How to Make Cherry Cake

Complete Guide to Making Cherry Cake at Home

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Making cherry cake at home is a fun baking project. It lets you enjoy the sweet taste of cherries in a cake. This homemade cherry cake recipe is great for anyone, from beginner to expert. You can use it to treat yourself or wow your guests.

This cherry cake is moist and full of cherry flavor. It’s perfect for any time. You can have a slice for breakfast, dessert, or at a party. It’s guaranteed to make everyone happy.

In this guide, we’ll take you step by step through making cherry cake from scratch. We’ll start with the ingredients and end with a perfect cake every time. You’ll also learn some helpful tips along the way.

If you love baking or are just starting, come with us. Let’s make a delicious homemade cherry cake together.

Ingredients and Preparation for Cherry Cake

Making a cherry cake at home is both fun and tasty. You only need a few simple items and easy steps. It’s a great choice whether you’re new to baking or already love it.

Here are the items you need for the cherry cake:

Ingredients Quantity
All-purpose flour 2 cups
Baking powder 2 teaspoons
Salt 1/2 teaspoon
Sugar 1 1/2 cups
Eggs 3
Oil or butter 1/2 cup
Greek yogurt 1/2 cup
Vanilla extract 2 teaspoons
Milk 1/2 cup
Sour cherries 1 cup

Now, let’s break down how to make the cake:

  1. Mix the all-purpose flour, baking powder, and salt in a bowl.
  2. In another bowl, beat together the butter (or oil) and sugar until fluffy.
  3. Add the eggs one by one, mixing after each.
  4. Mix in the yogurt, vanilla, and milk.
  5. Slowly add the dry mix to the wet, stirring until smooth.
  6. Then, fold in the sour cherries gently, making sure they’re spread out.
  7. Pour the batter into a prepared cake pan.
  8. Bake at 350°F (175°C) for 40-45 minutes, or until a toothpick comes out clean.
  9. Let the cake cool before slicing.

Time to mix it up with your cherry cake. Try using different fruits, like raspberries or blueberries. This will give your cake a special touch. Adding lemon zest can also make it taste brighter and fresher. Have fun exploring new flavors!

Pro Tip:

For a stronger cherry taste, try using jarred sour cherries. Rinse and dry them gently before adding to the batter. Your cake will have a zesty, juicy kick.

With this cherry cake recipe and tips, you’re ready to bake up a storm. Share it as a sweet ending to any meal, or with your morning coffee. It’s sure to be a hit with everyone in your home.

Tips and Tricks for a Perfect Cherry Cake

For a great taste, use fresh, sweet cherries like Bing, Rainier, or Chelan. To keep them from sinking, dry and flour them. This keeps them intact while baking.

Choose your baking dish carefully for the best result. A round cake pan is traditional. But a high-sided cast-iron skillet gives a homey feel. And a springform baking pan makes it easy to take out. Pick what suits you best.

Serving Suggestions for Cherry Cake

Once baked, there are many ways to enjoy your cherry cake. You can enjoy it plain or try these ideas to make it even better:

  • Dust the cake with a sprinkle of confectioner’s sugar for an elegant touch.
  • Add a dollop of freshly whipped cream to complement the sweet-tart flavors of the cherries.
  • Indulge in a scoop of creamy vanilla ice cream for a delightful contrast to the warm cake.

Best cherries for baking

Feel free to try these ideas, or make up your own. It’s a great way to make your cake stand out.

Cherry Varieties Flavor Texture
Bing Sweet and slightly tangy Firm and juicy
Rainier Delicate and sweet Soft and juicy
Chelan Deep and rich Firm and meaty

Picking the right cherries is key for your cake. Each type brings its own flavor and texture:

“Using Bing cherries in my cherry cake recipe adds a perfect balance of sweetness and tanginess to every bite.”

Now with these tips, you can make a cake that delights. Be bold and creative. Try different things to truly make it yours!


Making cherry cake at home is a great way to enjoy the taste of fresh cherries. With simple ingredients and an easy recipe, you can bake a cake that’s moist and yummy. It’s perfect for breakfast, a snack, or dessert.

When you add cherries to your baking, you get a natural pop of sweetness. Their bright red color not only looks good but also tastes great. Cherries are healthy too, full of good stuff for you.

Don’t wait to bake a cherry cake. Just get some fresh cherries and start baking. The recipe is simple, and your kitchen will soon smell amazing. After a short while, you can enjoy a slice of this cake. It’s a hit every time you serve it, and people will love it.


What type of cherries should I use for the cherry cake?

Use fresh, sweet cherries for the best taste and texture. Such types include Bing, Rainier, or Chelan.

How do I prevent the cherries from sinking into the batter?

To keep the cherries from sinking, dry them well. Then, coat them with a bit of flour or cornstarch. This step makes them stay on top of the cake while baking.

What types of baking dishes can I use for the cherry cake?

You can pick from a few options like a round cake pan. Also, a high-sided cast-iron skillet or a springform baking pan works. Each one changes how the cake feels and looks a bit.

How should I serve the cherry cake?

You can enjoy the cherry cake plain or add some extras. Try a sprinkle of confectioner’s sugar, a spoonful of whipped cream, or a bit of vanilla ice cream on top.

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