C).
  5. On a lightly floured surface, roll out one disc of dough to about 1/8-inch thickness. Cut the dough into rectangles, approximately 3×4 inches in size.
  6. Place a spoonful of the apple filling onto the center of half of the dough rectangles. Leave a small border around the edges.
  7. Brush the edges of the dough with water, then place a second rectangle of dough on top of each filled rectangle. Press the edges together to seal.
  8. Use a fork to crimp the edges of each pop tart for a decorative touch.
  9. Transfer the assembled pop tarts onto a parchment-lined baking sheet. Repeat the process with the remaining dough and filling.
  10. Bake the pop-tarts in the preheated oven for 18-20 minutes, or until golden brown.
  11. Remove the pop-tarts from the oven and allow them to cool on a wire rack.
  12. Optional: Sprinkle the cooled pop-tarts with a mixture of cinnamon and sugar for added sweetness.
  13. Serve and enjoy!

These homemade apple cinnamon pop-tarts are the essence of autumn. With their flaky pastry and tasty filling, they’re a fall favorite.

Vegan Apple Cinnamon Pop-Tarts

For those living a vegan life, there’s a tasty dairy-free option: vegan apple cinnamon pop-tarts. These treats use vegan-friendly stuff like plant-based butter and non-dairy cream cheese. This means you don’t miss out on taste while following your diet.

Fresh apples, sweet cinnamon, and natural sweeteners make the filling heavenly. Each bite of the apple cinnamon mix is bursting with flavour.

These vegan pop-tarts are more than just a sweet treat. They prove that homemade recipes can meet diverse dietary needs. They also let you enjoy a childhood favourite.

A Cruelty-Free Alternative

By choosing plant-based ingredients, you get a cruelty-free version of the beloved pop tart. Veganism goes beyond just avoiding animal products. It’s about making choices based on compassion and ethics.

The vegan apple cinnamon pop-tarts offer a dessert that respects animal rights and promotes sustainability. Enjoying them means indulging guilt-free. Plus, you support a more compassionate lifestyle.

“The joy of vegan baking is its ability to transcend boundaries and provide delicious alternatives for everyone.” – Alice Waters

Enjoy the delightful blend of apples and cinnamon in a vegan-friendly pastry. Each bite brings comfort and nostalgia. Plus, you know your choices reflect your values.

Discover the joys of vegan baking with these tasty vegan apple cinnamon pop-tarts. They’re dairy-free and homemade. This makes them a perfect guilt-free treat to enjoy and share with others.

Vegan Apple Cinnamon Pop-Tarts

Vegan apple cinnamon pop-tarts offer rich flavors and a cruelty-free choice. They are perfect for anyone on a vegan diet or those exploring new foods. Try them for their amazing taste and ethical benefits.


Making an apple pop tart recipe from your childhood is a lovely way to enjoy home-cooked delights and remember old times. You can use either traditional or vegan ingredients to make these pop tarts tasty and flexible. They’re perfect for any time of the day.

Enjoy them for breakfast, as a daytime snack, or as an evening treat. Making your own means you get to pick the best ingredients and change them to suit your taste.

These pop tarts have a flaky crust and a sweet apple cinnamon middle. They’re like a trip down memory lane. So, start baking these apple pop tarts today and feel the comforting tastes of your childhood once more.


How long does it take to make the apple pop tarts?

Making apple pop tarts takes about 1-2 hours. This varies with how familiar you are in the kitchen.

Can I use pre-made pastry for the pop tarts?

Yes, pre-made pastry is an option for ease. However, the homemade approach provides a superior flaky texture.

Can I use different flavors for the filling?

Absolutely, trying out flavors like apple cinnamon, s’mores, or funfetti is encouraged. It’s a fun way to make the pop tarts your own.

How do I store the finished pop tarts?

Store them in an airtight container at room temperature for up to 3-4 days. For a longer shelf life, they can be frozen and reheated anytime.

Can I make vegan apple cinnamon pop tarts without special ingredients?

Yes, the vegan version is doable with common vegan ingredients. Plant-based butter and non-dairy cream cheese make it easy and ethical.


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