Moist Cherry and Coconut Cake

Ultra Moist Cherry and Coconut Cake for a Fruity Experience

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This ultra moist cherry and coconut cake is perfect for those who love fruity desserts. It’s different from your usual cake. Its loaf shape makes it denser and more flavorful, bursting with fruitiness with every bite.

It’s also vegan. That means everyone, including those who avoid dairy, can enjoy it. Even though it’s simple, its soft, moist inside and cherry-coconut flavor will make you want more.

The almond-flavored Swiss meringue buttercream is the star. It matches the cherry jam filling beautifully.

The cake is topped with desiccated coconut, glacé cherries, and mint leaves. This makes it look amazing on any table, perfect for celebrations.

Its fruity, refreshing taste will win over anyone who tries it. This cake promises a unique and delicious experience for all your guests!

Easy and Delicious Cherry and Coconut Cake Recipe

Making this cake is quick and simple. Just mix the wet and dry ingredients with flour-coated glacé cherries. You can do it all in one bowl, making cleanup easy.

The buttercream has almond extract to go with the cherries. After baking, stack the layers with buttercream and cherry jam. Then, ice the whole cake with buttercream.

Decorate with coconut, glacé cherries, and mint leaves. It’s not just tasty but also fun to make.


  • 1 ½ cups all-purpose flour
  • 1 ½ teaspoons baking powder
  • ¼ teaspoon salt
  • ½ cup vegan butter, softened
  • ¾ cup granulated sugar
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla extract
  • ½ cup coconut milk
  • ½ cup chopped glacé cherries
  • ¼ teaspoon almond extract


  1. Preheat the oven to 350°F (180°C) and grease two 6-inch cake pans.
  2. In a bowl, whisk together the flour, baking powder, and salt.
  3. In another bowl, beat the softened vegan butter and sugar until it’s fluffy.
  4. Beat in the vanilla extract.
  5. Add the dry mix and coconut milk into the creamed mixture slowly.
  6. Mix until just combined, and then fold in the cherries.
  7. Pour the batter into the cake pans evenly.
  8. Bake for 25-30 minutes until a toothpick comes out clean in the center.
  9. Let them cool in the pans for 10 minutes, then cool on a rack.
  10. Prepare the Swiss meringue buttercream using this recipe: [insert link to Swiss meringue buttercream recipe]
  11. Once the cakes and buttercream are cool, sandwich them with a layer of each.
  12. Spread cherry jam over the buttercream on one layer.
  13. Put the other cake layer on top.
  14. Use a thin layer of buttercream to cover the cake, then chill for 15 minutes.
  15. Take it out, and cover with more buttercream, smoothing the surface.
  16. Top with coconut, cherries, and mint leaves.
  17. Now, you’re ready to slice and enjoy your cake!

A Perfect Combination of Flavors in a Coconut Cake

This coconut cake is a delightful mix of traditional southern coconut layer cake and sheet cake memories. It’s easy to make with a white cake mix. Cream of coconut makes it tasty, while a sour cream mix keeps it moist and sweet.

The secret is the rich cream cheese topping. It’s made with cream cheese, butter, powdered sugar, and vanilla. This creamy frosting makes the cake taste even better.

To top things off, there’s a mix of toasted and untoasted coconut. This adds a nice crunch and more coconut flavor. With its rich taste and creamy frosting, this cake is sure to please.


Is this cherry and coconut cake suitable for vegans?

Yes, this cake is perfect for vegans. It’s made without any animal products.

How long does it take to make this cherry and coconut cake?

The cake is quick to make. It only takes a short time to prepare.

Can I use a different flavor of jam for the filling?

Yes, you can pick any jam flavor you like. It’s a chance to get creative, adding your favorite taste.

Can I substitute the almond extract in the buttercream with another flavor?

Of course! Use any extract you enjoy. Just make sure it goes well with cherry’s taste.

What can I use instead of cream of coconut in the coconut cake recipe?

If you don’t have cream of coconut, coconut milk works too. It offers a similar coconut taste.

Can I make the coconut cake without using a cake mix?

Yes, you can make it without a pre-mix. Follow a recipe for a basic white cake. Add coconut cream for flavor.

How long does it take to assemble and decorate the coconut cake?

Decorating takes time but is also fun. It’s a chance to show your creativity.

Can I omit the shredded coconut topping on the coconut cake?

If you don’t like shredded coconut, you can leave it out. Or, use another topping you prefer.

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