Vanilla Tray Bake Cake

Easy-to-Make Vanilla Tray Bake Cake for All Occasions

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This vanilla tray bake is soft, moist, and easy to make for any event. With simple ingredients from your pantry, you can bake it quickly. Top it with vanilla buttercream and add sprinkles for a festive touch. It’s perfect for birthdays, office gatherings, and other celebrations. Even bake sales will love this cake.

We’ve tested and improved this recipe, making a super soft vanilla sponge. You’ll need plain flour, baking powder, butter, eggs, sugar, milk, salt, and vanilla. Bake it in a rectangular tin and frost it with buttercream. If you prefer cupcakes, that’s an option too. The recipe guide is full of tips and detailed steps for baking and decorating. It also covers how to store or freeze the cake.

How to Make Vanilla Tray Bake Cake

Making a vanilla tray bake cake is easy and fun. Follow these steps to make a treat everyone will love.

1. Preheat the oven and prepare the cake tin

First, set your oven to the right temperature. Then, get your cake tin ready. You can either grease it with butter or line it with parchment paper.

2. Whisk together the dry ingredients

Take a bowl and mix flour, baking powder, and salt together. Whisk them until they’re smooth.

3. Beat the eggs and sugar

In another bowl, whisk the eggs and sugar. Keep going until the mix is fluffy. This step makes your cake light and delicious.

4. Add the wet ingredients

Mix the vanilla, melted butter, and milk with the eggs and sugar. Stir until everything is well mixed.

5. Gradually add the dry ingredients

Now, slowly add the dry mix to the wet one. Stir until you have a lump-free batter. It should be creamy and smooth.

6. Pour the batter into the cake tin

Put the batter in your cake tin. Then, spread it out evenly. A spatula works best for this.

7. Bake the cake

Bake the cake in the oven until it’s done. You’ll know it’s ready when a tester comes out clean from the center.

8. Cool the cake and prepare the frosting

After baking, let the cake sit in its tin for a bit. Then, cool it on a rack completely. This is before you add any frosting.

9. Make the buttercream frosting

While the cake is cooling, make your frosting. Beat the butter until it’s creamy. Add sugar, vanilla, and milk. Beat until it’s light and fluffy.

10. Frost the cake

Once the cake is cool, frost it with the buttercream. Use a spatula or a piping bag. You can decorate the top how you like.

Now you’ve mastered the vanilla tray cake. Time to bake, decorate, and enjoy every bite.

Serving and Storing the Vanilla Tray Bake Cake

After you bake your vanilla tray bake cake, it’s ready to be served. You can give it a simple topping, like colorful sprinkles or fresh fruit. Or add a special drizzle of melted chocolate for something more indulgent.

Storing this cake well is essential to keep it tasting great. For cakes to be eaten soon, keep them in an airtight container at room temperature. This keeps the cake soft and its flavor fresh for 3 to 4 days.

If you need to store the cake longer, like for leftovers, use the fridge. Remember, refrigerating it could make the frostings harder. Before serving, let the cake sit out to keep the frosting creamy.

If you ever make too much cake, freezing it is a great option. Cut it into pieces, wrap them well, and they’re good for up to 3 months. To unfreeze, just let it sit at room temperature until thawed.

This vanilla tray bake cake is loved by many, whether fresh or from the freezer. Its moist and tender texture and vanilla flavor always bring joy to any gathering.


Can I use a different type of flour for the vanilla tray bake cake?

It’s best to stick with plain flour. Using other flours can change how the cake feels and looks.

Can I use a different type of sugar in the recipe?

Usually, we use granulated sugar in this recipe. But you can try using brown sugar or coconut sugar. This will make the cake taste different.

Can I use a different flavor of extract instead of vanilla?

Vanilla makes a great classic taste in this cake. But, feel free to try other flavors like almond or lemon. This lets you change the cake’s taste to how you like it.

Can I freeze the vanilla tray bake cake with the frosting?

It’s better to freeze the cake by itself. Then, after it thaws, you can put the frosting on before serving.

Can I make the vanilla tray bake cake ahead of time?

Yes, you can. Make it before and keep it in a covered container for 3 to 4 days. This can help a lot for big days or parties.

Can I use this recipe to make cupcakes instead of a tray bake cake?

For sure! You can put the batter in cupcake liners. They should bake at the same heat. But, they will be ready in about 18 to 20 minutes.

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