Moist Coconut Loaf Cake

Perfectly Moist Coconut Loaf Cake Recipe

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Enjoy the divine flavors of our Moist Coconut Loaf Cake. It is moist and full of coconut flavor. Every bite offers a fine crumb texture with a sweet tropical taste. Whether you love coconut or moist pound cakes, it’s perfect for you.

This recipe uses high-quality ingredients. You’ll need butter, coconut milk, sugar, eggs, flour, baking powder, salt, and shredded coconut. Together, they make a cake that tastes like a tropical paradise.

Follow our simple instructions to make this amazing dessert. Each step, from creaming the butter and sugar to folding in the coconut, is important. This ensures your cake is the moistest and most delicious.

After baking, enhance the coconut taste with a coconut milk glaze and dried coconut. This extra step adds more coconut flavor and a beautiful look.

Our cake can be frozen, making it easy to enjoy anytime. Have it with tea for a relaxing treat or at an Afternoon Tea. The taste is memorable and versatile.

Why wait? Try making this moist coconut loaf cake and delight in a tropical flavor. You’ll impress your loved ones with a simple, yet amazing dessert. It’s your time to experience our Perfectly Moist Coconut Loaf Cake.

Ingredients and Instructions for Moist Coconut Loaf Cake

Try a Moist Coconut Loaf Cake for a taste of the tropics. It’s a simple recipe for a cake that’s soft and bursting with coconut flavor. Your loved ones will be amazed at the dessert you’ve made.


  • 1 cup (225g) unsalted butter, softened
  • 1 cup (240ml) coconut milk
  • 2 cups (400g) granulated sugar
  • 4 large eggs
  • 3 cups (360g) all-purpose flour
  • 2 teaspoons baking powder
  • 1/2 teaspoon salt
  • 1 cup (85g) shredded coconut


  1. Preheat your oven to 350°F (175°C) and grease a 9×5-inch loaf pan.
  2. In a big bowl, mix the softened butter and sugar until creamy.
  3. Beat in the eggs, one by one, until well combined.
  4. Now, slowly blend in the dry mix and the coconut milk. Start and finish with the dry mix. Just mix until it’s all together.
  5. Then, gently add the shredded coconut without overmixing.
  6. Put the batter in the loaf pan evenly.
  7. Bake for about 1 hour and 5 minutes, or until a toothpick comes out clean from the center.
  8. Let it sit in the pan for 10 minutes, and then cool it further on a rack.

After your cake has cooled, make it look even more appealing. Mix 1 cup of powdered sugar with 3 tablespoons of coconut milk until it’s smooth. Then, drizzle it over the cake and top with more coconut. This adds extra taste and looks.

Enjoy your Coconut Loaf Cake within a few days for the best experience. Keep it in a container at room temperature. It’s perfect with a cup of tea, or as a treat when friends come over. You’ll be remembered for its moistness and coconut goodness!

Tips for Making the Best Moist Coconut Loaf Cake

Want to nail the Moist Coconut Loaf Cake? Follow these expert tips. They’ll help you get it just right every single time.

  • Use room temperature ingredients: Room temperature eggs and ingredients are key. They blend better, ensuring a cake that’s both moist and tender.
  • Avoid overmixing: Overmixing leads to a cake that’s dense. Mix until just combined to keep it light and fluffy.
  • Monitor baking time: Watch the clock during baking to avoid mishaps. Since all ovens differ, test the cake with a toothpick. If it pulls out clean or with a few crumbs, it’s good to go.
  • Prevent over-browning: If the top browns too fast, cover it with foil. This step makes sure your cake’s crust is just right, not overdone or burnt.
  • Choose the right pan: Your pan choice makes a big difference. Pick a ceramic loaf pan for even baking. It will result in a cake that’s perfectly cooked all over.
  • Allow for proper cooling: Let the cake cool fully before glazing. This way, the glaze sticks perfectly, making your cake both beautiful and tasty.

Stick to these suggestions, and you’ll whip up an amazing Moist Coconut Loaf Cake. It’ll win hearts with its flavor, texture, and look.

Moist Coconut Loaf Cake


The Moist Coconut Loaf Cake is a delicious dessert. It’s moist and tastes like rich coconut. Your friends and family will love it. Enjoy a slice with tea or add it to your Afternoon Tea.

Make this cake at home. The recipe is simple and needs easy-to-find ingredients. Follow the steps and tips for a perfect cake each time.

Looking for a moist, coconutty treat? Try this recipe. It’s easy and will have you wanting more. Enjoy baking and tasting this amazing cake!


Can I use desiccated coconut instead of shredded coconut for this recipe?

Yes, you can use desiccated coconut instead of shredded in this recipe. The cake’s texture might change a bit.

Can I freeze the Moist Coconut Loaf Cake?

Yes, this cake is fine to freeze. Just wrap it well in plastic or foil. Then, thaw in the fridge before you eat it.

How long can I keep the Moist Coconut Loaf Cake?

Keep this cake at room temp for 3 days. It lasts up to 1 week in the fridge, if needed.

What can I serve with the Moist Coconut Loaf Cake?

Enjoy this cake by itself or with tea. It’s also good for an Afternoon Tea with more treats and small sandwiches.

Can I use a different type of pan for baking the Moist Coconut Loaf Cake?

Yes, you can use a different pan. Just note, the baking time might change. Adjust the time to fit your new pan.

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