Apple and Mincemeat Cake

Festive Apple and Mincemeat Cake for Holiday Cheer

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This Apple and Mincemeat Cake brings together the goodness of apples, mixed dried fruits, and seasonal spices. It’s a soft, moist, and flavorful dessert perfect for the holidays. The mincemeat filling adds a special holiday vibe, while the candied peel and extra spices create a wonderful smell.

This cake recipe is simple and loved by everyone. It’s great for sharing at Christmas parties or as a special treat for your family. So, if you want to wow your guests or make your family smile, try this Apple and Mincemeat Cake.

Indulge in the festive flavors of this Christmas mincemeat cake and elevate your holiday celebrations.

How to Make Festive Apple and Mincemeat Cake

To make this festive Apple and Mincemeat Cake, follow these simple steps:

  1. Cream together unsalted butter and caster sugar until light and fluffy.
  2. Add eggs and vanilla extract to the butter and sugar mixture, and mix until well combined.
  3. In a separate bowl, sift together plain flour, baking powder, ground cloves, ground cinnamon, and ground ginger.
  4. Add the dry mixture to the butter and sugar mixture, and gently stir until well combined.
  5. Stir in the mincemeat (mince pie filling) until fully incorporated.
  6. Pour the batter into a prepared sheet pan or traybake tin.
  7. Bake the cake at 350°F (180°C) for about 35 minutes, or until the center of the cake is cooked.
  8. Once baked, leave the cake to cool in the tin before removing and decorating.

For decoration, get creative with easy mince pie cake. Add pulled apart mince pies or dried orange slices to the top. Let children join in, decorating the mincemeat traybake. It’s a great Christmas activity for the whole family!

Now you know how to make this delicious mincemeat cake traybake. It’s time to gather your ingredients and get baking. Let the sweet aroma of apples and Christmas spices fill your kitchen. Enjoy the festive flavors of this indulgent holiday treat.


The Festive Mincemeat Cake is the perfect dessert for holiday cheer. Its mix of flavors and moistness will impress all. This cake captures the holiday’s spirit with apples, dried fruits, and Christmas spices.

For Christmas parties or a special family treat, this cake is ideal. Its taste and look make it outstanding. Add fun by decorating with your family, creating lasting memories.

This delicious cake is a must for your holiday celebrations. Its flavors and scent will cheer up your Christmas. It’s the best centerpiece for your dessert table.


What are the main flavors in the Festive Apple and Mincemeat Cake?

The cake is a mix of apples, dried fruits, and Christmas spices. This blend creates a unique taste.

How would you describe the texture of the cake?

The cake feels soft and moist in your mouth. It makes eating it a great experience.

Can children participate in decorating the cake?

Yes, kids can help decorate it. It’s a fun activity for the family during the holidays.

How long does it take to bake the Apple and Mincemeat Cake?

The cake bakes for about 35 minutes. You know it’s ready when the middle is cooked.

Is the Apple and Mincemeat Cake suitable for all age groups?

Definitely, it’s loved by everyone. It’s a great sweet treat for any holiday get-together.

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