Cherry and Coconut Cake Mary Berry

Mary Berry’s Cherry and Coconut Cake: A Lush Dessert

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Crave something sweet? Try Mary Berry’s Cherry and Coconut Cake. It’s perfect for any get-together. Combining cherries and coconut, this treat is both delicious and pretty.

Imagine tasting a soft cake filled with cherries and coconut. It’s so good, your friends will want more.

Mary Berry’s recipe uses top-notch ingredients. You’ll need things like glacé cherries, butter, and coconut. They make the cake taste amazing.

The cake looks as good as it tastes. It’s made in cupcake cases. Then it’s topped with pretty pink icing, a cherry, and some coconut. This dessert is a feast for your eyes and your mouth.

Why save this cake for special times? Make it whenever you like. Enjoy Mary Berry’s Cherry and Coconut Cake. Let it bring joy to you and your friends.

Ingredients and Method

To make Mary Berry’s Cherry and Coconut Cake, you will need the following ingredients:

  • Cupcake cases
  • Glacé cherries
  • Butter
  • Caster sugar
  • Eggs
  • Self-raising flour
  • Desiccated coconut
  • Baking powder
  • Pink food coloring
  • Icing sugar

Here’s how to make the cake:

  1. Preheat the oven as the recipe says.
  2. Wash and dry the glacé cherries, then chop them in half.
  3. Cream together the butter and sugar until they are fluffy.
  4. In the bowl, add eggs, flour, coconut, and baking powder. Mix well.
  5. Now, put the cherries and a bit of pink color in. Carefully stir.
  6. Put the batter into cupcake cases, fill them two-thirds.
  7. Bake until they are golden brown, following the recipe’s time.
  8. While they bake, make icing by beating butter and sugar until smooth.
  9. After cakes cool, ice them with the buttercream. You can pipe or spread it.
  10. Finally, top with a cherry and sprinkle coconut over for flavor and looks.

Tips and Serving Suggestions

For Mary Berry’s Cherry and Coconut Cake, precise steps in the recipe are crucial. Following these closely brings out the best in your baking. Here are some helpful hints:

Start by making sure the cherries are clean and cut right. This makes them perfect for the cake mix.

Adding pink food coloring not only makes the cakes look pretty. It also gives them a nice color with the white icing.

Make sure the cakes are totally cool before you put on the icing. This way, the icing will harden properly. It makes the cakes better to eat.

After your Cherry and Coconut Cakes are done, it’s great to know how to serve them. They go well with tea or coffee. Enjoy them after dinner or for a special break in your day. Use a cake stand for a fancy touch.


Can I use fresh cherries instead of glacé cherries in Mary Berry’s Cherry and Coconut Cake?

Yes, you can use fresh cherries in place of glacé cherries. Just know fresh cherries might add more moisture. This can change the cake’s texture.

Can I substitute the self-raising flour with all-purpose flour?

Yes, you can swap self-raising flour for all-purpose flour. Just mix 2 teaspoons of baking powder with 150 grams (1 cup) of all-purpose flour. This will give it the same lift.

How long does it take to bake Mary Berry’s Cherry and Coconut Cake?

The bake time varies based on your oven and the cupcake size. Larger cupcakes might take a bit longer. Aim for 18-20 minutes until they’re golden and firm.

Always use a toothpick. If it comes out clean, they’re ready. If not, keep baking.

Can I freeze Mary Berry’s Cherry and Coconut Cake?

Yes, you can freeze this cake. First, wrap the cakes tightly. Then, place them in a container that’s safe for the freezer. They’ll last for up to 3 months this way.

To serve, thaw them in the fridge overnight. This keeps the cakes moist.

Can I use a different food coloring for the icing?

Yes, feel free to use a different food coloring for the icing. Try new colors to match the occasion. It’s up to your personal style.

Can I make this cake in a different shape, like a traditional round cake?

Indeed, you can make a round Cherry and Coconut Cake. Simply adjust the baking time. A larger, round tin might need more time in the oven.

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