Apple Upside Down Cake Mary Berry

Mary Berry’s Classic Apple Upside Down Cake: A British Favorite

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Looking for a cozy and tasty British dessert? Mary Berry’s Apple Upside Down Cake is a top pick. It’s been loved for many years. And for good reason!

This dessert has a moist sponge, sweet apple topping, and nutty almonds. It’s a perfect mix of flavors and textures, reminding you of home.

The recipe uses basic ingredients. You’ll need flour, sugar, eggs, and apples. Anyone can make this, whether you’re a pro or just starting out.

Bake it in a special 20cm tin. It’s crowned with flaked almonds for crunch. When it’s done, the cake is golden and pulls away from the tin’s sides just right.

This cake is not only delicious but also easy to serve. Enjoy it warm with ice cream. Or have a slice with morning coffee for a special start to your day.

It’s perfect for dinners or a simple night in. Mary Berry’s Apple Upside Down Cake is a hit. It’s a taste of Britain that everyone will love.

Giving this recipe a try is a great idea. It’s a wonderful dessert that brings British warmth to your table.

Mary Berry’s Apple Upside Down Cake Recipe

Make Mary Berry’s Apple Upside Down Cake for a tasty treat. These steps are easy and the result is a hit with everyone.

  1. Preheat the oven to 160C/fan 140C/gas 3.
  2. Lightly grease a deep 20cm loose-bottomed cake tin.
  3. In a bowl, mix flour, baking powder, sugar, eggs, almond extract, and melted butter. Mix well for a rich cake base. This step is key for a moist and tasty result.
  4. Put half of this mix into your prepared tin. Smooth it out to make a good base.
  5. Place thick apple slices on top, mostly in the center. This makes the cake’s top both beautiful and yummy.
  6. Add the rest of the mix over the apples. Gently spread it out to cover them all.
  7. Now, sprinkle flaked almonds on top. This adds a nice crunch and flavor.
  8. Bake for 1¼-1½ hours, until golden and pulling away from the tin edges.
  9. Let it cool some before serving.

Once it’s a bit cooler, enjoy the cake warm. Top with vanilla ice cream or crème fraîche for a tasty update. Or, have a slice for breakfast with your coffee. It’s a sweet way to start your day.

A slice of Mary Berry’s Apple Upside Down Cake with caramelized apples and a moist cake base.

Tips and Variations

Here are some tips and fun tweaks for your Apple Upside Down Cake:

Tips for Apple Upside Down Cake:

  • Pick firm apples like Granny Smith or Honeycrisp. This will keep them from getting mushy when you bake.
  • Grease the cake tin well before you put the ingredients in. It makes the cake easy to take out later.
  • Start with a mix of melted butter and brown sugar at the bottom of the tin. Then add your sliced apples for a tasty topping.
  • Add a bit of cinnamon or nutmeg to the batter for more flavor and moisture.
  • To know if the cake is ready, use a toothpick. If it comes out of the cake clean, it’s time to take it out of the oven.

Variations of Apple Upside Down Cake:

Apple and Cinnamon: Mix some ground cinnamon into the batter. Then, sprinkle more cinnamon on top of the apples. It makes the cake smell amazing.

Apple and Cranberry: Include dried cranberries with the apples. This adds a tart kick and a festive touch.

Apple and Pecan: Add chopped pecans. They give a nice crunch and a nutty flavor.

Apple and Maple: Use maple syrup instead of brown sugar in the topping. It makes the cake taste rich and sweet.

Don’t be afraid to try new flavor combos with your Apple Upside Down Cake. There’s so much you can do!

Variations of Apple Upside Down Cake


Mary Berry’s Apple Upside Down Cake is a beloved classic in Britain. It’s known for its simple yet delicious tastes. This cake is perfect for dessert or breakfast, making it a versatile treat.

The moist sponge and sweet, caramelized apple topping create a perfect mix. Almonds give it a delightful crunch. It’s a dessert that brings joy to everyone who tries it.

Why not try making this classic dish yourself? Enjoy the taste of Britain with Mary Berry’s Apple Upside Down Cake.


Can I use any type of apple for Mary Berry’s Apple Upside Down Cake?

Yes, any apple will work. It’s perfect for using up old or extra apples.

Can I make Mary Berry’s Apple Upside Down Cake ahead of time?

Yes, you can make it in advance. Serve it warm or freeze for later for up to 3 months.

What size cake tin should I use for Mary Berry’s Apple Upside Down Cake?

Use a deep 20cm tin with a loose bottom for the best results.

How long does it take to bake Mary Berry’s Apple Upside Down Cake?

It takes 1¼-1½ hours to bake. You know it’s ready when it’s golden and pulls away from the tin.

Can I enjoy Mary Berry’s Apple Upside Down Cake for breakfast?

Enjoy it for breakfast with your coffee or tea. It’s a nice morning treat.

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