Irish Buttermilk Scones

Emerald Isle: Irish Buttermilk Scones Recipe

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Irish Scones are much-loved in Ireland, often seen at breakfast or tea. They’re fluffy, soft, and have a bit of sweetness. This authentic recipe comes from chef Darina Allen.

Darina’s secret is grated cold butter, making the scones light. Though many recipes use buttermilk, these are made with regular milk. They’re perfect with jam and cream.

Enjoy these scones any time. They’re ideal for morning tea or an afternoon snack. Plus, you can bake them in advance and enjoy them for days.

This Irish buttermilk scones recipe is sure to bring the Emerald Isle’s charm to your home.

What are Irish Scones and How to Make Them?

Irish scones are quick breads made from common kitchen items. They are not like other scones, which are often triangular. Irish scones are round with a crumbly texture. To make a traditional Irish scone at home, here are the steps:

  1. Start by whisking together 300g of plain flour, 50g of caster sugar, 2 teaspoons of baking powder, and a pinch of salt in a mixing bowl.
  2. Add 75g of grated cold butter to the dry ingredients. Rub it in with your hands until it looks like fine breadcrumbs.
  3. In a separate bowl, whisk together 150ml of milk, 1 egg, and 1 teaspoon of vanilla extract.
  4. Add most of the liquid mixture to the dry ingredients. Gently mix with a fork until a sticky dough forms.
  5. Transfer the dough onto a floured surface. Gently pat it into a disc that’s about 2cm thick.
  6. Use a 5cm round cookie cutter to cut out the scones. Place them on a baking tray lined with parchment paper.
  7. Brush the tops with the remaining liquid mixture. Sprinkle with demerara sugar for crunch.
  8. Bake the scones in a preheated oven at 200°C for 12-15 minutes. They should be tall, puffy, and golden brown.
  9. Once baked, transfer the scones to a wire rack to cool slightly.

Once ready, enjoy your Irish scones warm with butter, your favourite jam, and whipped cream. These homemade scones will show the beauty of Irish baking and are sure to impress.

Tips and Variations for Perfect Irish Scones

To make even better Irish scones, consider these tips:

  • For scones that rise well, use fresh baking powder and cold butter. Cold butter makes steam pockets that help the scones rise.
  • If you like fruity scones, add dried fruit like raisins or currants. Fresh or frozen berries add natural sweetness.
  • For more texture and flavour, add chopped nuts, seeds, or chocolate chips.
  • To make scones ahead of time, prepare and cut the dough, then freeze. When ready, bake from frozen, adding extra time.
  • To reheat scones, warm them in the microwave for a few seconds or in a low oven for a couple of minutes.

With these ideas, you can make a variety of delicious scones. Happy baking!

Tips and Variations for Perfect Irish Scones

If your scones won’t rise, don’t worry. First, check your baking powder is fresh. Make sure your butter is cold as well. These are crucial for light, fluffy scones. Also, mix the dough gently to avoid overworking it. Handling it too much makes the scones tough.

To make your Irish scones taste even better, try adding fruits. Dried fruits like raisins or fresh berries work well. You can also add nuts or chocolate chips. These ingredients enhance the scones’ flavour and texture.

Irish scones can be made ahead of time and stored. But, they taste best when baked fresh. To enjoy leftovers, simply reheat them. Use the microwave or a low oven to warm them up.

Irish scones are perfect for breakfast or tea. They use fine ingredients such as buttermilk and Irish butter. With these tips and your creativity, you can bake the perfect scones. Enjoy their warm, buttery flavour at home.


Can I use salted butter instead of unsalted butter in the recipe?

Yes, you can use salted butter. Just reduce the added salt in the dry ingredients.

Can I substitute buttermilk for regular milk?

Yes, buttermilk is a good substitute for regular milk. It will make the scones slightly tangy.

Can I freeze the scone dough?

Definitely! Wrap the dough in plastic wrap. Store it in the freezer for up to a month. Thaw in the fridge before you bake it.

How should I store the baked scones?

After cooling, keep them in an airtight container. They stay fresh at room temperature for 3 days. You can freeze them for a month.

Can I add chocolate chips to the scones?

Absolutely, add chocolate chips or your favourite mix-ins. Just fold them into the dough before you shape and bake.


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