5 Layer Cookie Bars Recipe

Decadent Layers: 5 Layer Cookie Bars Recipe

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The 5 Layer Cookie Bars Recipe is a delightful treat. It has a graham cracker base and layers of coconut, chocolate chips, butterscotch chips, and toasted pecans. They’re all fused together with sweetened condensed milk. These bars are just the thing for any sweet tooth and are a hit at bake sales.

This indulgent recipe makes about 18 bars. They can be cut smaller for party snacks. Not only are these bars tasty, but they also help a good cause.

The bake sale, For Goodness Bake, runs for its third year supporting local causes. This time, it helps The Green Teens. They teach local teens gardening and cooking skills. Enjoying these bars means you’re also helping your community.

These 5 Layer Cookie Bars need 25 minutes in the oven at 350°F. They’re done when they’re lightly browned at the edges. You can keep them in an airtight container for up to 5 days, ready to enjoy anytime.

The recipe needs graham cracker crumbs, unsalted butter, pecans, sweetened coconut, butterscotch morsels, semisweet chocolate chips, and sweetened condensed milk. Layering these creates a magnificent blend of tastes and textures. It’s bound to impress anyone who tries it.

Whether you’re hosting a bake sale, going to a party, or just want a delicious treat, try the 5 Layer Cookie Bars Recipe. Adjust the ingredients as you like and dive into the chocolatey goodness. With rich flavors and an easy method, your taste buds will be begging for more. Start baking now and enjoy these divine bars!

Easy and Versatile Base

The 5 Layer Cookie Bars start with a tasty graham cracker crust. This crust is made of ground graham cracker crumbs, melted butter, water, and a bit of salt. It gives a strong and tasty foundation for the layers of treats to come.

To make the crust, mix 1 ½ cups of graham cracker crumbs with ½ cup of melted unsalted butter. Add 2 tablespoons of water and a pinch of salt. Stir until the crumbs are all moistened and stick together.

Press the mixture firmly into the bottom of the pan. This creates a solid base for the delicious layers above.

Now, add the tasty toppings over the crust. Spread shredded coconut, chocolate chips, butterscotch chips, and chopped pecans evenly.

These toppings mix sweetness, creaminess, and crunch. They make every bite incredibly enjoyable.

What really brings the layers together is the sweetened condensed milk. Pour a can of it over the toppings. Make sure it gets into every crevice.

This milk binds the layers and adds a rich taste. It’s so good, you’ll want more.

With the base and layers ready, bake the 5 Layer Cookie Bars until they’re just right.

Baking and Serving Tips

To make the perfect 5 Layer Cookie Bars, it’s vital to use the right baking and serving methods. These tips will help you make delicious bars every time:

Lining the Baking Pan

Line your baking pan with parchment paper to avoid sticky bars. It also makes serving them easy.

Pressing the Crust

Don’t press the graham cracker crust too hard in the pan. It should be firm yet crumbly. This lets the sweetened condensed milk soak into the crumbs, making the bars tastier.

Cooling and Cutting

Let the bars cool completely before cutting them. This ensures the layers set right. Then, cut them into squares with a sharp knife.

Bite-Size Magic Morsels

Cut the bars in half again for bite-size pieces. They’re ideal for parties, letting guests enjoy without overdoing it. The crispy edges are the best part!

crispy edges

Storing and Shelf-Life

Store the cooled bars in an airtight container. They stay fresh for up to a week, making them great for any event.

Keep these baking and serving tips in mind to create delicious bars with ease. Enjoy the sticky, crispy edged, bite-size treats.


The 5 Layer Cookie Bars Recipe takes you to a world of chocolate delight. It has graham crackers, pecans, coconut flakes, dark chocolate chips, and sweetened condensed milk. These make the bars a true joy for anyone who tries them.

Making these 7-layer bars is easy. You need a few simple steps and ingredients. Soon, you’ll have a batch of heavenly bars that everyone will love.

These bars are perfect for any event or just for you. You can add your favourite touches, like sea salt flakes. This makes them even more special.

Don’t wait to try these decadent chocolate pleasure bars. Dive into their layers and share their yummy taste with loved ones. It’s time for a heavenly treat.


What are the layers in the 5 Layer Cookie Bars?

The 5 Layer Cookie Bars have a graham cracker crust at the bottom. They also have shredded coconut, chocolate chips, butterscotch chips, and coarsely chopped pecans.

How do I make the base for the 5 Layer Cookie Bars?

To make the base, mix finely ground graham cracker crumbs with melted butter, a bit of water, and a pinch of salt. Press this mix into your baking pan to create the base.

Can I customize the ingredients in the 5 Layer Cookie Bars?

Absolutely, you can make the 5 Layer Cookie Bars your own by adding your favourite nuts or dried fruits.

Why is it important to line the baking pan with parchment paper?

Using parchment paper stops the bars from sticking. It also makes taking them out of the pan a breeze.

How should I cut and serve the 5 Layer Cookie Bars?

Let them cool completely before cutting into squares. If you want, you can also cut these squares in half to make small treats. And don’t forget, many people love the crispy edges the most!


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