brownie oreo cheesecake

Brownie Oreo Cheesecake Recipe: A Sinful Fusion

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Welcome to our Brownie Oreo Cheesecake recipe, a mix of decadence and delight. It blends a fudgy brownie base with a creamy cheesecake and crunchy Oreo tops. With each bite, indulge in a taste of heaven that’s hard to resist.

The heart of this treat is rich, dark chocolate. This ensures a brownie batter that’s beyond indulgent. We don’t stop there. By throwing in Oreo pieces, we’ve made a flavor and texture match that’s unforgettable. You’ll be reaching for more, we promise.

But, we add another layer of flavor. Cream cheese sits within the fudgiest part, bringing extra creaminess. On top, more Oreo pieces are dotted, making it look as good as it tastes.

Mastering the right texture is key. Mixing the brownie batter just enough keeps it delightfully dense. And letting the cheesecake layer settle adds to the dish’s perfection. Waiting for it to chill is definitely worth it.

This recipe makes a delicious 8×8 pan treat to enjoy for days. With simple storage in the fridge, it lasts up to 10 days. So, whether alone or with guests, this sinful mix is a hit every time.

Indulge in Decadent Brownie Goodness

Few treats match the joy of biting into a fudgy dark chocolate brownie. Just imagine that, plus the snap of Oreo cookies and a smooth cream cheese layer. It’s a dessert lover’s dream.

First, we make the brownie batter rich and dark from quality chocolate and butter. This mix gives the brownies a deep, luxurious taste we all crave. Plus, who can resist that delightful, crisp top layer?

Then, we raise the bar with Oreo cookie chunks. They bring a sweet crunch that elevates every bite. But wait, there’s more. We layer on soft, tangy cream cheese, mixing textures and flavors beautifully.

Before baking, we scatter more Oreo bits on top. This step ensures every piece is packed with Oreo delight. It’s a combo that makes you want seconds and thirds.

A Cream Cheese Layer that Sets the Stage

The cream cheese layer makes these brownies unforgettable. We start by melting cream cheese and sugar until they’re smooth. A bit of vanilla adds that extra something.

This creamy mix is spread atop the brownie batter. As it bakes, it turns into a soft, tangy layer. It’s a pleasant surprise with each chewy, chocolatey mouthful.

To get perfect slices, you must let them cool all the way. This step ensures the cream cheese layer won’t smudge. You’ll end up with Instagram-worthy brownies.

A Fusion of Indulgence and Creaminess

Enjoy our Oreo-loaded cheesecake brownies that are the ultimate treat. A mash-up of classic favorites, they mix rich, semi-sweet chocolate with the crunch of Oreo cookies. The cream cheese layer adds a decadent touch.

We start with a fudgy brownie base. It’s loaded with semi-sweet chocolate, sugar, and eggs. But that’s not all. We throw in crushed Oreos for more flavor and crunch.

Now, the cream cheese filling, this is the star. Creamy and tangy, it’s a perfect match for the brownie base. It’s a mix of cream cheese and sugar, with vanilla for flavor. This layer goes over the brownie batter, creating a beautiful pair of flavors.

But wait, we’re not done with Oreos. We add more crushed cookies on top. Then we bake these beauties until everything melds harmoniously.

After baking, the brownies need to chill. This makes the cream cheese layer just right. The result is a dessert that’s both creamy and not too gooey.

These brownies are perfect for any occasion. They offer the right mix of chocolate, Oreos, and a creamy topping. Best of all, they delight anyone with a sweet tooth.

Oreo-loaded cheesecake brownies

Ingredients: Instructions:
  • Semi-sweet chocolate
  • Flour
  • Sugar
  • Eggs
  • Cocoa powder
  • Vanilla extract
  • Oreo cookies
  • Cream cheese
  • More Oreo cookies for topping
  1. Melt the semi-sweet chocolate.
  2. In a separate bowl, mix together flour, sugar, eggs, cocoa powder, and vanilla extract.
  3. Crush some Oreo cookies and add them to the brownie batter.
  4. In another bowl, combine cream cheese, sugar, and vanilla extract until smooth.
  5. Pour the cream cheese filling over the brownie batter.
  6. Sprinkle more crushed Oreo cookies on top.
  7. Bake until the top is set.
  8. Cool in the refrigerator for at least an hour.


The brownie Oreo cheesecake is a yummy dessert. It mixes brownies, cheesecake, and Oreo cookies. This makes it perfect for anyone who loves sweet treats.

Whether you pick the plain or Oreo-packed one, you’ll get a mix of delicious tastes. It will make your sweet tooth very happy. So, have a slice of this amazing cake. It’s full of chocolate, cream cheese, and Oreos. Every bite is a joy.


Can I use any type of chocolate for the brownie batter?

For the best taste, use top-notch dark chocolate in the brownie batter.

How should I mix the brownie batter to achieve a fudgy texture?

Avoid overmixing. Adding flour gently helps get that desirable fudgy texture.

How long should I let the cream cheese layer set before cutting?

Let the cream cheese layer chill well before you cut and serve the brownie Oreo cheesecake.

Can I store the brownie Oreo cheesecake in the refrigerator?

Storing it in the fridge is fine. Use an airtight container and it will keep for 10 days.

How long does it take to bake the brownie Oreo cheesecake?

Baking time is 30-35 minutes for a perfectly cooked brownie Oreo cheesecake.

Should I cool the brownies before cutting?

Yes, cooling the brownies fully is crucial. It lets the cream cheese layer fully set.

How long should I cool the Oreo-loaded cheesecake brownies before cutting?

For best results, cool them in the fridge for at least an hour before cutting.

Are there any variations of the brownie Oreo cheesecake recipe?

Yes. Try the Oreo-loaded cheesecake brownies. They add a fun flavor and crunch with Oreo cookies.

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