Rectangular Tart Pan Recipes

Geometric Baking: Rectangular Tart Pan Recipes

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Rectangular tart pans make your baking look visually appealing. They bring out creative and geometric designs. Explore geometric baking with delicious rectangular tart pan recipes.

Rhubarb Alsatian Tart: A Versatile and Delicious Recipe

The Rhubarb Alsatian Tart comes from Alsace, France. It’s a custard tart you can make with any seasonal fruit. In spring, rhubarb adds a tangy taste.

Stone fruits brighten it in summer. Tart apples give a lovely flavour in autumn. The short crust pie dough crust matches the creamy filling and fruit’s tartness well. This tart is great for anyone who loves baking and wants to use a rectangular tart pan.

This tart is perfect if you want to impress with your baking skills. Its vibrant colours and flavours will wow your family and friends. The rectangular tart pan makes it look elegant too.

How to Make Rhubarb Alsatian Tart

Here are the steps to bake your own Rhubarb Alsatian Tart:

  1. Prepare the short crust pie dough and chill it.
  2. Roll out the dough and line your tart pan, trimming extra dough.
  3. Blind bake the tart shell until golden.
  4. Mix eggs, sugar, cream, and vanilla for the custard.
  5. Pour the custard into the tart shell.
  6. Top with rhubarb or chosen fruit in a pretty pattern.
  7. Bake until the custard sets and fruit is tender.
  8. Let the tart cool before serving.

Add powdered sugar on top when serving if you like. This Rhubarb Alsatian Tart is perfect for tea, brunch, or special occasions.

“The Rhubarb Alsatian Tart is the epitome of versatility and deliciousness. With its custard-based filling and choice of seasonal fruit, it’s a true delight for the taste buds.” – Chef Julia Child

Why Choose a Rectangular Tart Pan?

A rectangular tart pan makes your bakes look unique and stylish. Its shape lets you create creative designs. Compared to round pans, it has a larger area, so your tart has more filling.

It’s great for serving at gatherings because you can slice it easily. This ensures everyone gets an even piece of this tasty tart.

Where to Find a Rectangular Tart Pan

You can find rectangular tart pans online or at kitchenware shops. Choose a durable pan for even heating and easy tart release.

Blood Orange Citrus Tart: A Tangy and Colorful Delight

Join the celebration of citrus with the Blood Orange Citrus Tart. This delicious tart uses various citrus fruits. It tastes incredible and looks like artwork. The sourness of the blood oranges and the sweet tart shell create a perfect balance with the filling’s tangy taste.

From now until March is the ideal time for this recipe. This period offers the best selection of blood oranges, cara cara oranges, and navels. These fruits add bright colour and tangy taste to the tart, making it a refreshing treat.

Try using an 8 or 9-inch rectangular tart pan for the perfect crust-to-filling ratio. If using a 10-inch pan, add 50% more filling for a thicker curd.

The Poppy Seed Tart Crust needs baking for 25 minutes at 350F. This makes the crust golden and flaky, matching the citrus filling beautifully.

For the meringue, keep an eye on the sugar and orange juice mix with a candy thermometer. Heat it till 250F for the right meringue texture.

Make sure the tart chills in the fridge after assembly. This step improves the flavour and texture, offering a better taste.

Even without the meringue, the tart stays good for a week. It’s perfect for gatherings or enjoying a slice every day.

To make it fancier, add a bit of pink gel food colour to the cara cara orange curd and meringue. This subtle change brings a lovely pink shade, making the tart look more appealing.

The Blood Orange Citrus Tart brings a zing of tart and tangy flavours. Its simple beauty, alongside the citrus burst, will impress anyone. Delight in the richness of citrus season with this vibrant tart.

Percentage breakdown of citrus flavours used in the Blood Orange Citrus Tart

Citrus Flavor Percentage
Blood oranges 30%
Cara cara oranges 50%
Navels 20%


Rectangular tart pans unlock a world of baking for those who love to create. You can make a variety of tarts, like a Rhubarb Alsatian Tart or a Blood Orange Citrus Tart. These pans let you play with shapes and designs, making your desserts stand out.

Such desserts are sure to impress at any event. So, pick up your rectangular tart pan today. Start on a baking adventure that will transform your sweet treats. With these Rectangular Tart Pan Recipes and the beauty of Geometric Baking, your baking will reach new heights.


What is the advantage of using a rectangular tart pan instead of a round one?

A rectangular tart pan lets you bake in a unique shape. This shape makes your baking stand out. It’s perfect for creative designs that will grab everyone’s attention.

Can I use any fruit for the Rhubarb Alsatian Tart?

Yes, you can use any seasonal fruit for the Rhubarb Alsatian Tart. Rhubarb adds a tangy flavor in spring. In summer, stone fruits are perfect. Tart apples in fall bring a delightful taste.

When is the best time to make the Blood Orange Citrus Tart?

The best time for the Blood Orange Citrus Tart is during peak citrus season. This season runs from now through March. Then, you get to enjoy the full, vibrant flavors and colors of citrus.


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