Strawberry Rhubarb Tart Recipe

Summer Classic: Strawberry Rhubarb Tart Recipe

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This strawberry rhubarb tart recipe is a superb summer dessert. It blends ripe strawberries and rhubarb. This mix creates a sweet and tart flavor delight. The tart has a crumbly topping and a buttery crust. A sure favorite at summer events.

Summer brings fresh, lively fruits. This tart highlights the best summer fruits. It needs 150g of AP Flour for a crunchy crust.

It also uses 50g of Hazelnut Flour for a nutty taste. Plus, 2 1/2 Tablespoons of Sugar.

The filling is the highlight. It uses Rhubarb and Strawberries with 1 Cup of Sugar. Plus, Cornstarch, Salt, Vanilla, Lemon Juice, and Zest for juiciness.

When baking, set your oven to 350°F. Use a 12″ tart pan. Roll the dough and bake for 45 minutes.

A dollop of whipped cream tops off this dessert. Whip Heavy Cream, Confectioners Sugar, and Vanilla until stiff. It’s the perfect final touch.

For a fruity, summery dessert, try this tart. Its flavors and crust make summer days brighter. Find the full recipe here. Taste the sweetness of summer.

Tips for Making the Perfect Strawberry Rhubarb Tart

Creating the perfect strawberry rhubarb tart requires some key baking tips. These tips help your tart look and taste amazing. You’ll get a golden crust and delicious flavors every time.

1. Bake for the Full Recommended Time

Don’t take the tart out of the oven too soon. Even if the crust’s edges look golden brown, the bottom might still be undercooked. This can make the crust soggy. Always bake it for the time given in the recipe. This makes sure the crust cooks well and stays crisp.

2. Use Fresh Fruit Whenever Possible

For a vibrant and tasty tart, use fresh fruit. Fresh strawberries and rhubarb make the tart juicy and bright. Choose ripe, in-season fruits for the best sweetness and tang. Fresh fruit also has less water, so your tart stays firm and not too wet.

3. Macerate and Drain the Fruit

Macerating fruit is important for a great strawberry rhubarb tart. Mix the fruit with sugar and let it sit. This brings out their natural juices and flavors. Then, drain the fruit to get rid of extra liquid. This step keeps your tart from getting too moist and keeps the crust crisp.

Follow these tips, use fresh fruit, and macerate the strawberries and rhubarb for the best results. You’ll end up with a strawberry rhubarb tart that’s perfectly baked. It will be full of fresh, fruity flavors. Now, let’s dive into the recipe for this wonderful summer dessert.


This strawberry rhubarb tart recipe is perfect for summertime. The sweet and tangy flavors of strawberries and rhubarb mix well. They make a refreshing treat that everyone will love.

The crust is buttery and crumbles nicely. Each bite is full of fresh flavors. It’s a classic dessert that brings out the best of summer.

To make it perfect, use fresh fruit and bake it as advised. This will ensure your tart comes out great every time you make it.

Embrace summer’s sweetness today. Treat yourself to this amazing strawberry rhubarb tart. It’s a sure way to delight your taste buds.


Can I use frozen fruit instead of fresh strawberries and rhubarb?

We suggest using fresh fruit for the best results. Fresh strawberries and rhubarb have less water. This means your tart will have a better texture and won’t be too juicy.

How long should I bake the tart for?

Bake the tart for the full time suggested. Even if the edges look ready, this makes sure the bottom cooks well. It helps avoid a wet bottom.

Why is it important to macerate and drain the fruit?

Macerating and draining the fruit takes out extra moisture. This step keeps the crust from getting soggy. It’s crucial for the tart’s perfect texture.

Can I substitute the pate sucree crust with a different type of crust?

Yes, you can try other crusts, though the pate sucree crust matches the filling’s flavours best. Other crusts might change the tart’s taste and feel.

Can I make the tart in advance?

You can indeed prepare the tart beforehand. Yet, it tastes best when fresh. If made early, keep it in a tight container in the fridge.


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