chocolate trifle recipe with custard

Creamy Chocolate Delight: Trifle Recipe with Custard

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Try our creamy chocolate trifle recipe for an amazing dessert. It’s a mix of chocolate richness and smooth custard. A perfect treat for anyone who loves sweets.

This chocolate trifle is simple to make. It has layers of pecan cookie crust, fluffy cheesecake, chocolate and vanilla pudding, whipped topping, and chocolate shavings. All these create a delicious mix of flavours and textures.

Making this dessert is straightforward with our instructions. We’ll help you make a perfect pecan cookie crust and assemble the layers. This will ensure your chocolate trifle is perfect each time.

This trifle isn’t just tasty. It looks impressive with its bright layers and colours. It’s perfect for any celebration or just a special treat for yourself.

Ready to enjoy a delicious dessert? Dive into our chocolate trifle recipe with custard today. It’s the sweet treat you’ve been waiting for.

How Do You Make Chocolate Delight?

Start making the chocolate trifle with a pecan cookie crust. Mix flour, melted butter, and chopped pecans together. Press this mix into a 9×13-inch dish. Then bake at 325°F for 25 minutes.

After the crust cools, mix up the cheesecake filling. Combine cream cheese, powdered sugar, and Cool Whip. This filling is creamy and adds a tangy twist.

Chill each layer before adding the next one. This makes sure the layers stay firm. It creates interesting textures in every bite.

For the next layer, mix instant chocolate and vanilla puddings with milk. This mix makes the trifle rich and full of flavour.

To finish, top with Cool Whip and grated chocolate. The Cool Whip makes it light and creamy. The chocolate adds a rich flavour.

Let the trifle chill for at least 2 hours before serving. This blends the flavours well. It makes the dessert perfectly creamy.

Follow these steps for an easy and impressive chocolate trifle. It has delicious flavours and looks beautiful. Your friends and family will love it.

These easy steps help you make a delightful chocolate trifle. It combines pecan crust, cheesecake filling, and pudding layers, topped with Cool Whip. It’s perfect for any event and will impress everyone. Enjoy this creamy, irresistible dessert!

Tips For Chocolate Delight

Cutting neat slices of chocolate trifle might seem tough. Freezing the trifle for about 30 minutes helps a lot. It makes the layers firmer for easier cutting. Also, cleaning the knife on a paper towel after each slice stops the layers from mixing.

For perfect slices, use an offset spatula to smooth out the sides. The mix of crunchy pecans, fluffy cheesecake, and creamy pudding makes a fantastic dessert. Everyone will love it.

“To make the slicing process smoother, freeze the trifle for about 30 minutes before slicing to firm up the layers.”

Tips for Making Chocolate Trifle:

  1. Freeze the trifle for about 30 minutes before slicing to firm up the layers.
  2. Wipe the knife with a paper towel between each cut to prevent the layers from running together.
  3. Run an offset spatula around the cut sides of each slice to even out the layers for picture-perfect slices.

how to slice chocolate trifle


“I followed these tips, and the slices of my chocolate trifle came out perfectly. The layers were beautifully defined, and the presentation was impressive!” – Jane Anderson

Final Thoughts

The chocolate trifle is perfect for any event. Using these tips, your trifle slices will look and taste great. This dessert’s combination of flavors and textures is unbeatable. It leaves everyone wanting more.


The chocolate trifle recipe with custard is a stunning dessert that’s both classy and simple to whip up. It features layers of moist chocolate Bundt cake or rich chocolate pound cake. These are coupled with velvety custard made from bittersweet chocolate and cocoa powder. A luscious topping of whipped cream and powdered sugar completes it. This trifle strikes the perfect balance of flavours and textures. You can serve it in mini cheesecake pans for individual servings or in small bowls for a charming treat. It is sure to wow your guests and leave them wanting more.

This trifle stands out for its flexibility. You can pick between a chocolate Bundt cake or chocolate pound cakes, based on what you like or have available. The custard, crafted from luxurious bittersweet chocolate and rich cocoa powder, enriches each bite. The whipped topping, sweetened with powdered sugar, enhances the other layers beautifully.

Dressed up with shaved bittersweet chocolate, this chocolate trifle becomes a feast for the eyes and the palate. You can prepare it ahead, giving the flavours time to blend and intensify in the chill. It consistently earns high praise each time it’s served. This means you can trust this indulgent delight to be a surefire success at any event, from special occasions to casual gatherings.

Go ahead and enjoy the creamy delight of this chocolate trifle. The mix of chocolate, custard, and whipped cream creates a dessert that’ll satisfy your craving for sweets. It leaves a memorable mark on anyone who tastes it. Sharing this dessert with your friends and family makes unforgettable memories. Enjoy every spoonful of this lavish treat together.


Can I make the chocolate trifle in advance?

Yes, you can make the chocolate trifle before you need it. Just chill it for at least 2 hours. This allows the flavors to blend and the dessert to set properly.

How do I make the pecan cookie crust?

Start by mixing flour, melted butter, and chopped pecans together. Then press this mixture into the bottom of a 9×13-inch dish. Bake it at 325°F for 25 minutes.

How do I make the fluffy cheesecake filling?

For the fluffy cheesecake filling, mix cream cheese, powdered sugar, and Cool Whip topping. Make sure to chill each layer. This helps them firm up before you add the next one.

How do I slice the chocolate trifle without the layers running together?

To slice the trifle neatly, freeze it for about 30 minutes. The layers will firm up. Then, clean the knife with a paper towel after each cut. This stops the layers from mixing.

How can I achieve picture-perfect slices of the chocolate trifle?

For perfect slices, smooth the cut sides of each slice with an offset spatula. This evens out the layers.


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