Tarte a l'Oignon Recipe

French Specialty: Tarte a l’Oignon Recipe

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The Tarte a l’Oignon is a beloved French onion tart. It combines flaky pastry with caramelized onions, cream, and eggs. Sweet and savory tastes blend beautifully, delighting everyone. This tart suits many occasions – snacks, lunches, and parties. It impresses guests with its look and taste. The French onion tart recipe is seen as a delightful, simple, healthy, and affordable meal.

This recipe calls for 2 pounds of sweet onions. They give the tart a rich caramel flavor. It also has 2 cups of heavy cream, 4 eggs, 2 tablespoons of flour, and 1 cup of Emmenthal cheese. These add creamy and cheesy delight. Around 569 calories are in each serving. You should heat the oven to 400°F. Bake the tart for 20 minutes until its crust is golden.

After baking, serve the French onion tart hot for the best taste. It’s perfect for both a quick bite or a special dish for friends. Feel free to add bacon, herbs, or mustard. Pair it with salad, chips, new potatoes, or green beans. Enjoy this French classic and dive into the heart of French cuisine.

How to Make a Traditional French Onion Tart

Making a traditional French onion tart is easy. First, cook finely chopped onions in oil with salt and pepper. Do this until they are golden brown. In another bowl, mix eggs and cream. You can add herbs or mustard too. Fry bacon separately, if you’re using it, and then mix it in.

After caramelising the onions, mix them with the egg and cream. Put pastry in a dish, then add the onion mix. Bake it at 200°C for 30 minutes. The tart turns golden brown. It tastes great hot. Enjoy it with salad, chips, potatoes, or beans.

Ingredients: Instructions:
  • 1 sheet of ready-made pastry
  • 4 large onions, finely chopped
  • 2 tablespoons olive oil
  • Salt and pepper to taste
  • 3 eggs
  • 200ml heavy cream
  • Optional: bacon, herbs, mustard
  1. Preheat the oven to 200°C.
  2. In a pan, sweat the finely chopped onions in olive oil over medium heat until golden brown.
  3. In a separate bowl, beat the eggs and mix in the cream.
  4. Optional: fry the bacon in a separate pan until crispy.
  5. Remove the onions from the heat and add them to the egg and cream mixture.
  6. Line a pie or tart dish with the sheet of pastry.
  7. Pour the onion mixture over the pastry.
  8. Bake in the preheated oven for 30 minutes or until the tart is golden brown.
  9. Remove from the oven and let it cool slightly before serving.

The French onion tart is tasty and versatile. It works great as a snack, lunch, or party food. The mix of sweet onions and creamy filling is delightful. Serve it warm with a side like salad, chips, potatoes, or beans for a full meal.

Other Delicious French Tarts and Pies

French cuisine offers many delicious tarts and pies. They’re perfect if you love savoury or sweet treats. Each one is a journey through France’s culinary delights.

The tarte de soleil shines among them. It looks like the sun and is easy to make. Its flaky crust and tasty filling will wow your friends.

Cheese fans should try the cheesy Reblochon pie. It’s made with creamy Reblochon cheese and packed with flavour. Enjoy it with a green salad for a true French meal.

Love the Tarte a l’Oignon? Try the Pissaladière. It’s made with caramelized onions, olives, and anchovies. This tart is a sweet and salty treat you can’t resist.

Don’t miss the tarte flambée, or flammekueche. It’s a thin, crispy tart with cheese, onions, and bacon. Its simple yet delicious flavours are a hit with everyone.

If you’re eager to try new French desserts or looking for alternatives to Tarte a l’Oignon, these options will satisfy your cravings. They’ll bring the wonders of French cooking right to your table.


Is Tarte a l’Oignon a traditional French dish?

Indeed, Tarte a l’Oignon, or French onion tart, is a beloved classic in France.

What is Tarte a l’Oignon made of?

This delightful tart consists of a buttery pastry crust. It’s filled with sweet caramelized onions, cream, and eggs.

How can I enjoy Tarte a l’Oignon?

Enjoy it as a tasty snack, a fulfilling lunch, or a delightful starter. It’s perfect for sharing with friends and family too.

How do I make a traditional French onion tart?

Start by cooking finely chopped onions until they’re perfectly golden. Beat eggs in a bowl, mix in cream, and add your choice of herbs or mustard. You can also mix in fried bacon if you like.

After the onions caramelise, take them off the heat and combine with the egg mixture. Place pastry in a dish, add the onion mix on top. Bake at 200°C for 30 minutes or until it looks golden.

What are some popular French tarts and pies?

France is famous for its tarts and pies, offering a wide range. Favorites include the tarte de soleil, the cheese-filled Reblochon pie, the savory Pissaladière, and the delicious tarte flambée. Each has unique tastes and textures.

Can I customize the Tarte a l’Oignon recipe?

Absolutely, feel free to add bacon, herbs, or mustard to tailor it to your liking. It’s a versatile recipe that welcomes creativity.


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